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Work Package 6 Interface with policy and intergovernmental bodies Peter M Haugan, Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen.

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Presentation on theme: "Work Package 6 Interface with policy and intergovernmental bodies Peter M Haugan, Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work Package 6 Interface with policy and intergovernmental bodies Peter M Haugan, Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen

2 WP objectives  To link the FixO3 efforts to international and intergovernmental bodies and activities  To ensure visibility and facilitate further implementation and long-term stewardship of deep-ocean fixed-point time series observations  To develop a strategy for the future OBJECTIVES WP 6 - Interface with policy and intergovernmental bodies Peter M Haugan

3 1.FixO3 time series accepted as contributing to GISC and EuroGOOS (month 18) 2.Key FixO3 time series included in ESFRI projects (36) 3.FixO3 time series complying with GEO and recognized in GEOSS (24) 4.Marine Board and EU recognition of role of FixO3 time series in European marine and maritime policy (36) 5.FixO3 time series referred in regional and global conventions and assessments (42) 6.Cost-benefit analysis report (24) DELIVERABLES WP 6 - Interface with policy and intergovernmental bodies Peter M Haugan

4 1.Interaction with GMES (and GISC) and EuroGOOS (UiB): Integration into long-term plans for sustained operation. 2.Promotion of FixO3 in the context of ESFRI and relevant initiatives (INGV, UiB, NIOZ, AWI): Present aspects to EMSO, EPOS, ICOS, Lifewatch and EMBRC. 3.Contribution to GEO and GEOSS (UniHB, PLOCAN, NIOZ): Ensure recognition by integration with working groups. 4.Links with EU Directorates, Maritime Policy and Marine Board (HCMR): Include FixO3 activities in further planning and use by DG Mare, Environment, R&D,… 5.Links with conventions, networks and assessments (UiB, AWI, NIOZ, IMAR-UAzores): OSPAR, EuroMarine, IPBES, regional and global assessments, IPCC, UN Regular Process. 6.Cost-benefit analysis (NERC, GEOMAR): Justification of Eulerian observatories. TASKS WP 6 - Interface with policy and intergovernmental bodies Peter M Haugan

5 FixO3 visibility is important for policy attention: ESFRI EMSO ERIC including many FixO3 sites, EMSO Science conference November 2013 Rome ESFRI ENV and EU mechanisms (May Brussels, September Trieste) ICRI April 2014 in Athens Maritime Days May in Bremen [Scientific conferences: IMBER June Bergen, …] Rome declaration at EUROCEAN 2014 7-9 October 2014 and related Marine Board meetings Planned FixO3 contributions to: – EuroGOOS Lisbon late October – 2nd INTERNATIONAL OCEAN RESEARCH CONFERENCE One Planet, One Ocean in Barcelona (17-21 November 2014) WP 6 - Interface with policy and intergovernmental bodies Peter M Haugan

6 Progress and achievements: 1.Time series being used? Only then can we transmit info to policy. 2.EMSO ERIC, EMSO-SIOS MoU, ESFRI ENV landscape analysis and roadmap progressing. 3.GEO/GEOSS? 4.Marine Board NFIV, Rome declaration, ICRI-2014 5.Referral in conventions? 6.Cost-benefit analysis planned to be presented in paper due August 2015. WP 6 - Interface with policy and intergovernmental bodies Peter M Haugan


8 Rome declaration and Navigating the Future IV: Connect with citizens – valuing the ocean and its importance for human health Contribute to ocean literacy Making sure Europe is attractive to talent in marine sciences Jobs and sustainable blue growth! WP 6 - Interface with policy and intergovernmental bodies Peter M Haugan

9 Some specific bullet points from the Rome declaration under 3. Advancing Ocean Knowledge: “Better alignment and more effective use of a diverse range of funding and coordination mechanisms (including ESFRI, EU investment and structural funds), for the construction and long-term operation of key marine research infrastructures and facilities, addressing identified gaps.” “A fully operational EMODnet, ensuring collected data are well managed and freely available, to support science, industry and policy, aligned with further development of the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS), integrated at the global level (including GOOS, GEO, Copernicus).” WP 6 - Interface with policy and intergovernmental bodies Peter M Haugan

10 European infrastructure possibilities 1.Utilize EMSO (and its links to SIOS) which will be “success story” and together with ICOS and Euro-Argo be off next ESFRI Roadmap 2016. 2.Is there a need for new marine initiatives towards roadmap 2016 or 2018? 3.Utilize JPI-Ocean for “extra-ESFRI” specific support and development of FixO 3 type observations? WP 6 - Interface with policy and intergovernmental bodies Peter M Haugan

11 Focus the Horizon 2020 resources available for Research and ICT based Infrastructures in the next work programme in a strategically effective way concentrating on actions that have significant impact in overcoming bottlenecks. Facilitate the coordination and synchronization of programs and calls, with comparable formats and criteria, in Horizon 2020 and the European Structural and Investment Funds so as to allow easier and more effective use of all Financial Instruments. Exploit the ERIC instrument in helping the setting-up of pan European Research Infrastructures. Attention should be given in the future to the human resources issues with the use in particular of the RESAVER Pension scheme and to the tax issues with better support for in-kind contributions aspects. Use EU and other resources in order to attract, train and retain a European workforce of researchers and high quality technicians by exploiting fully the possibilities offered by RIs. Support ESFRI as a provider of strategic indications, not only on roadmaps, but evolving best and shared practices on gap analysis and decision making, combining different financial supports and instruments. Move on the basis of the experiences gained in ESFRI towards convergence of European and national evaluation and prioritization methods and towards pooling of national resources. Recommendations from Trieste 24-25 September 2014, on “The evolving landscape of Research Infrastructures in Europe”:

12 JPI-Oceans strategic areas: 1.Exploring deep sea resources 2.Technology and sensor developments (including for extreme environments) 3.Science support to coastal and maritime planning and management 4.Linking oceans, human health and wellbeing 5.Observing, modelling and predicting oceans state and processes 6.Interdisciplinary Research for Good Environmental Status 7.Climate change impact on physical and biological ocean processes – Ocean circulation 8.Effects of Ocean Acidification on Marine Ecosystems: Synergies with Global Warming and other Stressors 9.Food security and safety driving innovation in a changing world 10.Use of marine biological resources through development and application of biotechnology Develop “FixO 3 initiative” under any of these ? WP 6 - Interface with policy and intergovernmental bodies Peter M Haugan

13 Potential issues of concern: Operational data streams are required to gain acceptance in GMES and EuroGOOS – Do we have them? Conventions, GEOSS and intergovernmental processes work on long time scales – what can we show them now? Get GEO/GEOSS recognition and cost-benefit analysis in time for FixO3 mid term review. WP 6 - Interface with policy and intergovernmental bodies Peter M Haugan

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