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1.Mutations are changes in DNA. Types of DNA mutations include: (p. 307) substituted TAC GTA TGG AAT inserted TAT CGC ATG GAA T deleted TAG CAT GGA AT.

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2 1.Mutations are changes in DNA. Types of DNA mutations include: (p. 307) substituted TAC GTA TGG AAT inserted TAT CGC ATG GAA T deleted TAG CAT GGA AT


4 2. What causes genetic mutations? Give an example of a natural cause and a human-created cause. Natural causes: mistakes in copying DNA, mixing genes from two parents when sperm fertilizes egg. Human-related causes: exposure to radiation, chemicals. DNA replication: every time a cell divides, the DNA has to be copied so that the new cell gets a copy of DNA too.

5 3. What kind of cells are made in mitosis? How do daughter cells compare with the parent cells? (p. 278) Body cells. Mitosis = how body makes more body cells or replaces damaged ones Daughter cells same as parent cell. Parent cell Daughter cells Mitosis = “My TOES-ees”. How you make more toe cells, body cells.

6 4. What kind of cells are made in meiosis? How do daughter cells compare with parent cells? (p. 278) Reproductive cells (sperm and egg). Meiosis = how body makes reproductive cells. Daughter cells different from parent cells (half as many chromosomes) Parent cell Daughter cells Mei-O-sis = The way we make EGG and sperm cells. All offspring look DIFFERENT.

7 Videos: Mitosis & Meiosis Short (2 minutes) Long (7 minutes)

8 5. If one of the DNA mutations described in #1 happened in a body cell, how could that affect you? How could it affect your offspring? If mutation happened in body cell, could result in abnormal body cells – skin, brain, liver, etc. – that don’t do what they’re supposed to do. Probably wouldn’t affect your offspring because not affecting reproductive cells like sperm or egg.

9 6. If one of the DNA mutations described in #1 happened in a reproductive cell, how could that affect you? How could it affect your offspring? If mutation happened in a reproductive cell, probably wouldn’t affect you. Sperm and egg cells don’t affect body functions. Would probably affect offspring, because reproductive cells create offspring.

10 7. A mutation in the reproductive cells of an eagle results in offspring with larger wings. Describe how this trait could help offspring to survive and reproduce in the forest ecosystem. Larger wings could help them fly, glide better or farther. This could help them get food, which would help them survive and reproduce.

11 8. Scientists believe that polar bears evolved from brown bears that wandered into arctic regions from Alaska and Canada in search of food during the Ice Age about 200,000 years ago. a. Describe what could have caused white bear populations to increase over brown bears in arctic regions. (p. 386) Bears with white fur blend in with snow and ice, better able to sneak up on prey than brown bears. White bears survived and reproduced, making more white bears. Brown bears didn’t survive and didn’t reproduce, meaning fewer brown bears in arctic regions.

12 8b. If arctic ice continues to melt as a result of global warming, which bears would you expect to increase in population there, white bears or brown bears? Explain your answer. (p. 386) Probably increase in brown bears. As ice melts, brown bears will blend in better. White bears will not blend in as well, so will die off.

13 Testing tip Copy words from question into your answer to make sure you’re answering the question. For example….. Q: “ If one a DNA mutation happened in one of your body cells, how could that affect you? How could it affect your offspring?” A: “If a DNA mutation happened in one of my body cells, it could…. It would not affect my offspring, because…….”

14 Today’s task: “It’s In the Genes”

15 When finished…. 1.Log off and put computer back in cart. Be sure to plug in power cord and network cable! 2.Take out your copy of “DNA and Protein Synthesis” and work on it quietly at your testing seat until everyone is finished with task.

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