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Lab Values of Normal Patients

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1 Lab Values of Normal Patients

2 Red blood cell count Male 5.4 million per cubic millimeter Female 4.8 million per cubic millimeter Platelet count 300,000 per cubic millimeter

3 White blood cells 7000 per cubic millimeter Eosinophils 1% of white blood cells Basophils 1% of white blood cells Lymphocytes 30% of white blood cells Monocytes 6 to 8% of white blood cells

4 Blood PH Whole blood gases Capacity volume%

5 Arterial Saturation 96-100% of capacity PCO2 35- 45 mmHg
PO mmHg Bicarbonate, norm mEq/L Base excess +2 to -2 (+-2 mEq/L)

6 Venous Saturation 60-85% of capacity PCO2 40- 54 mmHg PO2 20-50 mmHg
Bicarbonate norm mEq/L

7 Urine PH is average Specific gravity norm Aldosterone micro/ 24hrs Amylase U/L 2hrs Bilirubin and bile neg. – Mg/dl

8 Calcium Meq/24 hrs Chloride Meq/24 hrs Magnesium Mg/ 24 hrs Phosphorus Mg/ 24 hrs Potassium Meq/24 hrs

9 Sodium Meq/24 hrs Glucose 5- Hydroxyindoleacetic Mg/24 hrs acid Ketones Ammonia Meq/24 hrs

10 Lab values Creatinine clearance 100- 200 ML/min
Creatinine Male Mg/kg/24hr Creatinine Female Mg/kg/24hr Protein Mg/dl/24hr Urea G/24hr Uric acid G/24hr Osmolality , Mosm/1 Porphobilinogen Mg/24hrs

11 Steroids 17- hydroxycorticosteroids Male Mg/24hrs 17- hydroxycorticosteroids Female Mg/24hrs 17- ketosteroids Male Mg/24hrs 17- ketosteroids Female Mg/24hrs Urobilinogen Mg/24hrs Vanillylmandelic acid Mg/24hrs

12 Cerebrospinal fluid Cell count 0- 8 Mm3 Chloride 118- 132 Meq/l
Culture No organisms Glucose Mg/dl Pressure Cm water Protein Mg/dl Sodium Mg/dl

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