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Welcome to Mrs. Clifton’s Class. Attendance Building opens at 7:10 Children come to the classroom at 7:35. Please do not park and block traffic. Please.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Clifton’s Class. Attendance Building opens at 7:10 Children come to the classroom at 7:35. Please do not park and block traffic. Please."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Clifton’s Class

2 Attendance Building opens at 7:10 Children come to the classroom at 7:35. Please do not park and block traffic. Please place Green signs in window. Children must be picked up by 3:30.

3 Illness Children should be free of fever, diarrhea and vomiting for 24 hours before they return to school. Please don’t share your germs with everyone else.

4 Backpacks Need to be large enough to hold the Thursday folder. Please keep an extra change of clothes in your child’s backpack. They do not have to be uniform but correct colors.

5 Medicine All medicine must be turned into the school nurse, even cough drops. Teacher’s are not allowed to give any medications to the children.

6 Lunch/Money All lunch money needs to be turned in on Friday in the zipper pocket of your child’s Home to School folder. We prefer checks because they are easy for record keeping. All checks will be made out to ACA

7 Birthdays You may send a special birthday snack for the class on your child’s birthday. We will eat these during lunch and you are welcome to join your child.

8 Rules Be kind Be safe Let everyone learn Obey the teacher

9 Behavior Management 1 st – verbal warning 2 nd -move car to yellow 3 rd -move car to red If moved to red, I will send you an email and tell you why your child moved to red. 3 moves to red will equal an “N” in conduct for the nine weeks.

10 Specials Chapel-every day Monday-Library Tuesday-Art Wednesday-Music Thursday-Music Friday-recess P.E.-every day

11 Dress code Uniform clothes Girls wear shorts under jumpers. Tennis shoes must have velcro and be mostly school colors. PLEASE put names in jackets and hoodies!!!!!!

12 Rest Time Student’s will rest from 1:00 to 2:15 each day. They may bring a small sleep toy and blanket. Nap mats will be sent home every other Friday to be washed.

13 Snack Students will be given apple juice and a snack each day. Sometimes we will have special snacks. Your child may bring a water bottle each day to leave on top of their locker.

14 Communication Class Weebly Be sure and turn in your school cast form. Be sure we have your email. Newsletters will be sent each week. Email me at:

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