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Microalgae as a biofuel feedstock: risks and challenges Presentation By: Liandong Zhu Trends and future of sustainable development.

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Presentation on theme: "Microalgae as a biofuel feedstock: risks and challenges Presentation By: Liandong Zhu Trends and future of sustainable development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microalgae as a biofuel feedstock: risks and challenges Presentation By: Liandong Zhu Trends and future of sustainable development

2 Introduction Purpose and perspective Potential risks and challenges Conclusions Recommendations Contents

3 Introduction Energy crisis  Based on the current consumption of about 11.6 million tons of crude oil per day, it is expected that the entire resources can only suffice for a rather short time period;  UK Energy Research Centre even concluded that oil resources will be used up between 2020 and 2030  New oil and gas reserves are always discovered Global warming and global climate changes  The use of oil can cause the risks of the rise of greenhouse effect, which can result in all kinds of disasters to our planet Earth and its inhabitants

4 Introduction Microalgae have overwhelmingly received a lot of attention as a new biomass source for the production High photosynthesis efficiency and can grow very fast; Without occupying farmlands; Can be supplied by saline and brackish water, seawater, wastewater, and other salt water like saline groundwater and CO 2 by combustion gas; Can be collected very quickly; Uniform cell structure with no bark, stems, branches or leaves; Physical and fuel properties of biofuel (e.g. density, heating value, etc.) are comparable to those of fuel diesel.

5 Introduction Where can we get algae?

6 Introduction

7 Introduction Products: biodiesel, bioethanol, biohydrogen, biogas

8 Purpose and perspective  Microalgae-based biofuel (MBB) industry is booming. But there is limited and fragmented published information available on the environmental, social, cultural and economic dimensions involved with potential sustainable risks.  From sustainability perspective, this paper explores the potential risks and challenges connected with the production of MBB, systematically.  Afterwards, some corresponding recommendations about government policies, company behaviors and public participation are put forward in order to minimize the potential risks to the permitted levels.

9 Potential risks and challenges- Environmental  Water Water resource abuse; Without feasible water usage planning (recycling) Damage to waterways; Systems discharge (toxicants): chemical additives, flocculants, solvents, and catalysts Groundwater may not be recharged effectively Waterproof surface

10 Potential risks and challenges- Environmental  Land Land use overexpansion; Amount of space is required; Over-pursue commercial profits cause an indirect land use Earth pollution, and soil erosion Discharge pollution; Heavy rain or flood might lead to high biomass overflow; Pipelines construction involves the removal of plenty of rocks and earth

11 Potential risks and challenges- Environmental  Biodiversity Eutrophication; Downstream discharge leads to nutrient imbalance Algal blooms and fish kills; Caused by eutrophication Biological invasion Downstream carries non-harvested microalgae cells

12 Potential risks and challenges- Environmental  Greenhouse gas Greenhouse gases (e.g. NO x, CH 4 ) emissions Appearance of anaerobic zone under water surface and biomass death can bring about the emission of CH 4, N 2 O, etc.

13 Potential risks and challenges- Economic Start-up is expensive (overwhelming investments); Capital costs occupy about 50% of the total costs Loss of jobs Development of increased automation

14 Potential risks and challenges- Social Jeopardize the health of local wildlife and people; Pollution Diseases (e.g. yellow fever, malaria) spread Microalgae may provide some habitats for laying and hatching of mosquito eggs and larvae

15 Potential risks and challenges- Cultural –Difficult for people to adapt to Traditionally used to produce cosmetics and food; Microalgae biomass is a very new biofuel type

16 Conclusions

17 Recommendations  Efficient government policies e.g., roles and responsibilities within government agencies must be clarified; contracts of environmental impact statements must be reinforced; regulatory industry roadmap must be developed; propaganda activities……  Proactive company behaviors e.g., water and land use planning should be carried out in an environmental friendly manner; assessment of potential risks should be conducted prior to facilities introduction; require transparency of process inputs and outputs…..  Positive public participation Public perception, sense and participation


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