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Name of the teacher -idClasses they handle and 8 Mrs.Tess and 8

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Presentation on theme: "Name of the teacher -idClasses they handle and 8 Mrs.Tess and 8"— Presentation transcript:

1 Name of the teacherEmail-idClasses they handle Mrs.Nazneennazneen@iswkoman.com6,7 and 8 Mrs.Tess Marytessmary@iswkoman6,7 and 8 Mrs.Tessytessyraj@iswkoman.6,7 and 8 Mrs. Soumyasoumya@iswkoman.com9 and 10 Mrs.Archanaarchanas@iswkoman.com9 and 10 Mr.Ranjithranjithkumar@iswkoman.com9,10 and 11 Mrs.Anilaanila@iswkoman.com11 and 12 Mr.Jagdish S.Patil -HODjagadeesh@iswkoman.com11 and 12


3 C++ Program Project Work & Presentation Practical Record Viva VoceTotal 10 8 ( 6 + 2)06 30 COMPUTER SCIENCE XI - PRACTICAL

4 Programming in C++ Data Structures Database and SQL Boolean Algebra Communications And OSS Total 301408 1070 COMPUTER SCIENCE XII - THEORY

5 C++ Program SQL Queries Practical Record Project Work Viva VoceTotal 120504052+2 (K-map &circuit) 30 COMPUTER SCIENCE XII - PRACTICAL

6 Introduction to computer systems Java Programming MY SQL- RDBMS IT Applications Total 102530570 INFORMATICS PRACTICES XI - THEORY

7 Java program SQL Queries Practical Record Project Work Viva VoceTotal 120405 0430 INFORMATICS PRACTICES XI - PRACTICAL

8 Networking Java Programming MY SQL IT Applications Total 102530570 INFORMATICS PRACTICES XII - THEORY

9 Java program SQL Queries Practical Record Project Work Viva VoceTotal 100406040630 INFORMATICS PRACTICES XII - PRACTICAL


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