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CHANGES IN THE ROMANIAN SYSTEM OF EDUCATION. Milestones in Educational Reform Special events and processes have marked the evolution of educational reform.

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2 Milestones in Educational Reform Special events and processes have marked the evolution of educational reform and have had a bearing on the reconstruction of teacher training. Starting with early 90’s there were several Laws on Education but the one that was seriously revised was the 1999 Law on Education. Since then many other attempts of reforms have taken place but still this one stands as today much of the Romanian system of education is based on it.

3 Strictly related to this, there is another project : Initiation and Implementation of the Pre – universitary Education Reform Project, co – financed by the Romanian Government and the World Bank.

4 tThis project, that was implemented from September 2001, focused on several main goals: - development of a new curriculum - restructing the teaching staff training system - devising alternative textbooks - reforming the evaluation and examination system - reforming the management and funding of education


6 Certain objectives should continue as priorities, namely: - bringing about reform and educational changes at classroom level through a more efficient linkage of educational policies with educational practice. - the rehabilitation of schools in rural areas - the restructuring of in –service and pre-service teacher education - re – establishment of the pedagogical high – schools for the training of primary school teachers.

7 Teacher training system - a priority - the need for a consolidated consciousness, according to which teacher training is vital for the success of the reform. It does not matter how complex and elaborated the reform is as aproject, if it is not accompanied by a change of mentalities, attitudes and behaviours very little will change. - the system of teacher training has registered a slower development, a certain discrepancy of rhythm and efficiency, as compared to other elements of reform, like curriculum of management.

8 Strategy for the Development of In -service and Pre -service Teacher and Manager training Systems

9 The main issues the Strategy addresses are: - professionalization of the teacher career in Romania ( development of national standards for the teaching profession) re-sizing the balance between theoretical and practical components of the teacher training curriculum by extending initial training after college / faculty graduation. To be awarded a Teacher’s diploma, graduates have to spend one year in a mentoring system and pass an examination at the end of this period.

10 In – Service Teacher Training Higher education plays an important role in continuing/ in- servive teacher training. University pedagogical colleges and teacher training departments have the most important responsabilities regarding in- service teacher training. They provide methodological and psycho-pedagogical training. For training in specialized subjects, they co – operate with the corresponding faculties. “Teacher Houses” are regional documentation and training centers financed by the Ministry of Education and Research. They provide in-service training courses for teachers in their respective areas, according to the priorities of reform and local needs.

11 Concluding Remarks Teacher training in Romania – like all other components of the Romanian educational system – is undergoing a process of change and restructuring. The new national strategy for teacher education is expected to be an incentive to accelerate this larger reform.However, the success of teacher education depends on many factors: - the general development of Romanian society, - the changes envisaged at all educational levels - the development of its own reseach basis. In many cases, in the debate on the compability of teacher education and school reform, the focus is only on the pre – universitary education and disregards all the necessary changes that should be promoted in the Universities.

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