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M AKE - UP WMBAA K ICK O FF M EETING Thursday September 20 th, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "M AKE - UP WMBAA K ICK O FF M EETING Thursday September 20 th, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 M AKE - UP WMBAA K ICK O FF M EETING Thursday September 20 th, 2012

2 A GENDA Introductions Mission statement Officer positions Ice breaker Membership MBA Women International Conference Fall event: Corporate Connections Study group sign ups

3 I NTRODUCTIONS Christena Wong – President VP of Finance – Lily Pai VP of Operations – Amanda DiPaolo VP of Strategy – Tanya Terekhova

4 M ISSION S TATEMENT Access to professional women leaders Find mentors Create Leadership opportunities Build relationships within the BU community and beyond Educate members

5 O PENINGS FOR O FFICER P OSITIONS Cohort Representative from A, B, C, D, and PEMBA Core functions as well Email your “platforms” to Who you are? Contact info Why do you want to join the executive board? What you want to get out of the role? Expectations How would you be value-add / How are you different from other candidates? What is your management, work, personality type? (think OB) Likes Dislikes.

6 Ice Breaker Activity

7 I CE B REAKER Q UESTIONS What is your name? What do you want to do when you “grow up” (or graduate)? What is your hardest class right now? If there was 1 thing you wish you had more time to do, what would it be? What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

8 M EMBERSHIP Level 1 Guaranteed admission to all BU WMBAA events Discounts on admission to BU WMBAA paid events $70 discount for WMBA International Conference Annual membership fee: $15 cash Level 2 All benefits of Level 1 plus additional $100 discount for WMBA International Conference Annual membership fee: $35 cash 1 year subscription to BusinessWeek Interested in becoming a member? See Tanya after the meeting or email

9 MBA W OMEN I NTERNATIONAL Leadership Conference and Career Fair October 19 and 20 in Phoenix, AZ Includes career fair, career panels, sponsored receptions, professional development workshops $295 member admission, $395 regular admission See for more information

10 C ONFERENCE C OST B REAKDOWN October 18-20, Phoenix Member Level 2 Member Level 1 Non- Member Member Fees3515 Conference Admission (by Sept.30) 295395 WMBAA Discount-70 GSC Reimbursement (tentative) -35 Airplane Tickets (Based on Thurs – Sat., plus 5% discount from aa) 285 Hotel (4 ppl to a room, reserve by Sept.28) 50 Metro Light Rail777 Total 567647737

11 F ALL E VENT : C ORPORATE C ONNECTIONS Saturday, October 13 th at Taj Boston Hotel Brunch held at industry-themed tables hosted by leading women professionals followed by mimosas and networking reception Keynote speaker: Cynthia Cohen One of the nation’s leading authorities on consumer trends and strategic marketing, founder of Strategic Mindshare Early bird registration: $15 for members, $23 for non-members (Sept 24 th ) Late bird registration: $20, $25 Register today - seating is limited!

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