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The Power and Authority Over Demons, Sickness & Disease.

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Presentation on theme: "The Power and Authority Over Demons, Sickness & Disease."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Power and Authority Over Demons, Sickness & Disease

2 The Power and Authority Over Demons  Jesus taught in the synagogue on the Sabbath.  Jesus taught as one who had authority – not as the scribes.  Jesus is confronted by the powers of darkness.

3 The Response of Jesus 1)Jesus commands the demon to be silent. 2)Jesus commands the demon to come out of the man. 3)Jesus restores the man completely.

4 What is the Response of the People? 1) Amazement 2) Wonder at his Authority

5 Your Response to the Lord’s Authority Over Evil You must realize Jesus has all power and authority over evil in your life.

6 Power and Authority Over Sickness  Peter’s mother-in-law is sick with a fever.  Jesus touches her, lifts her up and she is healed.

7 After Sabbath, After Sundown 1)All the sick and oppressed people come to the house for healing. 2) Jesus heals them but forbids the demons to speak. 3)It is not yet time for Jesus to be known as the Messiah. 4)The people wanted miracles from Jesus but not Jesus himself.

8 Your Response to the Lord’s Authority Over Sickness 1.You must believe that Jesus still has all power and authority over sickness. 2.You must not approach Jesus for healing and miracles and forget Jesus himself.

9 The Source of Jesus’ Power and Authority  Jesus goes to a solitary place to pray.  The disciples are searching intensely for Jesus.  Jesus says it is time to go to preach in other towns.

10 Your Response to the Lord’s Source for Power and Authority 1.As true followers of Jesus we must all spend time alone in prayer with God ~ Everyday. 2.We must realize that the ultimate mission of Jesus and his followers is spiritual healing and renewal - not physical.

11 Power and Authority Over Disease  Leprosy was a physical, spiritual and social disease.  The leper boldly comes to Jesus for healing.  In compassion, Jesus touches him and heals him completely.  Jesus told him not to tell anyone.

12 Your Response to the Lord’s Power and Authority Over Disease 1.We must realize that Jesus still has power and authority over all disease ~ both physical and spiritual. 2.We must realize that Jesus offers the outcasts, the lonely, and the alienated a place to call home.

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