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U SAGE S TATISTICS FOR S PRINGER P RODUCTS T RIAL IN H UNGARY, F EBRUARY – M ARCH 2013 Tiberius Ignat and Peter Szanto Scientific Knowledge Services.

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1 U SAGE S TATISTICS FOR S PRINGER P RODUCTS T RIAL IN H UNGARY, F EBRUARY – M ARCH 2013 Tiberius Ignat and Peter Szanto Scientific Knowledge Services

2 About this trial  Scientific Knowledge Services as a group started distributing printed books and journals in 1993. Although now over 80% of its turnover is made from electronic sources in information, SKS still continue supplying organizations with print materials, at their choice.  In January 2013, Scientific Knowledge Services (SKS), a subscription agency registered in Switzerland, having more than 20 years of experience in distributing journals, books and other academic materials, in any format and the global publishing company Springer Science + Business Media (formerly known as Springer Verlag), working in close contact with a selected number of academic institutions from Hungary decided to run a trial for two months (February and March) for Springer eBooks

3 I NSTITUTIONS  Central European University  Corvinus Budapest University  Debrecen University  Eötvös Lorand University  Library of the Hungarian Academy of Science  Miskolc University  Pannon University  Pecs Univeristy  Szeged University  Szent István Egyetem  University of Technology and Economics

4 Springer eBooks  Available through SpringerLink, libraries and can offer their patrons online access to the most worthwhile books instantly from multiple locations.  Springer’s eBook Collection uses the portability, searchability and unparalleled ease of access of PDF and HTML data formats to make access for researchers, as convenient as possible. Springer eBook Collections offer high quality Springer book publications, together with all the added benefits of an online environment, including exceptional search capabilities and bookmarks

5 SKS Trial Related Activities  In a joint effort with Hungarian institutions, Scientific Knowledge Services organized a number of presentations across Hungary. Institutions in Budapest, Debrecen and Pecs have been visited and more than 70 librarians took benefits of a custom introduction to these information products. Hungarian translation was available and professionals had the chance to interact in open Questions and Answers Sessions.  SKS policy is to become a trusted partner of libraries in Hungary, exceeding the role of a vendor. We are open to propose a partnership in which our customers gain not only access to high impact scientific information at decent prices, but also balanced information about products, transparent negotiations and our commitment to work togather in promoting, make efficient use and continously evaluate these academic resources.

6 K EY FACTS ABOUT S PRINGER E- BOOKS  SUBJECT COLLECTIONS  Critical content dating back to the 1840s  Perpetual access  No DRM (Digital Rights Management)  Anytime, anywhere access  Over 120,000 eBooks available  More than 7,000 new eBooks and Reference Works every year!

7 Monthly Usage Indicator No. of visits % Usage Feb 110,89629% Usage Mar 275,07371% TOTAL 385,969100%

8 Usage per institution

9 The Usage Statistics corellated with FTE Name of university Usage Feb-Mar FTEUsage / FTE Library of the Hungarian Academy of Science 29,407 5,183 5.67 Eötvös Lorand University 93,917 21,000 4.47 University of Technology and Economics 109,215 25,360 4.31 Corvinus Budapest University 41,732 15,232 2.74 The Average 35,088 16,278 2.16 Debrecen University 39,135 22,138 1.77 Pannon University 13,047 7,571 1.72 Central European University 1,935 1,551 1.25 Pecs Univeristy 25,826 26,031 0.99 Szeged University 23,114 30,400 0.76 Miskolc University 5,792 11,568 0.50 Szent István Egyetem 2,849 13,029 0.22

10 The use of Springer titles Name of university No. Ebooks (titles) % University of Technology and Economics 6,871100% Eötvös Lorand University 5,20676% Library of the Hungarian Academy of Science 2,67939% Corvinus Budapest University 2,61138% Debrecen University 2,52137% Szeged University 2,36434% Pecs University 1,85827% Pannon University 1,25018% Miskolc University 6219% Central European University 4186% Szent István Egyetem 3014% Total 26,700

11 Usage Statistics per eBook Packadges eBook packageUsage% Biomedical and Life Sciences 48,97113% Mathematics and Statistics 47,47912% Computer Science 43,49011% Business and Economics 38,08210% Medicine 37,01810% Engineering 36,67310% Earth and Environmental Science 29,4748% Physics and Astronomy 21,3576% Chemistry and Materials Science 21,1715% Humanities, Social Science and Law 18,9645% Others* 43,29011% Total 385,969100%

12 Usage Statistics per eBook Packadges (2)

13 Central European University eBook package Usage% Humanities, Social Science and Law 59531% Mathematics and Statistics 47825% Physics and Astronomy 24713% Business and Economics 20711% Computer Science 1277% Earth and Environmental Science 905% Biomedical and Life Sciences 764% Engineering 563% Behavioral Science 181% Medicine 151% Unclassified 141% Chemistry and Materials Science 90% Springer Protocols 20% Professional and Applied Computing 10% Total 1,935100%

14 Corvinus Budapest University eBook package Usage% Biomedical and Life Sciences 7,65918% Business and Economics 6,32015% Chemistry and Materials Science 4,52711% Mathematics and Statistics 4,18710% Humanities, Social Science and Law 3,9199% Computer Science 3,7209% Engineering 2,6056% Unclassified 1,8334% Professional and Applied Computing 1,8314% Springer Protocols 1,6514% Earth and Environmental Science 1,5984% Medicine 9972% Physics and Astronomy 4371% Behavioral Science 2921% Architecture and Design 1090% Technik & Informatik (German) 310% Energy 160% Total 41,732100%

15 Debrecen University eBook package Usage% Biomedical and Life Sciences 10,92928% Medicine 9,59425% Earth and Environmental Science 3,78010% Chemistry and Materials Science 3,3489% Mathematics and Statistics 3,3359% Springer Protocols 2,5517% Unclassified 1,4544% Humanities, Social Science and Law 1,1133% Business and Economics 7462% Engineering 6262% Computer Science 5681% Physics and Astronomy 5391% Behavioral Science 3981% Professional and Applied Computing 1450% Wirtschaftswissenschaften (German) 80% Architecture and Design 10% Total 39,135100%

16 Eötvös Lorand University eBook package Usage% Computer Science 23,37625% Earth and Environmental Science 13,16814% Medicine 10,93312% Physics and Astronomy 7,9909% Mathematics and Statistics 7,5378% Engineering 6,1477% Biomedical and Life Sciences 5,7236% Humanities, Social Science and Law 3,7794% Professional and Applied Computing 2,9633% Springer Protocols 2,7853% Chemistry and Materials Science 2,5883% Unclassified 2,5563% Behavioral Science 2,3663% Business and Economics 2,0062% Total 93,917100%

17 Library of the Hungarian Academy of Science eBook package Usage% Humanities, Social Science and Law 3,76713% Chemistry and Materials Science 3,61612% Physics and Astronomy 3,48412% Biomedical and Life Sciences 3,38011% Engineering 2,99110% Behavioral Science 2,7479% Medicine 2,6579% Mathematics and Statistics 1,5215% Computer Science 1,1414% Earth and Environmental Science 1,0994% Springer Protocols 9733% Unclassified 9183% Business and Economics 6242% Professional and Applied Computing 4492% Energy 380% Architecture and Design 20% Total 29,407100%

18 Miskolc University eBook package Usage% Earth and Environmental Science 157227% Engineering 108019% Humanities, Social Science and Law 55710% Chemistry and Materials Science 5039% Springer Protocols 4979% Biomedical and Life Sciences 4959% Physics and Astronomy 4017% Behavioral Science 2745% Medicine 1483% Unclassified 1162% Mathematics and Statistics 872% Business and Economics 250% Computer Science 230% Professional and Applied Computing 140% Total 5792100%

19 Pannon University eBook package Usage% Engineering 3,49127% Biomedical and Life Sciences 2,06816% Physics and Astronomy 1,51412% Earth and Environmental Science 1,49511% Chemistry and Materials Science 1,30210% Mathematics and Statistics 1,0158% Business and Economics 7866% Unclassified 4694% Humanities, Social Science and Law 4213% Computer Science 2972% Professional and Applied Computing 1131% Medicine 721% Springer Protocols 30% Medicine (Dutch Language) 10% Total 13,047100%

20 Pecs University eBook package Usage% Medicine 7,09027% Biomedical and Life Sciences 4,11816% Computer Science 3,56514% Professional and Applied Computing 3,50714% Earth and Environmental Science 1,5176% Physics and Astronomy 1,2045% Unclassified 985 4% Engineering 8203% Mathematics and Statistics 7853% Springer Protocols 7093% Chemistry and Materials Science 5772% Business and Economics 5422% Humanities, Social Science and Law 3221% Behavioral Science 680% Energy 160% Medicine (Dutch Language) 10% Total 25,826100%

21 Szeged University eBook package Usage% Medicine 4,26918% Biomedical and Life Sciences 3,95717% Mathematics and Statistics 3,67016% Earth and Environmental Science 2,1379% Computer Science 1,9338% Springer Protocols 1,7898% Chemistry and Materials Science 1,3296% Humanities, Social Science and Law 1,0595% Unclassified 9754% Engineering 5973% Physics and Astronomy 5602% Business and Economics 5472% Behavioral Science 1691% Professional and Applied Computing 940% Energy 160% Architecture and Design 130% Total 23,114 100 %

22 Szent István Egyetem eBook package Usage% Biomedical and Life Sciences 2,11474% Earth and Environmental Science 1947% Unclassified 1897% Springer Protocols 1315% Chemistry and Materials Science 602% Humanities, Social Science and Law 492% Business and Economics 271% Medicine 271% Physics and Astronomy 221% Computer Science 161% Engineering 140% Professional and Applied Computing 40% Mathematics and Statistics 20% Total 2,849100%

23 University of Technology and Economics eBook package Usage% Business and Economics 26,25224% Mathematics and Statistics 24,86223% Engineering 18,24617% Computer Science 8,7248% Biomedical and Life Sciences 8,4528% Physics and Astronomy 4,9595% Humanities, Social Science and Law 3,3833% Chemistry and Materials Science 3,3123% Earth and Environmental Science 2,8243% Springer Protocols 2,5402% Unclassified 2,3332% Professional and Applied Computing 1,5641% Medicine 1,2161% Behavioral Science 4380% Energy 1000% Architecture and Design 90% Medicine (Dutch Language) 10% Total 109,215 100 %

24 Scientific Knowledge Services Tiberius Ignat Peter Szanto THANK YOU!

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