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Extreme sports Doing extreme sports requires special equipment, and a lot of courage.

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2 Extreme sports Doing extreme sports requires special equipment, and a lot of courage.

3 Sky diving Sky diving is a type of extreme sport where a sky diver is dropped from a helicopter or plane. During freefall he is doing some acrobatics

4 Street luge Street luge is an extreme sport. It involves riding a streetluge board (sometimes referred to as a sled) down a paved road or course with very high speeds.

5 Skateboarding Skateboarding is one of extreme sports. Skateboarding involves making various tricks, jumps etc. 21 st of June is an official skateboarding day.

6 Quiz Street luge is very hard sport, because there are very high ……. ……… ……… is extreme sport where a person is dropped from a plane or helicopter. Skateboarding is one of extreme sports. People make various……………. and ………...

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