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Rights and Responsibilities Are we responsible?. My Expectations Listen Respect Hands up.

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Presentation on theme: "Rights and Responsibilities Are we responsible?. My Expectations Listen Respect Hands up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rights and Responsibilities Are we responsible?

2 My Expectations Listen Respect Hands up

3 What have we been learning? What is important to me? How our rights and responsibilities help protect what is important to us and others?

4 Learning Objectives To discover how our rights and responsibilities affect other people To explore how we have responsibilities in all parts of our lives To examine how rights and responsibilities have changed for children over time To explore the relationship between responsibilities, rules and laws

5 Rights and responsibilities Rules and Laws Groups of three 5 EXAMPLES OF EACH Rules at school Rules at home Laws we have to live by Pick one and explain – What is it? What could happen if we don’t live by this rule/law?

6 Rights and….Wrongs What are the responsibilities of the average Year 7? How responsible are you? If your family was hungry, would you steal to feed them? Children and the Law…

7 Oliver Twist 1P8&playnext=1&list=PL045940BDB9E128CC 1P8&playnext=1&list=PL045940BDB9E128CC

8 Go back in time…. What was the crime this boy committed? Do 11-year-olds steal today? Would this sentence happen today? Do/should young offenders go to prison with adults? Does it matter if the boy stole because he was hungry?

9 Active Citizenship To be an active citizen we have a responsibility to improve life for everyone How can we do this At home? At school? In our local community? Across the UK? Across the globe?

10 How to live up to your responsibilities live-up-to-your-responsibilities live-up-to-your-responsibilities

11 Rights and responsibilities The responsible citizen and the Law Paying Tax Serving on a jury Voting Obeying criminal law

12 Have we met our learning objectives? To discover how our rights and responsibilities affect other people To explore how we have responsibilities in all parts of our lives To examine how rights and responsibilities have changed for children over time To explore the relationship between responsibilities, rules and laws

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