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Road Traffic Accident Procedures (4) Service Delivery 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Road Traffic Accident Procedures (4) Service Delivery 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Road Traffic Accident Procedures (4) Service Delivery 2

2 RTA (4) Team Approach.

3 Team approach All RTA incidents are dealt with in a structured laid down manner Provided the correct sequence of events are followed there still exists wide scope for imaginative and innovative approaches to be adopted A safe, time effective, casualty centred rescue is the aim.

4 Common factors At all RTA’s where persons are trapped, the following are likely; The presence of a casualty requiring urgent hospitalisation Difficulty in gaining access to the casualty Restricted space in which to work.

5 Problematic incidents Absence of liaison Absence of clearly identifiable incident commander Absence of simultaneous activity.

6 Simultaneous activity Pre planning forms a key element in the reduction of extrication times Generally at domestic house fires the crews know their respective roles and need little guidance on what to do or when to do it The same principle can be applied to RTA’s.

7 Pre planning Vehicle(s) will require stabilising Equipment pool set up Personnel detailed as ‘tool operatives’ Tool operator will have ‘hard’ protection provider

8 Pre planning An extraction method will have to be contrived A secondary extrication plan to be considered.

9 Individual roles Incident Commander – overall command and control Driver - equipment area, firefighting media BA crew - stability, glass management and tool operators Number 5 - casualty carer.

10 Team approach Scene assessment and safety Stabilisation and initial access Glass management Space creation Full access Extrication.

11 Zones The creation of defined 2 and 5 metre zones has distinct advantages for reducing extrication times It clearly identifies which tools are in use and which personnel are not directly engaged in rescue operations.

12 Zones 2m Zone 5m Zone.

13 General points Have an awareness of ‘plan B’ for use when casualties become ‘time critical’ Be ready for ‘shut down’ requests from medical staff Check stability regularly ‘Walk the scene’ for ejected casualties Constantly liase and re-evaluate with other rescue services via the incident commander.


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