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Welcome to Fourth Grade! An At-a-Glance Guide for Parents Fou!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Fourth Grade! An At-a-Glance Guide for Parents Fou!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Fourth Grade! An At-a-Glance Guide for Parents Fou!

2 Fourth Grade Staff: Room 102—Mrs. Allison Wandrey Room 103—Mrs. Monica Holmi Stank Room 104—Mr. JR Gradel Room 132B—Mr. Eric Vivoda Art: Mrs. Lisa Cheung Gym: Mr. Jack Osieczanek Music: Mrs. Jennifer Grosse Library: Mrs. Barb Duenk ***Other special education aides

3 Schedule : Morning:Afternoon: Literacy BlockScience Brain Warm UpsSocial Studies ReadingMath Writer’s WorkshopWords Their Way Poetry Intervention Groups Afternoon: Specialists Physical Education Music Art Change in lunch time: 11:30-11:55

4 Literacy Block Components of Literacy Block: Whole Group Instruction Small Group Instruction Independent Work Time Independent Reading Time

5 READING RECORD  Graded at the end of each month  Grade based on the number of minutes student has read  Variety of materials to read Chapter books Magazines Pamphlets Newsletters  Parent initials required for each entry  At the end of each month—add total amount of minutes for the month

6 Reading Record Grading Scale: 480 minutes or more = A 460-479 minutes = A- 441-459 minutes= B+ 440 minutes = B 420-439 minutes = B- 401-419 minutes = C+ 400 minutes = C 380-399 minutes = C- 361-379 minutes = D+ 360 minutes =D 321-359 minutes = D- 320 minutes or below = F

7 BOOK REPORTS: Three per year— 1.Non-Fiction: Photo Album 2.Historical Fiction: Quilt 3.Biography: Presidential Poster One per trimester Rotation Basis Rubrics and examples provided

8 BRAIN WARM UPS  Morning routine—students work on it themselves  Language arts—variety of topics Correcting grammar in sentences Correcting mechanics Spelling Phonics Alphabetizing  Correct together on that day  Test on Friday

9 POETRY Reason—great for comprehension, vocabulary, oral reading, intonation, author’s purpose, specific reading skills, and patterning

10 Writing Lots of opportunity to write !!!! Formal and informal opportunities~ Begin with structured activities and gradually students become more and more independent….

11 MATH *24 Topics *5 to 6 days per topic *Recursive/Spiral Curriculum *Emphasis is on problem solving not computation *Math Log--monthly Basic Math Facts: September—Addition and Subtraction October-January---Multiplication January and “beyond”—Division ***District testing for multiplication and division begins in September

12 Math Topics 1.Exploring Mathematics13. Manipulating Money 2.Investigating Length14. Multiplying by Tens 3.Using Addition and Subtraction15. Exploring Polygons and Circles 4.Investigating 5 Digit Numbers16. Investigating Decimal Fractions 5.Investigating Shapes and Angles17. Dealing with Data and Probability 6.Finding Fractions18. Multiplying by 2 Digit Numbers 7.Multiplying by 1 Digit Numbers19. Investigating Area 8.Working with Time20. Dividing Large Numbers 9.Exploring Shapes and Perimeters21. Using Decimal Fractions 10.Working with Fractions22. Exploring Volume and Capacity 11.Linking Multiplication and Division23. Working with Weight 12.Investigating Large Numbers24. Thinking Visually Color indicates a “spiral curriculum” (topic revisited several times throughout the year).

13 SCIENCE Science Topics 1)Rocks and Minerals 2)Motion and Design 3) Animals 4) Body’s Delivery System Assessments : Tests/District Benchmarks Assignments Projects Teacher Observation

14 SOCIAL STUDIES Topics: 1.Maps and Globes 2.Government 3.Wisconsin State Symbols Geography of Wisconsin Native American Explorers Fur Trading Economics of Wisconsin Lead Mining Farming Farming and Railroads Lumber and Paper Inventions and Industry Famous Wisconsinites Assessments : Tests/District Benchmarks Assignments Projects Teacher Observation

15 Homework Policy: **District Policy Approximately 60 minutes per night Monday through Thursday Weekends–continue to complete reading record and math log

16 Grading Scale Letter Grades: A 100-90 B 89-80 C 79-70 D 69-60 F 59 or below Number “Grades”: 4Exceeding Standard 3Meeting Standard 2Progressing Towards Standard 1Beginning to Understand Standard

17 Ways of Communication: 1.WebGrader— *on line access *updated on a monthly basis 2.Report Cards (trimesters) 3.Parent Teacher Conferences 4.Website 5.Phone 6.Email 7.Assignment Notebook 8.Note 9.Room Parent

18 IMPORTANT REMINDERS: Classes begin PROMPTLY at 8:47am Healthy Snacks!! Water Bottles Safety Issues: *Before School—8:35 Supervision begins and permission needed *Notes after school for dismissal different than bus

19 Volunteers: We Need You!!! There are many opportunities for you to be an active part of your child’s education….We rely on parent volunteers. Here is a list of possible ways to help this year: 1.Room Mom/Room Dad 2.Math Facts Checker 3.Reading Helper 4.Computer Assistant 5.Clerical 6. Book Order Person **If you are interested in helping, please contact your child’s classroom teacher.

20 Looking Forward to a Great Year! Please contact your child’s classroom teacher with any questions: Mr. Gradel Mrs. Holmi Mrs. Wandrey

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