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CSIRO Marine Research Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia.

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Presentation on theme: "CSIRO Marine Research Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSIRO Marine Research Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia

2 The Devil An XBT Acquisition System with USB Interface Alex Papij and Lindsay Pender CSIRO Marine Research Castray Esplanade Hobart, Tasmania 7000 Australia

3 Background XBT recording system comprises a computer an acquisition and control program data acquisition hardware a launcher

4 CMR and BoM XBT Background - Issues - SIPPICAN MK9 Still in use Not supported by Sippican SIPPICAN MK12 Different versions exist, not all compatible Future support by Sippican?? ISA bus card, few pc’s had this slot SIPPICAN MK21 Not used by CMR or BoM ISA bus card, few pc’s had this slot

5 CMR and BoM XBT Background Sippican MK9 and MK12 XBT Systems - Issues - CMR and BoM software has to run under DOS neither the MK12 nor the MK21 can plug into a laptop style computer MK9 and MK12 require ISA slots – not available in modern desktop computers the computer has to be an older slow machine

6 The Devil Project Devil Project Objectives software to operate in a Windows 2000 environment multi-platform network or single PC operation suitable for Ship of Opportunity Program (SOOP) use (non-expert) climatology overlay and other QC use existing Sippican launcher support for MK9 hardware new hardware using USB interface to PC long term maintenance support

7 The Devil Project

8 Step 1:Develop the Devil software with Sippican MK9 control. This becomes the Devil 1 system. Step 2:Design the USB device + drivers, integrate Devil software. This becomes the Devil 2 system.

9 Concept and Structure

10 Client/Server model

11 For the Developer Client/Server model

12 For the Developer – Interfaces and Boundaries – Software socket boundary

13 For the Developer – Interfaces and Boundaries – Software socket boundary CONT hardware query->CONT XBT USB hardware detected CONT Configure USB XBT T7 0 204 5 1 9 1224 0 0.00216 6.472 760 ->CONT USB XBT T7 is set up : : CONT Commence Launch->CONT Pass commence launch ->DATA 22 14.07 26.25 8204 9:22:39.960 : : DATA format

14 For the Developer – Interfaces and Boundaries – Driver boundary

15 For the Developer – Interfaces and Boundaries – Driver boundary

16 For the Developer – Interfaces and Boundaries – Driver boundary The dll exposed functions that the developer uses are: int WriteToXBT(char* message, int* plen); int ReadFromXBT(char* message, int* plen);

17 Devil System Devil USB device circuit board

18 Devil System Devil 2 – SOOP version

19 Performance How does it perform? User interface Research vessel network environment Windows platform missing data issue Accuracy

20 Performance – User Side – Configuration – different levels of permissions

21 Performance – User Side – Different levels of permissions

22 Performance – User Side –

23 Performance – Real Time, No Missing Data – MK9 Check for missing data

24 Performance – Real Time, No Missing Data – Timing of Devil acquisition of MK9 data. sample interval sec:mean =0.10018 sd =0.00822 max – mean =0.02482 max – mean =-0.02218

25 Performance – Real Time, No Missing Data – Devil USB hardware: Devil Software uses similar techniques to access Devil USB as for the MK9 Devil USB device can buffer large amounts of data Software access to USB has no critical timing requirements

26 Sea Trials Summary of April 2002 sea trials Mean Temperature Offset (ºC) Mean Depth Offset (m) Mean Depth Stretch Devil USB-0.108 ± 0.027-1.4 ± 1.00.999 ± 0.009 Mk 9-0.085 ± 0.026-2.1 ± 1.41.000 ± 0.011 Mk 12-0.033 ± 0.041-1.4 ± 1.10.996 ± 0.012 21 XBT drops for the Devil USB system 22 XBT drops for the Mk 9 system 21 XBT drops for the Mk 12 system Each drop accompanied by a CTD cast

27 Issues to Resolve Power dissipation in the XBT thermistor Devil USB version 1 hardware was used in April 2002 trials. Devil USB version 2 hardware to be used in August 2003 trials.

28 Issues to Resolve Version 2 of Devil USB hardware: Revised analogue circuit Constant power dissipation in thermistor Lower noise Sea trials in August 2003

29 The Future Devil 1 system currently being deployed by BoM USB version 2 device sea trials in August 2003 15 USB devices to be delivered to BoM in 2003 for Devil 2 System deployment 5 USB devices to be delivered to CMR in 2003/2004 for Devil 2 System deployment Multi-auto launcher + Devil feasibility investigations

30 Acknowledgements Bureau of Meteorology: Ross Hibbins Graeme Ball Ross McKenzie CSIRO Marine Research: Erik Madsen

31 Acknowledgements The Tasmanian Devil

32 Sea Trials If viewed as a constant calibration error, then the USB has an error of about +/- 0.016 ºC

33 The Future Power dissipation in the XBT thermistor Devil USB version 1 hardware was used in April 2002 trials. Devil USB version 2 hardware to be used in August 2003 trials.

34 Sea Trials

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