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1 EBSCO Discovery Service Statistics Explained Tutorial

2 Welcome to EBSCO’s Discovery Service statistics explained tutorial. In this tutorial, we will look at how EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) usage statistics are generated and where to find them in EBSCOadmin. For more information on how to get statistics, see the Reports & Statistics tutorial available from the EBSCO Support Site.

3 When a search box is implemented for your institution, statistics are recorded each time it is used. For example, this Search Box will create a Session, a ‘Login’, and a Search when the Search button is clicked. The search will be recorded against every database in the EDS profile.

4 A variety of reports are available in EBSCOadmin under the Reports & Statistics tab. Session and Search statistics are retrieved from EBSCOadmin when you run the Session Usage Report.

5 Login count statistics for successful logins to EBSCO resources are retrieved on the IP Usage Report.

6 Entering search terms and clicking Search on the EBSCO Discovery Service interface will also create a Search statistic for every database that is part of the profile.

7 What are considered databases in your EDS profile? All resources seen in the Content Provider facet on the Result List are considered databases that record statistics whenever a search is conducted.

8 In addition, any Integrated Search Connectors (external databases) are also considered databases that record statistics any time a search is performed.

9 Statistics by database can be retrieved in the Database Usage report in EBSCOadmin. In addition to Sessions and Searches, Full Text, Abstract, and Linking statistics are available on this report.

10 You can also select to view eBook and Audiobook statistics from the Database Usage Report if your subscription includes eBook and Audiobook collections. When running a Database Usage Report, simply select the eBook and Audiobook collections in the Database list and select the eBook and Audiobook fields to show.

11 Statistics for eBooks and Audiobooks appear in the Requests section of the Database Usage Report.

12 For catalog records, clicking the article or book title will trigger an Abstract View or LinkOut. Clicking the Catalog link will trigger a CustomLink (Catalog) request. No statistics are logged for these if clicked

13 Clicking a CustomLink in the result list will trigger: Link Out – CustomLink and a CustomLink statistic on the Database report for this database. Clicking a PDF Full Text link will trigger a Full Text Request/View. CustomLink PDF Full Text Link

14 Full Text, Abstract and CustomLink statistics are found under Requests on the Session Usage Report. CustomLink PDF Full Text Link Abstract View

15 When refining your results from the Result List screen, selecting a limiter or limiters from the column on the left (or from all limiters available by clicking Show More) and clicking Update will run a new search and a search statistic will be logged for every database that is part of the profile.

16 When you select a facet in the column on the left, another Search is created against every database in the profile. This applies to all available facets, including Source Types, Subject, Publication, Company, etc.

17 Hovering on the preview icon will trigger an Abstract transaction that is seen in the Session Usage Report.

18 Clicking an HTML Full Text link will trigger an HTML Full Text request transaction that is also viewed on the Session Usage Report.

19 Clicking any of these links in the Detailed Record view will trigger another Search against all databases.

20 SmartLinks: If both Academic Search and Business Source cover this Journal, but only Business Source has Full Text, and Business Source is not in this EDS profile, this would trigger a SmartLink FROM Academic Search TO Business Source.

21 SmartLinks: Smart Link To and Smart Link From statistics are available on the Database Usage Report.

22 Link Order and Options: By choosing to have all links show, statistics will be distributed depending on the links selected by the user. The order in which the links are set to appear will likely impact which links are chosen.

23 Reviewing the Database Report: Notice the databases that are generating the most CustomLink-outs: Science Direct followed by Business Source Premier. This is unexpected due to how much Full Text Business Source Premier has and could be a result of the link order.

24 Reviewing the Link Activity by Target Report: Here you see which targets you are CustomLinking TO. The SFX Link Resolver is being linked to the most. This is partially due to it being on every record, and partially because it is always the first link.

25 LinkIn Transactions: The URL of the page displayed here will show as a source in the Link Activity by Source Report after the user clicks the persistent link embedded in the page.

26 Review the Link Activity by Source Report: A Blank Source means the user accessed via a bookmark, email, persistent link, etc. The browser/proxy did not pass the HTTP referrer.

27 Interface Report: The Interface Report provides a snapshot of how patrons are using key features and functionality of EBSCO Discovery Service.

28 If you would like to learn more, visit to sign up for online training sessions, or view previously-recorded sessions on a wide variety of topics.

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