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CAPABILITY OF INCREASING ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN EU HOUSING Nataliya Anisimova Czech Technical University in Prague

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1 CAPABILITY OF INCREASING ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN EU HOUSING Nataliya Anisimova Czech Technical University in Prague

2 EU-goals:  20% share of renewable energies in overall EU energy consumption by 2020  20% reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions by 2020

3 Structure of energy consumption in EU25

4  Aim of the research: to define what costs have to be involved in energy efficiency increase in EU housing to reach the required standard 1. Construction 2. Utilization 3. Maintenance

5 Final energy and primary energy demand

6 Final energy demand Q E = Heating energy demand Q H x Heating energy loss factor e H + + Domestic water heat energy Q w x Water heat energy loss factor e W

7 Primary energy demand Q p = (Heating energy demand Q h + Domestic water heat energy Q w ) x Energy loss factor e p Energy loss coefficient e p for different heating systems: - 0,5 – 0,6 – wood-pellet heating, - 0,7 – 0,9 – heat pump, - 1,3 – 1,4 – combustion heating, - 1,5 and more – old heating system.

8 A “typical” newly-built dwelling house  one- or multi-family house with 2-3 persons per dwelling  usable floor area A n = 242.3 m 2 ;  thermal covering area of the building A = 500.8 m 2,  ratio of covering area to cubic content A/V ae = 0.66 1/m;  percentage of windows in total covering area f = 19.1 %;  heating system – gas combustion boiler with a hot water accumulator inside the heating area.

9 Heated area Final energy Primary energy Useful energy Transfer DivisionAccumulationGeneration Calculation of energy demand

10 Main characteristics of the reference building IndicatorValueUnit Transmission heat loss H ’ T through building covering 0.373W/m 2 K Annual final energy demand Q E 70.67kWh/m 2 ∙a Annual primary energy demand Q P 91.0kWh/m 2 ∙a CO 2 emissions per m 2 of usable floor area 20.62kg/ m 2 ∙a

11 Variants of reduction of primary energy demand Example 1Example 2Example 3 Additional solar domestic hot water system Additional mechanical ventilation system with 80% heat recovery. Installation of air-to- water heat pump for heating and hot water supply instead of gas combustion boiler (reference building)

12 Evaluation of primary energy demand reduction IndicatorUnitExample 1 Example 2 Example 3 Annual final energy demand Q E per m 2 kWh/m 2 ∙a66.0863.1470.67 Annual primary energy demand Q P per m 2 kWh/m 2 ∙a72.6072.5068.80 Reduction in primary energy demand (as to reference building) about 20 % Costs of reduction in energy demand EUR4 71112 5259 890 Average additional costs per 1 m2 EUR/m 2 37.32 €

13 Financial support = Average additional investment per 1 m 2 x number of dwellings completed x average usable floor area of 1 dwelling

14 Level of support programs in EU25 countries, 1000 EUR

15 Conclusions:  Energy use in EU housing comprises the greatest part of total energy consumption and is above industry and transport figures.  Reduction in primary energy demand represents a reliable indicator of environmental efficiency of buildings.  Availability of sufficient financial support for the promotion of energy efficiency in housing will be essential to reach the stated target in EU overall energy efficiency.

16 Acknowledgement This research has its origins as a part of a CTU in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering research project on “Management of sustainable development in the life cycle of buildings, building enterprises and territories”, financed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.

17 Thank you for your attention!

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