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Report Tile Training & Management Assistance Branch UNITED STATES OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Project Kick-Off Meeting for with Project Manager Name,

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Presentation on theme: "Report Tile Training & Management Assistance Branch UNITED STATES OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Project Kick-Off Meeting for with Project Manager Name,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Report Tile Training & Management Assistance Branch UNITED STATES OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Project Kick-Off Meeting for with Project Manager Name, Title, Telephone

2 2 “Government likes to begin things - to declare grand new programs and causes. But good beginnings are not the measure of success. What matters in the end is completion. Performance. Results. Not just making promises, but making good on promises.” - George W. Bush Message from the President

3 3 Meeting Agenda Introductions/Meeting Objectives Contractual and Working Relationships Roles and Responsibilities Key Points of Contact Management Plan Format Project Discussion Next Steps

4 4 Meeting Objectives - Alignment Clarify Expectations - Who will do what as we work together during the project Validate Project Requirements – Do current requirements differ from those in the SOO/SOR Collect Government-Furnished Information – What policies, procedures, or materials will assist the contractor in preparing the Management Plan Lay Foundation for the Management Plan– What are the desired outcomes of the project

5 5 Contractual Relationships OPM/TMA Client Contractor Subcontractor (if applicable)

6 6 Roles and Responsibilities ContractorDevelops Management Plan TMA and Client Review and approve Management Plan TMA (with Client approval)Issues Work Orders Contractor Performs work as directed and produces deliverables Contractor Informs Client and TMA of project status and/or concerns ClientReviews and approves deliverables. Informs TMA and Contractor of changes/ additions to the Management Plan

7 7 Roles and Responsibilities (cont’d) TMA Monitors project status Client Authorizes scope and schedule changes as needed Contractor Presents Deliverable Receipt Form (DRF) to Client for approval of deliverables Client Formally accepts or rejects deliverables within 7 days after receipt. Rejected deliverables require written justification TMA Processes invoice payments or meets with Client and Contractor to resolve rejected DRF issue TMA Provides financial status reports TMA & Client Evaluate and close-out project

8 8 Key Points of Contact Agency Name Name of Agency Point of Contact Phone: Email: Contractor Name Name of Contractor Project Manager Phone: Email: OPM/TMA Project Manager Name, Title Phone: Fax: Email:

9 9 Management Plan Introduction Purpose, End Products Plan Assumptions Task Descriptions Activities, Interim and Final Deliverables Labor Costs, Periods of Performance Administrative Information Proposal Review Meeting Documented Agreement Working Document

10 10 Client’s Tips for Success Ensure SME’s are identified and fully engaged Avoid “Scope Creep”  Pay attention to number and duration of review cycles  Involve key decision makers at the front end  Changes to previously approved deliverables may impact cost and timelines  Notify TMA about task changes to ensure Management Plan is revised

11 11 Client’s Tips for Success (cont’d) Provide consolidated, actionable feedback on deliverables Contact TMA immediately for assistance with mitigating problems

12 12 Contractor’s Tips for Success Do not work at risk Clearly articulate project and task assumptions in the Management Plan Provide sufficient task and deliverable descriptions to justify costs

13 13 Contractor’s Tips for Success (cont’d) Ensure that subcontractors understand TMA policies and procedures (if applicable) Notify TMA of scope changes and revise the Management Plan accordingly Notify TMA of changes to key project personnel Contact TMA immediately for assistance with mitigating problems

14 14 Project Authority Who authorizes work orders to be issued Note: Work orders must be issued before work begins, including travel and Separately Priced Items (SPIs) Who should receive amendments to the Management Plan Note: The management plan must first be reviewed by the TMA Project Manager before being sent to the client unless otherwise specified – this includes amendments to the plan

15 15 Project Authority (cont’d) Who authorizes changes to Management Plan Note: Only the Client can authorize changes to the Management Plan. Who should sign Deliverable Acceptance Forms Note: TMA requires that a draft deliverable meet at least 80 percent of the specific requirements of the final deliverable. If the submitted draft does not meet the 80 percent standard, the submitted draft deliverable will not be acceptable.

16 16 Project Discussion Clarification of requirements related to SOO/SOR Who will provide access to people and government-furnished materials What is the protocol for contacting Subject Matter Experts (SME)

17 17 Project Discussion (cont’d) Communications protocol Length and number of review cycles What is project timeline

18 18 Next Steps Quote for Management Plan should be provided within 1-3 business days TMA Management Fee Estimated delivery date of Management Plan Management Plan Review Meeting

19 19 Next Steps (cont’d) Other Action Items  Security clearances  Work site  Equipment  Anything not addressed in the SOO/SOR that could impact cost, schedule, or quality

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