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Wolves in MN Minnesota Wildlife. Physical Characteristics Conformation –Largest member of dog family –Weight – adult males 95-100 lbs., females 80-85.

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Presentation on theme: "Wolves in MN Minnesota Wildlife. Physical Characteristics Conformation –Largest member of dog family –Weight – adult males 95-100 lbs., females 80-85."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wolves in MN Minnesota Wildlife

2 Physical Characteristics Conformation –Largest member of dog family –Weight – adult males 95-100 lbs., females 80-85 lbs. – Height – most adult wolves stand 26-32 inches, reaching as tall as 3 feet at the withers. –Length – males are 5-6 1/2 feet nose to tail tip, females are 4 1/2-6 feet. – muscular, powerful and strong – Long legs and large blocky feet – Long furry tail –Long powerful muzzle to crush bones

3 Physical Characteristics Coat –2 layers of fur Underfur: short, soft and thick; insulation Outerfur: long stiff hair; repels water –Variety of colors White, buff, tawny, grayish, black Black is dominant color in the north

4 Physical Characteristics Senses –Acute Smell Detect over 1 mile away 100 times better than human Helps locate food (for survival) –Acute Hearing Hear up to 4 miles –Sharp Vision Detects movement

5 Species of Wolf 1.Red Wolf (Canis Rufus) Preferred habitat is Mexico, Southern India and Southeast and Southwest United States Hybrid between the gray wolf and a coyote Shorter, reddish outer coat and they live in warmer climates An endangered species and protected by law. Reintroduced back into the wild at the North Carolina Wildlife Refugee

6 Species of Wolf 2. Gray Wolf (Canis Lupus) Also known as the Timber Wolf, Tundra Wolf, Arctic Wolf or Lobo. Lives in the Northern Hemisphere. –Approximately 2500+ live in northern Minnesota. Long pointed canine teeth or “fangs.” Highly intelligent.

7 Relationship to Dog Similarities –Original dog –Cross breeds: demiwolf (dog-wolf cross) –“Canidae” family: fox, dog, wolf and jackal –Same gestation, teeth, shed, vocalization

8 Relationship to Dog Differences –Scent gland: precaudal tail gland not in dogs –Wolves carry tail low; dogs have curled or high –Gait: hind legs swing in line with front legs –Wolves breed once/year; dogs breed twice –Skull: longer, wider and flatter than dogs

9 Relationship to Dog Population –Gray wolves “endangered” in most of US –“Threatened” in MN, WI, and MI Threatened – approaching danger of extinction Endangered: edge of being extinct –15 million dogs unwanted and euthanized each year –About 5,250 wolves in lower 48 states (6,000- 8,000 in Alaska)

10 Social Structure Pack –Highly structured –Partnership to hunt if prey is large/strong –One breeding pair and offspring (1 pack) –Pack size: 2-20 –Average size: 6

11 Social Structure Social System –Pecking Order/Dominance Order-individual ranking –Social ladder-each member has rank –Alpha male/female-highest male/female –Others: Mature Subordinates Juveniles Outcast/Omega-lowest –Rank established when pups: 3 weeks old

12 Wolf Communication Purpose –Pack presence –Maintain territory –Assert dominance Methods –Audible: howl, bark, whimper, or growl –Visual: posture, tail movement, and facial expression –Olfactory: body rubbing, rolling and ritual displays (urine and gland excrements)

13 Wolf Communication Howling –Use to: Keep track of wolves within a pack Assemble the pack Declare territory Announce a kill Declare unification of a pack *Prey animals generally ignore howling See overhead

14 Reproductive Stages of the Wolf 1.Courtship February-April Male initiates: bows down to female, shows interest through wagging tail, nipping, or mounting Female returns affection by lifting tail (indicates receptivity)

15 Reproductive Stages of the Wolf 2. Mate Preference –Alpha male will only breed alpha female –Female will seek other mate if alpha male not available –One female (alpha) gives birth to pups If something happens to her, the next in line will be bred

16 Reproductive Stages of the Wolf 3. Denning –Gestation: 60-63 days –Female digs den 3 weeks prior to birth Burrow type den – underground –Dens has tunnel as entrance with chamber at the end (6-14 feet) –Placed near water on high plane (for lookout post) –Pups remain in den until 8-11 weeks old

17 Reproductive Stages of the Wolf 4. Whelping and pup development –Litter size: 4-7 pups –Whelping: 2-3 hours (giving birth) –Entire pack raises pups –Mortality high: 50% in 1 st year –Pups begin hunting at 3-5 months –Yearlings join pack or leave

18 Hunting and Feeding 1.Digestive system Carnivore – “Meat eater” Simple stomach – easily digest fat and protein Storage – storage; 95% will be digested

19 Hunting and Feeding 2. Feeding habits –20 pounds of prey at once –Does not eat daily (consumes entire prey) –Females feed pups meat with regurgitation –Immediately eat catch; may bury large pieces of meat –6-10 hours to consume

20 Hunting and Feeding 3. The Hunt –Primary prey is white tailed deer –Target weak, crippled, or old prey-easier to catch –Locate prey by: Scent Chance encounter Tracking

21 Hunting and Feeding The Hunt continued… Four stages to hunt 1.Stalking: the first method of attack 2.Encounter: prey detects the predator 3.The rush: critical stage because determines if wolf catches prey 4.The chase: only lasts a few miles or minutes *Wolf quickly decides if prey is worth the chase

22 Purpose of Wolf Protection Effects of Predation –Food chain reaction Carcass of prey decomposes adding nutrients to soil Vegetation grows from nutrient rich soil Vegetation attracts small rodents and animals (rabbits, etc) Small animals provide food for predators (fox, etc) Remains of prey provide food (ravens, eagles, weasels, etc)

23 Purpose of Wolf Protection Scientific research –Study ecology of natural communities and predator-prey relationships Sociology Behavior sciences Aesthetic and Economic Value –Tourism –Enjoy watching nature (beauty)

24 History of Wolf Protection Early settlement and livestock were killed Bounty hunting became popular (1900- 1950’s) Federal protection laws established (1960’s) Wolves research and not the enemy Yellowstone Park re-introduction to control elk population Minnesota controversy –Should wolf remain as “threatened”

25 Delisted areas

26 Minnesota Wolf Population 1973: 500 to 1,000 1979: 1,235 1989: 1,500 to 1,750 1998: 2,450 2004: 3,020 (485 packs)


28 What habitat is favored by wolves? 1.Wolves prefer forested areas that are remote, and inaccessible by humans. 2.Prefer an area that has prey availability. The higher the prey supply the higher the population. 3.Wolves’ primary habitat in Minnesota is in the northeast and north central forested areas.

29 What habitat is favored by wolves? 4.Wolves utilize dens dug into sandy hillsides for raising pups. They also may use large trees, hollow logs, or caves for denning. 5.Adult wolves prefer bedding sites that allow them to over look the den. This kind of habitat allows the wolves to detect intruders.

30 What habitat is favored by wolves? 6. Wolves are very territorial and will chase or kill any outside wolf intruders that come into the pack’s established territory. Their ranges may overlap but territories are well established and will never overlap intentionally.

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