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AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS Impact Agenda Anne-Marie Martin President AGCAS.

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Presentation on theme: "AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS Impact Agenda Anne-Marie Martin President AGCAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS Impact Agenda Anne-Marie Martin President AGCAS Director of Shared Services for Students and Graduates, University of London

2 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 Bank of England governor Sir Mervyn King warns financial crisis won't end until 2017 at the earliest Scotlands economic growth stalling as Eurozone debt crisis takes its toll

3 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 Outcomes Agreements Retention Articulation from college Accelerated degrees Widening participation International competitiveness in research Uni/industry collaboration & the exploitation of research The pattern and spread of provision Efficiency, both in the learning journey and of institutions The entrepreneurial and employability skills of graduates

4 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 New Matrix “ Outcomes are a measure of the impact that the service has on clients. Outcomes may include ‘hard’ measures like clients progressing into further education or employment, and ‘soft’ measures such as improved confidence or time-keeping ”

5 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 Fortress Guidance

6 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012

7 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 What are we trying to achieve? Help students make transition from education to the world - counselling Teach students how to achieve and maintain career success – educators Help students get graduate level jobs 6 months after graduation – recruitment agency What do your stakeholders think you should be trying to achieve?

8 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 Stakeholders in Order of Importance 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th Students93% (53)7% (4)000 Graduates057.4% (31)9.3% (5)14.8% (8)18.5% (10) Employers019.6% (11)44.6% (25)28.6% (16)7.1% (4) Academic staff09.1% (5)36.4% (20)29.1% (16)25.5% (14) Institutional management 7.1% (4)8.9% (5)10.7% (6)28.6% (16)44.7%(25)

9 How high a standing do you believe you are perceived to have within your institution?

10 “Our careers service used to be one of those old fashioned ones – all guidance and counselling but I got rid of it. Now we have a modern employment focussed team” Pro Vice Chancellor 94 Group institution AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012

11 “Careers Services will have to stop being just about advice and actually find us jobs – you know – like a recruitment agency” Head of Students Union, Midlands University AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012

12 “I’m fed up with all this cuddly social work stuff, get us further up the employment rankings” Head of Faculty, Research-led institution AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012

13 EMPLOYABILITY CAREERS GOOD  BAD  AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012


15 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 KIS – arriving 2012 Satisfaction with the Course – 11 items from National Student Survey Learning and Teaching methods used Assessment methods used Destinations of Leavers from HE - primary outcomes Percentage of those employed in graduate jobs Average full-time salary Professional Bodies that recognise course Cost of halls of residence/private rental accommodation Bursaries/scholarships available Satisfaction with Student Union Number of clubs and societies run by Student Union

16 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012

17 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 What else is on my horizon New funding regime HEAR Shared Services Leadership Business/Industry Collaboration

18 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 23 Recommendations All students have at least one structured internship All students to gain enterprise skills Employer Feedback at interview Employer feedback regarding graduates skills and transition into work Employers should revisit their algorithms Pre-interview services for SMEs

19 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 The 3 Es Employability Enterprise Entrepreneurship

20 Choose the right students Make sure the students choose their degree wisely Structure the curriculum so they gain appropriate knowledge and broadest possible skills Give them the widest possible co- and extra curriculum experience Student societies; Volunteering; On campus jobs; Internships; placements; vacation work Help them to understand themselves and the market To analyse their gaps and how to fill their gaps Provide remedial support for those who can’t read, write and add-up Give extra help to non- traditional students

21 Teach them to network, identify opportunities, apply and be selected Introduce them to as many employers as possible Help them to make decisions Did I mention work experience? Place them in jobs (recruitment agency) Provide intensive coaching to those still unemployed in July ALL BESPOKE TO DEPARTMENTS Know about every overseas job market and UK work permit regulations

22 START EARLY ENGAGE THEM EFFECTIVELY Collect their destinations as effectively as possible

23 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 Skype Webinars Wiki

24 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012

25 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012

26 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012

27 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 To Sum Up Before measuring the impact of your service you need to define your purpose, aims and objectives clearly. These need to be clearly linked to your institution’s purpose, strategy and positioning. Heads of Service need to describe what we do simply and clearly in the language of our key stakeholders who should be institutional managers and funding bodies. Asserting that what we do is intangible, cumulative and too long term to measure is fine but only if we can prove that such an assertion is true!

28 “A hundred objective measurements didn’t sum the worth of a garden; only the delight of its users did that. Only the use of it did that” Lois McMasters Bujold A Civil Campaign 1999

29 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 AGCAS CIEL Conference June 2012 AGCAS Scotland Biennial June 2012 “ The birthplace of success for each person is in his Inner-Consciousness. The Inner Consciousness will use whatever it is given. If constructive thoughts are planted positive outcomes will result. Plant the seeds of failure and failure will follow. And since the only real freedom a person has is the choice of what thoughts he will feed to his Inner- Consciousness he is totally responsible for the outcomes he gets. ” Sidney Madwed How to use poetry to get better results


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