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Emotions, not Emotionalism Acts 26:9-11. 2 Two Extremes to Avoid  Remove all emotions  A push for more emotional responses in life & worship, leading.

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Presentation on theme: "Emotions, not Emotionalism Acts 26:9-11. 2 Two Extremes to Avoid  Remove all emotions  A push for more emotional responses in life & worship, leading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emotions, not Emotionalism Acts 26:9-11

2 2 Two Extremes to Avoid  Remove all emotions  A push for more emotional responses in life & worship, leading to unauthorized attitudes, doctrines and actions

3 3 Purposes of Lesson  Learn the role of emotions in the life of faith, 2 Cor. 5:7  Developing proper emotions  Warnings against emotionalism

4 4 ROLE OF EMOTIONS  Do not determine doctrine, 2 Tim. 3:16-17 (Rom. 10:17)  Truth is revealed, not “felt”  Consider…understanding, 2 Tim. 2:7 (15)

5 5 ROLE OF EMOTIONS  Do not determine living by faith, 2 Cor. 5:7  Obedience, 2 Cor. 10:3-6 (Matt. 7:21)  Not our senses, emotions, intuition, feelings, etc., Prov. 14:12; Jer. 10:23

6 6 ROLE OF EMOTIONS  Worthy emotions grow out of conviction based on revealed truth  Godly sorrow, 2 Cor. 7:10  Convicted of sin, Acts 2:37 (Matt. 26:75)  Result: Repentance, Acts 2:41-42 (Lk. 22:31-32)

7 7 ROLE OF EMOTIONS  Worthy emotions grow out of conviction based on revealed truth  Joy & gladness, Phil. 4:4; Jno. 16:22, 33  Blessings in Christ, Eph. 1:3 (Matt. 5:3-12)  Result: Forbearance, no anxiety, prayer and patience, Phil. 4:5-7

8 8 ROLE OF EMOTIONS  Worthy emotions grow out of conviction based on revealed truth  Provoked & grieved, Mark 3:5  Effect of sin & value of soul, Rom. 6:23; Matt. 16:26  Result: Courageous & compassionate evangelism, Matt. 9:36-38

9 9 ROLE OF EMOTIONS  Emotions are good & helpful when produced by and based on truth  If the message is defective, emotions will not be accurate, Gen. 37:33-35  Emotions based on truth express godly convictions, attitudes and actions of faith, Acts 8:39

10 10 RULE OF EMOTIONS: Emotionalism  When emotions rule, the authority of God’s word is clouded & minimized  Areas of doctrine:  Plan of salvation vs. “feel saved”  Moral people are still lost vs. “feel they must be saved” (Acts 11:14)

11 11 RULE OF EMOTIONS: Emotionalism  When emotions rule the authority of God’s word is clouded & minimized  Areas of doctrine:  Filled with Holy Spirit: Emotion vs. relationship of fellowship (1 Jno. 3:24; Eph. 5:17-18)  Personal experiences vs. being drawn by the gospel to salvation, 2 Ths. 2:14

12 12 RULE OF EMOTIONS: Emotionalism  When emotions rule the authority of God’s word is clouded & minimized  Areas of worship:  External displays become the focus (dim the lights, candles, swaying, clapping, etc.)  Worship is reverential homage to God according to truth, John 4:24

13 13 RULE OF EMOTIONS: Emotionalism  When emotions rule the authority of God’s word is clouded & minimized  Areas of evangelism:  “Felt” needs vs. Real needs, John 4  Emotional tie before you can teach vs. power of truth that converts, Luke 19:5- 9; Acts 2:14, 22 (37)

14 14  Result of the power of truth in your life (Acts 8:39)  Guard against letting emotions rule us (Col. 3:16-17; 1 Cor. 9:25)  Obey the gospel: Walk by faith, not sight  Never lose heart; be renewed daily in your faith, 2 Cor. 5:7; 4:16-18 KEEP EMOTIONS IN THEIR PROPER PLACE

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