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Company LOGO TCTW Leaders Forum 2014 Learn More About The Literacy Design Collaborative.

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1 Company LOGO TCTW Leaders Forum 2014 Learn More About The Literacy Design Collaborative

2 Company LOGO Debbie Hall

3 Company LOGO What is LDC? Literacy Design Collaborative is a national community of educators providing a teacher-designed and research-proven framework, online tools, and resources for creating literacy-rich assignments and courses across content areas.

4 Company LOGO Scope of Training Define “literacy” Examine the differences in academic, technical and leisure reading Investigate the Common Core Standards for Literacy in Technical Subjects Use LDC template tasks to create robust assignments aligned to CCSS Use LDC instructional ladder to create robust instructional modules Use LDC jurying tools and scoring rubrics to assess student work

5 Company LOGO are the LDC tools? What are the LDC tools? The bank of reading/writing tasks: argumentative, informational, narrative The module template Tasks Skills Instruction Results Scoring rubrics Local and national collaboration Access to a community of educators with LDC modules aligned to course content and to CCSS LDC Framework 10-17-11

6 Company LOGO Selection Criteria Choose a team of CT and ELA teachers who are Open minded Successful at reaching a diverse range of students Proficient with their content Capable of getting other teachers to follow them.

7 Company LOGO A Complete Example

8 Company LOGO What did you learn about... Modules in general Teaching a module Student involvement Structure of the module Writer’s Notebook

9 Company LOGO Agriculture After researching Units 1-4 in your Agriscience Applications text book on Basic Agriculture Awareness, write an essay that describes the agriculture industry and its impact on the global production of food and fiber and its impact on today's society. Support your discussion with evidence from your research.

10 Company LOGO Agriculture After researching news and scientific articles on Bovine Trichomoniasis, write an informational pamphlet for ranchers that describes what it is, how to recognize it and how to prevent it from affecting herds of cattle. Support your discussion with evidence from your research.

11 Company LOGO Automotive Technology What tire brand is best for driving on the roads in our county? After reading the chapter on diagnosing and repairing tires and wheels in Modern Automotive Technology and selected articles, write a consumer report that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the texts. Be sure to acknowledge competing views. Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position.

12 Company LOGO Culinary Arts How can food-borne illness be prevented? After reading the text book and various articles, write a kitchen safety guide that describes the likely causes of food-borne illnesses and addresses the question. Support your discussion with evidence from the texts.

13 Company LOGO Emergency Services Standard: Explain how the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system works and the citizen responder’s role in the EMS system, including how and when to call EMS. When is it appropriate to call for emergency services? After reading Chapter XYZ in the textbook and selected articles on the use of emergency services, write an editorial that identifies a problem with indiscriminant calls to 911 and argues for a solution to lower the number of these calls. Support your position with evidence from the texts.

14 Company LOGO Marketing Do violent games contribute to youth violence? After reading selected articles pertaining to violent video games and youth violence, write an editorial for the local newspaper that addresses the questions and support your position with evidence from the texts. Be sure to acknowledge competing views. Give examples from past or current events to illustrate and clarify your position.

15 Company LOGO Please Join Me Session # 42 Tomorrow 9—10:15 a.m. Great Plains Room Literacy Design Collaboration “Lite” for CT Centers

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