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SLOVENIA SLOVENIA-IN THE HEART OF EUROPE THE LAND AND ITS POSITION  It lies in the heart of Europe between Austria, Hungary, Croatia and Italy. 

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4 SLOVENIA-IN THE HEART OF EUROPE THE LAND AND ITS POSITION  It lies in the heart of Europe between Austria, Hungary, Croatia and Italy.  It covers 20256 sq km: the 10th smallest country in Europe.  4 geographic regions meet here: The Alps, The Dinaric Alps, The Panonnian plain and The Mediterranean  diversity in relief, climate, vegetation, soil.  Climate: -continental in central Slo, - alpine in NW, - submediterranean along the coast  The highest peak: mt Triglav (2864m)  The longest river: Sava  46.6 km of sea coastline;

5  The 3rd most forested country in Europe  The longest lake: Cerknica-intermittent POPULATION  2 mio population  BDP per capita:12.000 USD  Independent since 25th June 1991  Member of EU 1st May 2004  Catholic church is the biggest:60%  Official language-Slovene: one of the south Slavic languages

6 Regions of Slovenija

7 Alpine region

8 Mediterranean region

9 Dinaric region

10 Panonian region

11 Alpine region  42.1% of Slovenian surface  Almost half of the population lives here  3 mountain ranges: The Julian Alps, The Karavanke Alps, The Kamnik- Savinja Alps  Glacial river valleys  High-karst plateaux: Pokljuka, Jelovica  Pre-Alpine hills and valleys: Ljubljana basin, Celje basin  Rivers have karstic sources

12 Triglav

13 Logarska dolina

14 Bled

15 Triglavska jezera

16 Pokljuka

17 Soča

18 Planica

19 Kozolec

20 Idrijska čipka

21 Ljubljana Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia The capital

22 Ljubljansko barje

23 Zmajski most

24 Petkovškovo nabrežje

25 Tromostovje

26 Dinaric region  28,2% of Slovenian surface  Hardly any surface waters  A string of karst poljes (fields) with disappearing rivers  Intermittent lakes: Cerknica  Most forested part of the country  Over 1000 explored caves  The original Karst  Burja: strong wind that blows up to 130 km/h

27 Lipicanec

28 Proteus

29 Cerkniško jezero

30 Škocjanske jame

31 Janez Vajkard Valvasor

32 Pršut

33 Postonjska jama

34 Kraško podzemlje

35 Lipicanci

36 Mediterannean region  It covers 8,6% of the surface of Slovenia  Part of the Mediterranean where the Adriatic reaches deepest into Central Europe  Submediterranean climate  Typical landscape characteristics: vineyards, terraces, olive plantations, stone houses  Port of Koper: Slovene naval window to the world  Medieval image of coastal towns: Piran, Koper

37 Črni kal

38 Koper

39 Soline

40 Štanjel

41 Piran

42 Portorož

43 Luka Koper

44 Panonian region  It covers 21.2% of the surface  Most fertile farm land in Slovenia  Typically continental climate  80 pairs of white storks in the area  Thermal and mineral waters  spa resorts  Orchards and vineyards on the hills

45 Panonska hiša

46 Bela krajina

47 Lent

48 Maribor

49 Vinska klet

50 Rogaška Slatina

51 Kurent

52 Pisanice

53 Potica

54 Ptuj

55 put together by Melanija Majdič March 2005 Thank you.... design by VVISUALS Photographs : Photo Agency Vitrum (Slobodan Plavevski, Gregor Pohleven),Zdravko Primožič/FPA, Mateja Gartner,Kodia Photo&Graphis (Stane Klemenc,Franc Habe,Ciril Mlinar,ArneHodalič,Bojan Marčeta,Igor Modic, Marko Feist Aleš Fevžer,Andrej Jerovšek,Dragan Arrigler, Janez Zrnec),Revoz Archives,Luka Koper Archives, Janez Skok,Bojan Brecelj, Tomo Jeseničnik,F.A.BOBO, Branko Cvetkovič, Luka Fabčič,Bogdan Kladnik, Bruno Toič, MORS Archives,Photo Pavšič Zavadlav, Joco Žnidaršič Leon Vidic

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