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This guide explains how to obtain top-up illustrations for accounts affected by the share class conversion programme on the Old Mutual Wealth platform.

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Presentation on theme: "This guide explains how to obtain top-up illustrations for accounts affected by the share class conversion programme on the Old Mutual Wealth platform."— Presentation transcript:

1 This guide explains how to obtain top-up illustrations for accounts affected by the share class conversion programme on the Old Mutual Wealth platform. Top-up illustrations User guide

2 2 Introduction It is currently not possible to generate illustrations for top-ups into accounts on Charge Basis 3, which hold funds that are being converted through our Share class conversion programme that is running from 1 st February 2015. It is still possible to submit the top-up applications; this issue affects illustrations only. To get around this issue, you can run a new business illustration based on the top up, while including the value of the existing account when calculating the product/service charge. This guide explains how to do this. This is a temporary workaround while we complete the conversions and we are working hard to resolve the issue.

3 3 Valuation 1.Go to the Clients tab, and search for your client. (See below note if you are topping up an ISA). 2.Select the arrow next to their name. 3.Select the ‘Get valuation’ link next to the account you are topping up. The valuation will open in a new window; print a copy to use later. 4.For top ups into CIA, CRA or CIB, select the client’s name to go into their record and turn to page 5. 5.For ISA top-ups, select ‘Create new client’ and turn to the next page. 1 3 2 5 4

4 4 ISA top ups The platform validates whether a client has an existing ISA and prompts you to top-it up. It will not allow you to create an illustration for a new ISA if there already is one. To get around this you will need to set up a new client record for them, just for the purposes of this illustration. You can either use ‘example’ or ‘dummy’ client details, or the client’s own details. If you use their details, tick the ‘No NI number’ box, since the validation is based on the National Insurance Number. If you have several ISA’s to top up, we recommend setting up a ‘dummy’ client and running all the illustrations on this record. If you have the Adobe PDF Rewriter option, you could change the client name on the illustration afterwards.

5 5 Start illustration 1.Select ‘Illustration’. 2.Choose the SelfSelect investment range and the ‘Proceed’ button. 1 2

6 6 Product type 1.Select the product you are topping up. 2. Select ‘Next’. 3. For CIA and CIB, confirm if the investment is on a single or joint basis. 2 1 3

7 7 Top up contribution 1.Enter the basis of advice 2.Enter the top up and initial fee details as normal. 3.Select ‘Go to fund selection’ when finished. 1 2 3

8 8 Enter funds 1.Add the funds/portfolio for the top up and their percentages. 2.Select ‘Save’. 2 1 2

9 9 Phasing and rebalancing 1.Select the required option for Phased Investment and Automatic Rebalancing. 3. Select ‘Go to Illustration Options’. 1 2

10 10 Phasing and rebalancing 1.Enter details of any withdrawals that are being taken or will be taken across the whole account. 2.Enter details of the servicing and switch fees that are to be taken across the whole account. 3.In Illustration options, select ‘Yes’ and enter the value of the existing account you are topping up, and any other accounts the client has on the platform. 4.Select ‘Get illustration’. This will open in a new window, and you can print or save it. 5.Select ‘Save and exit’ when finished. Top-up applications can be submitted through the normal process. If this illustration is for a CIA, CIB or CRA, you can choose to convert it to an application in the Review summary section. 1 2 3 4 5 If you have any questions about this guide, please contact your E-Business Specialist or Old Mutual Wealth consultant.

11 11 Calls may be monitored and recorded for training purposes and to avoid misunderstandings. Old Mutual Wealth is the trading name of Old Mutual Wealth Limited which provides an Individual Savings Account (ISA) and Collective Investment Account (CIA) and Old Mutual Wealth Life & Pensions Limited which provides a Collective Retirement Account (CRA) and Collective Investment Bond (CIB). Old Mutual Wealth Life Assurance Limited, Old Mutual Wealth Limited and Old Mutual Wealth Life & Pensions Limited are registered in England & Wales under numbers 1363932, 1680071 and 4163431 respectively. Registered Office at Old Mutual House, Portland Terrace, Southampton SO14 7EJ, United Kingdom. Old Mutual Wealth Life Assurance Limited and Old Mutual Wealth Life & Pensions Limited are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Their Financial Services register numbers are 110462 and 207977 respectively. Old Mutual Wealth Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with register number 165359. VAT number for all above companies is 386 1301 59. Old Mutual Global Investors is a trading name for Old Mutual Global Investors (UK) Limited and Old Mutual Investment Management Limited both of which are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Their Financial Services register numbers are 171847 and 208543 respectively. Old Mutual Global Investors is registered in England & Wales under number 02949554 and its registered office is 2 Lambeth Hill London EC4P 4WR. Old Mutual Investment Management is registered in England & Wales under number 4227837 and its registered office at Millennium Bridge House, 2 Lambeth Hill, London, EC4V 4AJ. VAT number for all above companies is 386 1301 59. Old Mutual International (Guernsey) Limited is regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission and is licensed to write long-term business under the Insurance Business (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 2002. Registered number 2424. Registered Office at Albert House, South Esplanade, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1AW, Channel Islands.

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