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YEAR-END UPDATE 2011/12 CCA Business Plan and Organizational Strategy (2010-2014)

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1 YEAR-END UPDATE 2011/12 CCA Business Plan and Organizational Strategy (2010-2014)

2 MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS END 1 Members including Association Members and Affiliate Members have conditions conducive for mutually-beneficial collaboration and for enhance participation in curling where Members satisfaction with the results merit their investment. Operational Objective To assist the Member Associations to increase the opportunities to participate in quality sport activities for all Canadians, including under-represented groups. Year-End Status Update Getting Started program and its affiliation with Rocks & Rings completed its fourth season. Completed work with Rocks & Rings to create a brand new public service announcement for the 2011-12 Season of Champions in both official languages. CCA facilitated all translation efforts. Co-wrote an application to the Ontario Trillium Foundation that was approved in the amount of $196,300. This money will target broader operations in both Ontario and Northern Ontario. The final report from R&R showed 788 schools visited and 108,802 children visited. The Getting Started instructor’s guide was given as a legacy to each of the schools with 1,200 manuals distributed.

3 Leveraging 2010 has been extended now named Leveraging Curling. A package of posters and a planning guide (with best practices) was sent out to every club. and is updated on an ongoing basis with new, relevant material. The sites have received 19,000 unique visitors this past BofC Symposiums have been staged in Vancouver (BC), St. Catharine’s (ON), & Sudbury (ON) over the last year. Adult Instruction Program is in full implementation stage at curling centres across the country. The program is producing excellent results and we expect to double the number of buildings offering the program in the year. Piloted Brier College with a learn to curl day in Saskatoon at the 2012 Brier. 105 people registered for their first on ice experience and 13 people joined the club that same day.

4 END 2 CURLING ENTHUSIASTS Current and future curling enthusiasts including curlers, volunteers and spectators experience benefits where their satisfaction merits ongoing support. Operational Objective Grow the sport of curling for Canadians with disabilities. Year-End Status Update Both wheelchair and vision impaired disciplines were showcased on the ice during the 5th end breaks at the 2012 Brier & Tournament of Hearts. 49 Give-it-a-go sessions were held with 508 participants. Recruitment of instructors is ongoing. Continue work with Scotland and USA to push VI curling as a Paralympic Sport. Completed first international demonstration in Scotland.

5 CCA staged an all day clinic for new immigrants to Canada (April 2011) in partnership with the Catholic Immigration Centre. The CCA subsequently completed a full 10 week session with 12 participants – all new Canadians. CCA partnered with the Canadian Paralympic Committee to produce a vignette, starring Sonja Gaudet, profiling wheelchair curling. This vignette was used extensively by the CPC, including social media campaign. Also forged an agreement for this to be showcased on TSN, starting this past January. Working with a PSO on a pilot project on an adaptive curling model for youth with a disability. First year pilot generated curling experiences for 120 youth.

6 END 3 TEAMS AT CCA CHAMPIONSHIPS, COMPETITIONS & EVENTS Teams competing in CCA-operated championships, competitions and events have conditions for optimum performance, without compromising the principles of fair play or their physical, psychological, or emotional health. Operational Objective By 2013, all Canadian Championships will have a system approved which will ensure all 14 Member Associations have an equitable opportunity to access the event. This system will start with the equitable opportunity for all Member Association’s affiliated curlers to access the 2012 Mixed and 2012 Men’s and Women’s Seniors. Year-End Status Update Senior staff presentation at 2011 NCC regarding the Canadian Juniors was effective to assist in motion for equitable opportunity and format for the latest discipline to be approved for implementation. Mass press release completed to educate stakeholders about this information and related NCC highlights.

7 Operational plan of how the 12 teams in 2012 Seniors to be selected and one-time 14 team qualification process for 2012 Mixed was sent to all Member Associations and was followed for the 2012 Mixed hosted in Sudbury. The process worked well, with the latest equitable opportunity to access occurring at the 2012 Canadian Seniors in Abbottsford, B.C. this past March. Presentations for equitable opportunity to access the Men’s and Women’s National Championships are planned for the 2012 National Curling Congress.

8 END 4 HOST COMMUNITIES Host communities of CCA-operated championships, competitions and events experience positive impacts and an enduring legacy of enthusiasm for curling. Operational Objective Establish a credible economic impact analysis tool with the ability to know the general economic impact of each of the CCA’s championships by the end of the quadrennial. Year-End Status Update Have a solid partnership with Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance. CCA CEO and CSTA CEO have been in regular contact. CCA has engaged CSTA to fulfill economic impact (EI) assessments using STEAM PRO model. Contracted CSTA to complete an EI assessment in Red Deer for the Women’s National Championship. Already have assessments for Brier, Canadian Curling Trials and Canada Cup. As above, currently actively utilizing EI information on bid processes, including Pre-trials RFP preamble. Most recently, the CCA and KEDCO applied for enhanced grants from the Ontario Provincial Government to assist the 2013 Scotties Tournament of Hearts in Kingston. EI data was used to support the applications.

9 END 5 TEAMS SANCTIONED BY CCA – INTERNATIONAL / HIGH PERFORMANCE Teams sanctioned by the CCA and representing Canada internationally have the competitive skills, attributes and support to consistently achieve podium results. Operational Objective To increase the capacity of the Canadian sport system to systematically achieve world class results at the highest international competitions. Year-End Status Update A comprehensive analysis occurred subsequent to the Olympics. This was done internally and then with Own The Podium (OTP) input and comments. We have updated our gap analysis protocols as it relates to factoring in international competition and performance standards. CCA has restructured our National Team Program (NTP) heading into the next quadrennial and have reinvested in our La Releve Program with OTP support.

10 We are implementing a Talent I.D. & Development initiative aimed at the Train to Train stage of our LTAD and are in the process of establishing specific performance standards and collecting best practices. We are integrating new skill specific technology tools into the practice environment including an instrumented brush head that provides PSI and stroke rate. We continue to recruit and develop coaches with succession planning in mind and are actively recruiting new Sport Science expertise. The integration of Integrated Support Team (IST) into our NTP remains a challenge as we continue to search out efficiencies. We have expanded our efforts in tracking international performances and have our data bank accordingly. This includes developing and implementing a new performance evaluation protocol. NTP coaching staff are actively engaged in monitoring and evaluating the performance of Canadian Teams on the World Curling Tour and performance related feedback is provided at every given opportunity.


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