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Exploring Creativity Mr Stones Unit 1 Topic 1.2.2.

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1 Exploring Creativity Mr Stones Unit 1 Topic 1.2.2

2 To start........ Creativity in the classroom Take a piece of paper & pen. You will be given the name of an object. You have 30 seconds to think of as may uses as possible for that item. Do not discuss! 1.A cotton bud 2.A piece of tissue paper 3.A sponge 4.A loo roll insert

3 Last lesson we: Explored creativity using thinking keys Completed an application form for Sir Alan Sugar

4 for today Explore the questions that entrepreneurs ask Look at invention and innovation Taking a calculated risk Review your creativity - Quiz

5 The questions that entrepreneurs ask Questions help entrepreneurs to: Sort out issues, explore alternatives and plan for the future Identify what is working and should stay the same and what isn’t and needs to change Continually evaluate their activities

6 The questions Why? Why Not? What?How? Where? When?

7 Lesson: Invention & innovation Invention is the discovery of new products or new ways of doing or making something. Innovation is the process of transforming an invention into a product that customers will buy. It may be a different application of something that already exists, something that adds value or differentiates a product.

8 Invention & Innovation Young entrepreneurs and their business Case 1: Ben Way ‘The Rainmakers’ g-entrepreneurs-share-their- views/

9 Invention & Innovation Do you think invention and innovation in business is risky? What other things may entrepreneurs or business people have to consider when be innovative or inventive?

10 Key considerations 1. Patents Right of ownership of an invention that is registered with Government UK Patents –are for 20 years International Patents are more expensive 2. Copyright Legal ownership of material Given for IPR such as films, books and music. Gives the right to copy, produce and control material. Copyright protection is longer than patents. E.g Books for lifetime + 70 years after death 3. Trademarks The symbols, signs or features of a product protected in law Examples include Coca Cola, Lego, BBC & Scrabble

11 1. Patents and the patent office Lets look at an example of a patent application We will use the search term ‘Dog Bed’

12 2. Copyright Can you think of any examples of things that can be copyrighted? Literary works including books, poems and publications Motions pictures and dramatic works Computer software and animations Songs, song lyrics, sound recordings, and music Photographs, graphics, images, pictures Web pages Works of art including paintings, sculptures, architecture, and computer graphics Educational materials including texts and tests Lets test your knowledge! The IPO Quiz Located at: Type copyright into search bar Click on activities for Edexcel business Click on Section 2, then 1.2.4 – The IPO copyright quiz

13 3. Trademarks can be: 1. Logos McDonald's double arches Apple Computer's Apple 2. Pictures or drawings Corning's Pink Panther MSN's Butterfly

14 Trademarks can be: 3. Combination of letters and a design: 4. Slogans 5. Product Shape

15 Taking a calculated risk Calculated risk is about putting a numerical value or probability on the risk. It is the chance of something negative happening. Examples: The risk of losing your premises if you don’t pay your rent Very high =100% Risk of a child getting burnt whilst cooking Quite high =50%

16 1.2.6 Other important enterprise skills Are you an entrepreneur? Quiz Go to: Click on number 1 - Activities For Edexcel GCSE Business StudiesActivities For Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Click on section 2 then 1.2.6 - Other important enterprise skills

17 Homework Read pages 48-55 Answers the two sets of questions on page 47 Answers the questions on page 50 & 51

18 Important enterprise skills To be effective, an entrepreneur has to: 1.Be able to spot opportunities 2.Be an effective planner 3.Be able to think ahead 4.Have drive and determination

19 Making connections Mindmaps Mindmaps are used to help us think about our ideas, plan ahead and explore opportunities. The central idea/theme is at the centre and any words or ideas linked to this flow from the keyword.

20 Look at the Creative Genius Mindset -What actions, qualities and strategies do creative people use? TASK: Create a mind map showing your skills

21 Creative Problem-Solving Quiz Are you a professional? This short quiz will help you understand your thinking style better.

22 Question 1 1.How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator? The correct answer is: Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe and close the door. This question tests whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way.

23 Question 2 2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator ? Wrong Answer: Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant and close the refrigerator. Correct Answer: Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant and close the door. This tests your ability to think through the repercussions of your actions.

24 Question 3 3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference, all the animals attend except one. Which animal does not attend? Correct Answer: The Elephant. The Elephant is in the refrigerator. This tests your memory. OK, even if you did not answer the first three questions, correctly you can surely answer this one.

25 Question 4 4. There is a river you must cross. But it is inhabited by crocodiles. How do you manage it? Correct Answer: You swim across. All the crocodiles are attending the Animal Meeting! This tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes. FACT: Around 90% of the professionals they tested got all questions wrong. But many preschoolers got several correct answers.

26 Super! Remember, successful business need creativity Any questions?

27 Midterm Homework Relax... There is none!


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