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® IBM Software Group © 2006 IBM Corporation PRJ480 Mastering the Management of Iterative Development v2 Module 3: Phase Management - Inception.

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1 ® IBM Software Group © 2006 IBM Corporation PRJ480 Mastering the Management of Iterative Development v2 Module 3: Phase Management - Inception

2 3-2 Module 3 Objectives As a project progresses through phases and iterations, describe the changing emphasis of Project Management by:  Understanding Inception objectives, milestones, and evaluation criteria.  Understanding the basics of estimation.  Understanding principal Inception tasks and artifacts, and their uses. Understand that the software management team must specifically determine the scope of the project.

3 3-3 Inception Primary Objectives:  Establishing the project’s software scope and boundary conditions  Determining the critical use cases of the system and the primary scenarios of operation  Demonstrating at least one candidate architecture against some of the primary scenarios  Estimating the cost and schedule for the entire project  Estimating potential risks Essential Activities:  Formulating the scope of the project  Synthesizing the architecture  Planning and preparing a business case

4 3-4 Review: Coarse-Grained Versus Fine-Grained Plans Phases and major milestones What and when Iteration Plan (next) Iteration Plan (current) Fine-grained Plans Phase Plan Iterations for each phase Number of iterations Objectives Duration Work Breakdown Structure Coarse-grained Plan Project Plan Roadmap

5 3-5 Inception Considerations Phase Focus  Project Scope/Requirements  Phase Plan  Risks  Business Case  Stakeholder Support  Development Process and Tools

6 3-6 Inception Considerations Measurements  Progress5%  Expenditures (rate)Low  StaffingSmall team  StabilityVolatile  Modularity50%-100%  AdaptabilityVarying  MaturityPrototype

7 3-7 Inception Artifact Decisions In Inception, you will need to:  Decide:  Which artifacts to use in your process  How formally they will be treated  Where they fit into the lifecycle  What tools are used to author them  What roles are responsible for authoring them  Consider explicitly how to review each artifact  Refine the outline for each artifact  Decide what reports to use

8 3-8 Inception Essential Artifacts  Development Case  Vision  Risk List  Software Development Plan  Iteration Plan  Development Process  Development Infrastructure  Glossary  Use-Case Model (Outlined) Optional Artifacts  Domain Model (a.k.a. Business Analysis Model)  Prototypes

9 3-9 Artifact: Development Case  The responsibility of the Process Engineer role  Describes:  Which disciplines to use  Phases and milestones  Which artifacts to use  How to use artifacts  Which activities to perform  Additional activities  How to work in each discipline  Iteration Plan descriptions Development Case

10 3-10 Development Case Extract for Project Management BusCase.doc ItAssess.doc ItPlan.doc RiskList.doc RskMgtPln.doc SDP.doc SDP.proj StatAssess.doc

11 3-11 Development Cases Levels of Usage Informal 5-10 page overview 20 pages Typical, see the sample Development Case 100+ pages Avoid extensive Development Cases because they are difficult to maintain

12 3-12  Outline  Product Description  Problem Statement  Stakeholders and End Users  Features  Constraints  Quality Measures Features, constraints, and a problem statement are used to gain stakeholder agreement on scope. Vision

13 3-13  Outline  Project Overview  Project Organization  Organizational Structure  External Interfaces  Roles and Responsibilities  Management Process  Project Estimates  Project, Phase, and Iteration Plans  Project Monitoring and Control  Technical Process and Supporting Process plans  Additional Plans Software Development Plan Software Development Plan

14 3-14 Risk List  A list of known project risks  Description  Ranking  Impacts  Indicators  Mitigation Strategy  Contingency Plan  Timing  Initial version by end of Inception  Updated per iteration Risk List

15 3-15 Other Risk-Related Artifacts Requirements Attributes Risk Management Plan Quality Assurance Plan

16 3-16 Review: RUP Effort and Time Distribution by Phase This distribution is typical for new software projects InceptionElaborationConstructionTransition Effort 5%20%65%10% Time/Schedule 10%30%50%10%

17 3-17 RUP Distribution of Skills by Phase Inception % Management14 Environment/CM10 Requirements38 Design19 Implementation8 Assessment8 Deployment3 Total100 Percentage of effort by activity for the Inception phase.

18 3-18 Inception Evaluation Criteria  Do all stakeholders concur on the scope definition, and the cost and schedule estimates?  Are requirements understood by stakeholders?  Are the cost and schedule estimates, priorities, risks, and development processes credible?  Do the depth and breadth of an architecture prototype (if needed) demonstrate the preceding criteria?  Do you have an iteration plan for the next iteration?

19 3-19 Inception Phase Management Issues  Let’s get started, we’ll decide where to go later  Fixed-price bidding in inception

20 3-20 Inception Phase Recommendations  Quantify project risks:  Business risks  Technical risks  Development risks  Capture the vision in written form  Make sure everyone on the project reads and understands it  Don’t overstaff  Better to have few people and the right people  Maintain the appropriate level of abstraction  The focus is scope definition, not the completion of detailed requirements

21 3-21 Exercise: Collegiate Sports Case Study Refer to the Exercises section of your workbook and complete: Exercise 2: Artifact Completion Exercise 3: Work Allocation Exercise 2: Artifact Completion Exercise 3: Work Allocation

22 3-22 Module 3 Review  The main objective of Inception is establishing the scope of the project and achieving stakeholder concurrence.  Some form of a Development Case can help you keep track of your artifact decisions for the project.  Estimation can help you plan. Time and effort can be controlled by making project adjustments that affect relevant cost factors.  Essential artifacts are:  Vision  Risk List  Software Development Plan  Iteration Plan/Assessment  Work Breakdown Structure

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