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{ Rome the Republic Ms. Lasater World History POD 1.

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1 { Rome the Republic Ms. Lasater World History POD 1

2 Government  Republic  2 elected consuls were the head  Served a one-year term  Controlled the army  Senate  Leaders from the Patricians  Law-makers  Controlled spending  Chosen by Consuls  Served for life  300 seats  Assembly  Plebeians  Had limited power BUT they elected the consuls  Consuls had to gain support of the plebeian class

3 SPQR  Senatus Populus Que Romanus  Chiseled on public buildings, armor, coins, park benches  Anything that belonged to the state  “The Senate and the People of Rome”  Kings were no longer in charge

4 The Forum  Main marketplace and business center  Banking, trading, shopping, and marketing  Also a place for public speaking  Great orators  Argued persuasively  Festivals and religious ceremonies  Go to a temple to leave a gift for one of their gods

5 Roman Baths  At least once a day  Included:  Hot and cold pools  Slaves to wait on you  Steam rooms  Saunas  Exercise rooms  Hair salons  Reading rooms  Think of is as a large mall with bathing pools  900 public baths in Rome  Part of daily life  Kids couldn’t use them  There was an admission charge  Slaves couldn’t use them  But people brought their slaves as attendants

6 Roman Legion  Legion  5000 men  Each had a banner, leader, number and nickname  Uniform  Rectangular shield  Short sword  Dagger  Metal jacket  Helmet  Belt  Kilt  Shirt  Hobnailed sandals  Service  Legionary served for 25 years  Retirement  Given land and a pension  Gave retired military a place to call home in the country that they would defend  Placed loyal military men all over the provinces

7 Roman Roads  “All roads lead to Rome”  It was true!  Rome was the heart of the republic  Each time a new city was conquered, a road was built from that city back to Rome  Milestones told how far it was to Rome

8 Hannibal & Carthage  Carthage- ancient city-state in North Africa- 300 miles from Rome  First Punic War  Carthage controlled 3 islands off Italy’s coast  Rome wanted Carthage to join its republic  Fought for 20 years  Neither won  Rome took Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica  Hannibal  9-year-old son of the general at the First Punic War- vowed to make Rome pay  Clever general  Snakes plan  Wanted to conquer all of Spain Not this creepy one… But this one

9 Second Punic War  Second Punic War  Spanish city asked for help but Rome attacked Carthage instead of Hannibal  Hannibal planned to march 90,000 foot soldiers, 12,000 calvary, and 37 elephants from Spain  Route was more rugged than he expected  Carthage agreed to peace terms  Carthage changed their mind and Rome defeated Carthage but didn’t catch Hannibal  Second set of peace terms:  Carthage leave Spain, Gaul and Italy  Reduce their navy to 10 warships  Pay 10,000 talents in war damages in 50 annual payments over 50 years  Rome finally caught up with Hannibal but he swallowed poison rather than surrender (he was 64)

10 Julius Caesar  Month of July named after him  People trusted him and believed he could solve Rome’s problems  Problems of the Republic  Crime  Taxes  Hunger  Unemployment  Slave labor dependency  Spoke openly about problems and solutions  Leaders in the Senate were afraid Caesar would take power and rule as a king  Entered Rome in 49 BCE with Roman Legion to take over the government  Poor people were glad; Senate was furious

11 Julius Caesar  Caesar defeated Pompey and the Senate’s forces and became the master of Rome  Improvements  Relieved debt  Enlarged the Senate  Built the Forum Iulium  Revised the calendar  Assassinated by a group of Senators led by Cassius and Brutus on the Ides of March (15) 44 BCE  Assassination sparked civil wars that ended the Republic and Caesar’s great nephew, Octavian, became the first emperor of Rome

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