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LITERACY RATES & STANDARDS OF LIVING Factory Shoals Middle School Mr. L Smith Mr. L Smith Day 14 Day 14.

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1 LITERACY RATES & STANDARDS OF LIVING Factory Shoals Middle School Mr. L Smith Mr. L Smith Day 14 Day 14

2  SS7G12 – The student will analyze diverse cultures of the people of Southern and Eastern Asia. c. Evaluate how literacy rates affects the standard of living.

3 Agenda Message: Agenda Message: Before-school tutoring Tuesday morning starting at 7:30a. S&EA CDA III is Wed. 2/4/15. Standard: Standard: Students will analyze the diverse culture of the people in S&EA and evaluate how the literacy rate affects the standard of living. Essential Question for Monday, 2/2/15: Essential Question for Monday, 2/2/15: What is a primary goal for the Chinese government? Warm Up: Warm Up: What is the connection between Literacy Rate and Standard of Living? Today We Will: 1. Finish Communist China 2. Literacy Rates & GDP

4 E.Q. Answer for Monday 1/2/15 E.Q. Answer for Monday 1/2/15: Even with the wide range of incomes, basic literacy is a primary goal for the Chinese government. Warm-Up Answer Warm-Up Answer: Generally speaking higher literacy rates correspond with higher standards of living.

5 Agenda Message: Agenda Message: CDA III is TOMORROW!!! Use your CDA III Study Guide Flash Cards to “Prepare for Success”. After school tutoring is Wed. from 4 – 5p. Standard: Standard: Students will analyze the diverse culture of the people in S&EA and evaluate how the literacy rate affects the standard of living. Essential Question for Tuesday 2/3/15: Essential Question for Tuesday 2/3/15: Name a Factor Influencing Economic Growth that relates to Literacy Rate? Warm Up: Warm Up: What is the definition for Gross Domestic Product? Today We Will: 1. Literary Rates and its affects on Standard of Living 2. CDA III Revue

6 E.Q. Answer for Wednesday 2/3/15: Human Capital, the education & training of your workforce. Warm-Up Answer: The total value of goods and services produced by a country in a given year, converted to U.S. dollars for comparison.

7 LITERACY RATES Literacy, or the ability to read and write, has a big effect on the standard of living of a country. Lack of education also prevents many young people from becoming the engineers, doctors, scientists, or business managers that modern economies need in order to bring improvements to their countries.

8 In many parts of the world, education is only available to those who can afford to pay for themselves. In those countries, the literacy rate is often low. Countries that have stronger economies usually make money available so that anyone who wants an education can go to school.

9 One way to measure the standard of living is the Gross Domestic Product, or GDP. The GDP is the value of all goods and services produced within a country in a given year and converted into United States dollars for comparison.

10 When converted into a value per capita (or per person), it can be used as a measure of the living conditions in a country. The higher the GDP value, the better the living conditions in the country.

11 Southern and Eastern Asia offer some interesting contrasts. Many parts of Southern and Eastern Asia, especially those areas where there are fewer cities and towns, have lower literacy rates than found in Europe or the United States.

12 Higher rates of literacy are usually found in countries that are the wealthy. In Southern and Eastern Asia, some countries have weak economies but very high literacy rates. Two such countries are China and North Korea. Both have strong state-run education systems that require attendance through a certain age.

13 Even though these economies lag behind the rest of the region in some areas, literacy is a national priority. China has some of the richest and poorest people in Eastern Asia. Even with the wide range of incomes, basic literacy is a primary goal for the Chinese government.

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