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Week 1 AP LANG & COMP UNIT 1: WORK AND CLASS. ObjectiveAssignmentsHW MonEstablish classroom norms and procedures WU: Summer work response & discussion.

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2 ObjectiveAssignmentsHW MonEstablish classroom norms and procedures WU: Summer work response & discussion Syllabus Seminars Vocab Module 1 Read 50 Essays Introduction; Return syllabus signature page; Prepare for vocab quiz, seminar TuesRead and analyze “On Compassion” WU: Quickwrite Pronoun/ antecedent agreement with indefinite pronouns Mode of Example/ exemplification Read and analyze “On Compassion” Return syllabus signature page; Prepare for vocab quiz, seminar WedRead and analyze “On Dumpster Diving” WU: Quickwrite Study vocab Mode of Process Analysis Read and Analyze “On Dumpster Diving” OR COMPUTER LAB TO EDIT SUMMER ESSAY Return syllabus signature page; Prepare for vocab quiz, seminar ThursRead and analyze “On Dumpster Diving” WU: Nickel and Dimed Vocab Quiz Review “On Dumpster Diving” Weekend homework: Timeline of American Literature and Native American Myths Return syllabus signature page; Prepare for seminar FriParticipate in a Seminar Seminar: Nickel and Dimed UNIT 1: WORK AND CLASS

3  Your name, and *something* about yourself NAME CARD

4  Write about  A person you know, or a character, whom you would characterize as “affable.” Use the term and make it clear how this person characterizes that quality.  Include the term “amenable” in your story.  Write about how the character notices or experiences an “anachronism.” TUESDAY QUICKWRITE

5  Under your quickwrite, reflect on the following:  What useful information did you find in the introduction of this book?  What would you disagree with or amend?  What study/reading advice would you give to a student who wanted to improve his/her skill level? 50 ESSAYS DISCUSSION

6  While essays use more than one mode of development, there is usually a prevailing mode  Example points to instances  Uses particulars to get at principles  Examples always used to support a thesis or main idea  Ex: The author uses current and projected neighborhood demographics to argue to lawmakers that they should increase ESL services in local schools.  Essays: “On Compassion” by Barbara Lazear Ascher RHETORICAL MODES: EXAMPLE/ EXEMPLIFICATION

7  Write about  A time in which you are feeling “apathetic.” You refer to an “anthology,” where you discover something quite interesting. Use the device of anthropomorphism in your story. WEDNESDAY QUICKWRITE

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