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Published byRosalyn Joseph Modified over 9 years ago
1.1 Identify security issues that might threaten system performance. Charlie is aware that having a slow computer can be incredibly irritating, especially when it takes a long time to complete even the simplest of tasks. Charlie will be using his computer a lot for his college work, so he is keen to ensure that its performance is not compromised. Identify common security issues that could affect the way Charlie’s computer performs. a) Explain to Charlie how the following risks may have an impact on a PCs performance: RiskExplain what the risk is to the machine how it may slow Charlie’s PC. Unsolicited Email (SPAM) spam is junk mail and it gets send to you not ask for it and it also blocks our email account. some of them may have virus which when open will slow down the computer they take up a lot of memory. Viruses can corrupt files, stop some programs from working,and can stop computers switching on and off. if one programs doesn’t work it might slow down other programs Charlie might also find that his computer will take ages to turn on and also make some programs to start up. Adware pop-ups downloading advertising machine It down loads pop-ups that are always keep popping up its going to slow Charlie's machine down because they are going to interrupt other programs from working and Charlie has to keep closeting the pop ups. Trojan Horses it’s a program that’s disguised of something else but will introduce viruses onto your computer. it slows down it taking up a lot of space on your computer memory and stopping other things working Worms worms are malicious programs that spreads to computer systems and multiplies itself through network connections. They will take control of the computer system to steel information. it slows down your machine because the files get so large because they multiply them self and stopping the computer from working Rogue DiallersRogue diallers attempt to take over the dialling settings that someone has to connect to the internet. Rogue diallers cost more to connect to the internet – the person who is paying the bill will relies that something is not right when they see how much you have to pay if you find out that your rogue dialler has taken over then he wouldn’t be able to use the internet and that will slow down his computer with out the internet. Hackers people can take your bank details and your password- they do this by gaining unauthorised access to your computer to look for confidential and personal data. if hackers take over your computer then sometimes they can install programs that you haven't put on your computer. Sometimes the programs can contain spyware, malware and virus’s this will slow your computer down Web browser advertising and Pop ups. pop-ups can be dangerous because if a pop up comes up and you click on them then that would give you a virus if pop ups cause a virus on your computer then that could slow down your computer or even stop it working all together
1.2 Taking appropriate security precautions to protect IT systems and data.. It is important that Charlie shows practical capability and a responsible attitude in relation to basic security in his everyday life at home and college. a)Explain to Charlie the risks or dangers of the following: Swapping passwords with others…. A person can go onto your email / system and delete work which could be really important GCSE work or they could copy your work without your knowledge and delete it. They could order things online or send inappropriate emails to people. Failing to keep his passwords secure…. A person can go onto your email / system and delete work which could be really important GCSE work or they could copy your work without your knowledge and delete it. They could order things online or send inappropriate emails to people. The risk are the same –weak –strong passwords. Using ineffective passwords (e.g. the word "password" or a single key stroke)…. this means that someone could guess your password and hack your account Downloading or attempting to download information that is either against local policies or is not known to be secure…. If you try to download a game from the college could have your service withdraw from the internet or the network could be blocked. If you down load inappropriate materials such as how to build a bomb. This has to be reported to the popo
b)It is essential that Charlie has a suitable password. Complete the 2 nd column below say how strong (difficult to guess) you think each password is (very weak – weak – good – strong – very strong) Password How strong do you think it is and why? password Weak because it is a word password1 Weak because it’s a word with a number £pasSword1 These are stronger because they have a mixture of characters pa$word1 Pas$word1 Pa5$word1 d)What things could be used to make the passwords stronger? Not having a word and using letters, numbers and symbols
e) Explain to Charlie why it is important to take the following precaution to protect data? PrecautionWhy Updating anti-virus software and make regular checks its is vital to update anti-virus software and regularly check whether it is still in date and hasn’t expired because if the software is out of date by literally just hours this could cause the computer isn’t protected and is so easy to get viruses into and to hack. Back up data and ensure backups are in a physically separate If data isn’t backed up and one of the most important files on the computer gets deleted or gets damaged or lost, then a back up is there to just be a second copy and by keeping these separate to the original copy it has a better chance of not being touched if things in the Install and Adjust firewall settings Installing and adjusting the firewall settings is to make sure the computer has some think protecting it and that if a virus does try to get in, it wouldn’t success because of the firewall standing there like a brick wall and stopping the virus from getting in. Download security software patches and updates; Make sure the computer works properly Adjust internet security settings Access levels
f) Explain to Charlie why it is essential to take the following precaution to protect IT systems? PrecautionWhy Locks on doors by locking the door it is stopping people having access to hack into the computer or if the computer is already on it stopping people from going onto your personal account and allowing viruses. This will stop things from being deleted without permission and will stop people having access to personal things when you don’t want them to. Physical controls Report security threats or breaches Fire safety equipment in IT Rooms Other? Other?
1.3 Identify threats to information security associated with widespread use of technology. Help Charlie identify some specific key threats relevant to his circumstances. a) Within college Charlie will use MS Outlook. Explain why Charlie should take care when using Email? in case of being Lots of people can be using the same computer as him and if he leaves himself logged on other people can look at his emails and they could either reply to them or delete them. b) Explain to Charlie what SPAM is and what he should do about it? Spam are emails that have been send to you that you have not ask for Charlie should delete the spam email as soon as he resaves them and shouldn’t reply to them if you reply to it then some one know ‘s you have been on the email address. And they will send you lots more. c) Explain why Charlie should not leave his computer logged on in public places e.g. the open access areas in college? People could mess with your work or delete it. They can also change his password d) Why is it important that Charlie has a strong password for all his IT accounts? It is important to have a strong password because it will stop people from trying to get in to his account. Also in case it gets hacked and people mess around with his work. e) Why shouldn’t Charlie store his user name and passwords in public web browsers? If Charlie stored his user name and password then it will be easy for people to see it and try to hack Into his account. Charlie needs to be aware that there are people who pretend to be trusted entities in order to get personal information from users. (Phishing). f) Explain how Charlie can spot Phishing scams and avoid them? There won’t be a padlock on the web page and there might be some spelling mistakes. They might be asking for personal information or the colours could look different. A Phishing scam should not ask for personal information so that will cause alarm bells that Charlie should look for. g) Why shouldn’t Charlie provide personal information on a public network (e.g. the college network) that could enable criminals to access individuals' personal data? Because someone can use it and pretend to be Charlie.
1.4 Taking appropriate precautions to keep information secure.. There are many threats to information security. a) Explain these to Charlie: ThreatWhat can be done as a precaution to prevent the threat? Theft lock files, doors locked, add passwords, locks on the keyboards,finger print regonition.strong passwords Unauthorised access Some body getting o to your machine that’s why you need a strong password and not giving your password to any body else Accidental File deletion your back up file in a couple of places also make sure to save with different file name 565569Wor/Malicious Software Make sure anti-virus software is up-to-date and you have a firewall installed. Hackers make sure you have a secure firewall and the setting is very high and have strong passwords
ThreatWhat can be done as a precaution to prevent the threat? Phishing There won’t be a padlock on the web page and there might be some spelling mistakes. They might be asking for personal information or the colours could look different. A Phishing scam should not ask for personal information so that will cause alarm bells that Charlie should look for. Unsecured and public networks not give personal information or save information and do not do online banking or shopping websites. Always check that you have logged out and no one is watching you.if you have to use them, don’t use them unless its an emergency Wireless networks Change the default password, or have a strong and secure password. Make sure a wireless network has a password and it is a secure, safe password. Bluetooth it can be easily hacked don’t have it on all the time and make sure its password protected. There are many threats to information security. a) Explain these to Charlie:
b) When Charlie goes to college he is likely to carry sensitive information on discs, laptops and memory sticks. Such physical devices can be lost or misplaced. What can he do to avoid losing the information on them if they lost/misplaced?
1.5 Following relevant guidelines and procedures for the secure use of IT When in college Charlie must follow their security guidelines and procedures. These rules are made by the college and state how its IT systems should be used. The rules generally cover privacy, security and legal requirements. Each time Charlie logs on to the college network he is greeted by an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) screen. a) Briefly explain to Charlie what the purpose of the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is and why he should obey the policy? This is important for Charlie to keep his user name and password to himself because just in case he get hacked and somebody deletes his work. If he agrees to this then you will have to apply by the rules before being able to use the computer and this will make him more responsible. If he doesn’t agree to it then it will take you back to your home screen.
1.6 Explain why it is important to backup data securely Charlie is aware that all his work and other data on his PC is important. However he is not convinced about the importance of backing up his data. a) Explain to Charlie what is meant by the term “Backing Up” and why it is important? b) List some ways in which Charlie could lose his data (e.g. fire, theft etc.) c) The table below shows different ways Charlie could “Back up” his data. Explain what each method is and list any advantages or disadvantages. Method Explain what it is? How much data it can store? AdvantagesDisadvantages Memory Stick a memory stick can store a lot of information by saving your information on the devise you can save you stuff on there, you can save your work and remove your thing on to an other computer External hard drive A hard drive is able to store data. More then the memory stick which could be build in. the advantage would be that there is more space in the hard drive Cloud Storage DVD CD Other?
1.7 Demonstrate how personal data is backed up to appropriate media Show Charlie how to “back up “work effectively from your college computer onto a USB/Memory stick a) Show a printscreen of files on your college computer, paste the printscreen below. b) Show a printscreen of the files saved on your USB/Memory Stick, paste the printscreen below. c) Charlie isn’t aware that the college backs up all school data (full back up) regularly. Find about what happens and write a short paragraph why it is done.
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