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Section B Period 3 and 4 Jewish ; Jew more than thousand emperor foreigner quite certain the Olympic Games adv. 相当;十分 adj. 确实的;无疑 的 be certain 确信 … ,

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2 Section B Period 3 and 4

3 Jewish ; Jew more than thousand emperor foreigner quite certain the Olympic Games adv. 相当;十分 adj. 确实的;无疑 的 be certain 确信 … , 肯定 …=be sure 奥林匹克运动会 比 … 多 ; 多 于 …( =over) n. 一千 n. 外国人 n. 皇帝 n. 犹太人 adj. 犹太人的 具有 … 的风格 be in…style adj. 俄罗斯 ( 人 ) 的 Russian n. 影响 influence adj. 欧洲的 European n. 省会;首都 capital dynasty n. 朝代, 一朝

4 Australia --- Australian 澳大利亚人 ( 的 ) Russia --- Russian 俄罗斯人 ( 的 ) Jew --- Jewish 犹太人 --- 犹太人的 England --- English 英国人 ( 的 ) China --- Chinese 中国人 ( 的 ) Japan --- Japanese 日本人 ( 的 ) Europe --- European 欧洲人 ( 的 ) Asia --- Asian 亚洲人 ( 的 ) west --- western 西方人 ( 的 ) east --- eastern 东方人 ( 的 )

5 How many Chinese dynasties can you think of? Before you read

6 How many famous characters( 人物 ) from Chinese history can you think of? emperor Qin Dynasty emperor Tang Dynasty

7 Can you think of famous characters from the history of other countries? Hitler foreigner

8 What do you think of him? He is a great military scientist, but at the same time he was a cold-hearted person. Jew Jewish European Hitler

9 America PolandEnglandGermany SwedenEnglandJewRussia

10 What do you think of Chinese history? It has a long history. There are so many dynasties in it. And each dynasty has its own famous characters.( 人物 / 名人)

11 Reading: I’ve been studying history in China.

12 1. Leo has been teaching in China for___________. 2. Some of the old buildings in Harbin are _________________. 3. The welcomed the first Jews to China. 4. In Australia, students usually study and________ history. 5. The more Leo learns about,the more he enjoys ______ in China. two years in Russian style Song Emperor western Australia Chinese history living

13 What’s the writer’s name ? Where is he from? How long has he been teaching in China? Where does he teach? What does he think of the city? What influence is there in the city? What style are some of the buildings in? Retell the first paragraph according to the questions.

14 Since I came to China, I’ve been learning a lot about my family history. Although I’m Australian, my family is Jewish. So it was very interesting for me to learn that a lot of Jews came to live in Harbin many years ago. My parents were so surprised when I told them about this in China. In fact, the first Jews probably came to Kaifeng more than a thousand years ago, and were welcomed by the Song Emperor. Jewish adj. 犹太人的; Jew n. 犹太人 more than 比 … 多 ; 多于 …( = over ) thousand n. 一千 emperor n. 皇帝 It is + 形容词 +for sb to do sth 对于某人而言,做某事很 … were welcomed by the Song Emperor 受到宋皇帝的欢迎

15 It is + 形容词 +for sb to do sth 对于某人而言,做某事很 … 1. 对你来说完成此工作很容易. It’s easy for you to finish this work. 2. 对外国人来说学中文有点难. It’s a bit difficult for foreigners to learn Chinese.

16 Since I came to China,…………………… Although I am Australian……. So it was interesting for me to learn that…….many years ago. My parents were so surprised when…… In fact the first Jews probably came to Kaifeng …………and were welcomed by………….

17 When I lived in Australia, I studied history at school, but we usually studied Australian or western history. However, when I heard that I was going to work in China, I started studying Chinese history. I’ve been studying for over two years now. My friends in Australia said that Chinese history was very hard to understand, but I don’t really agree. I think if you study hard, you’ll be able to understand any culture. For a foreigner like me, the more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China. foreigner n. 外国人 for a foreigner like me 对于象我这样的外国人来说 Australian or western history hard to understand 很难理解 the more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China.

18 the + 比较级 …, the + 比较级 … 越 … 越 … 你学习越认真,你的成绩就会越 好. The harder you study, the better your grades will be.

19 1.When I live in Australia, I studied English at school. 2.But we usually studied Australian or eastern history. 3.When I heard that I was going to study in China, I stared learning Chinese history. 4.I have been studying Chinese history for over three years. 5.My friends in Australia said that Chinese history was very easy to understand. 6.I really don’t agree with my friends. 7.I think if you study hard, you’ll be able to understand any languages. 8.For a foreigner like me, the more I learn about Chinese history, the more I hate living in China.

20 Although I live quite far from Beijing, I’m certain I will be here for the Olympic Games in 2008! quite adv. 相当;十分 certain adj. 确实的;无疑的 be certain 确信 … , 肯定 …=be sure the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会 quite far from 距离 … 相当远

21 ※ 课堂练习 1.Where does the writer come from ? A. He comes from America. B. He comes from Australia. C. He comes from Kaifeng, China. D. He comes from Russia.

22 2.When did the first Jews come to China ? ※ 课堂练习 A. They came here one thousand years ago. B. They came here a hundred years ago. C. They came here ten hundred years ago. D. They came here 10,000 years ago.

23 ※ 课堂练习 3. What has Leo been studying for 2 years ? A.Jewish history. B. Western history. C. Chinese history. D. Australian history.

24 4. Which is the true statement ? ※ 课堂练习 A. Beijing is in the north of Harbin. B. The capital of Australia is Sydney. C. Harbin is quite far from Russia. D. Olympic game will be held in Beijing.

25 Group work A: I’m going to work in Australia. B:If you do that, you’ll miss your family. C:If she works far away, she will miss her family.

26 Now, it’s time for me to relax! Thank you and Goodbye!

27 Thank you

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