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1 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES Administrative and Financial Report July-September 2009.

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1 1 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES Administrative and Financial Report July-September 2009

2 2 CONTENT Administrative Report –Executive summary –Issues requiring attention –Progress reports –Priorities –Regulatory and Monitoring Strategy –Operations Strategy –Challenges

3 3 CONTENT Financial Report –National State of Expenditure : 30 September 2009 –Comments on National State of Expenditure per Programme 30 September 2009 –Comments on National State of Expenditure per GFS Classification 30 September 2009 –Comments on National State of Expenditure 2009/10 Financial Year –State of Expenditure per Programme 30 September 2009 –State of Expenditure per GFS Classification 30 September 2009 –National State of Expenditure per Programme 2009/10 Financial Year –National State of Expenditure per GFS Classification 2009/10 Financial Year Conclusion


5 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  Almost all reports attribute lack of progress and achievements to lack of funds  Department made the necessary adjustment in line with belt-tightening measures  Implementation of OSD and 7-day establishment reported as challenge across department  Reports also reflect progress in number of areas, including those above  Report highlight issues of concern that require attention and action

6 6 Issues requiring attention Security a concern at Limpop/Mpumalanga/North West Region and KZN - functioning of control rooms and electronic systems Asset management - department qualified on asset management in 08/09 - reports for the second quarter still point to problem area 2 shift system (7 day establishment) – homogenous implementation appears to have caused confusion in various centers Budget constraints Reporting on performance information still concern - hard to obtain information Report on indicators – poor reporting on indicators

7 7 Progress on priorities MATD Much progress in areas where department has control over. Key challenge facing MATD - matters outside control of department – e.g. upgrading of facilities which is done by DPW Poverty alleviation Generally poor response to coordinating poverty alleviation initiatives Delivery on Social Cluster Priorities Attendance of War on Poverty meetings Establishment of partnership with Departments: –Social Development, Department of Arts and Culture, Department of Education

8 8 Progress on priorities –ABET Directorate to train educators in DCS as Master Trainers on new ABET Level 2 Curriculum Stakeholder management Absence of clear over-aching strategy - reports indicate various initiatives that are not meeting at any particular point Human resource management and development Another area that has been affected by budget cuts - however provide the department an opportunity to link strategies with human resource requirements (both personnel and training)

9 9 Regulatory and Monitoring Administration Finance developed several initiatives and distributed number of circulars during this belt-tightening period Internship programme severely affected by the budget cuts - Only 100 interns will be taken Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) – possible solution to information management and integrity - project also stalled due to various reasons including budget constraints Monitoring of Correctional Service Act project nearing completion Image Turn Around Campaign (ITAC) – slow progress Remand Detention and Offender Management System (RDOMS) – first phase under development

10 10 Regulatory and Monitoring Security Escapes and assaults performing lower than target set with exception of KZN and LMN Unnatural deaths continue to increase Gang Strategy Task Team developed draft Gang Management Strategy Framework Document during August 2009 - Progress stalled by consultation process

11 11 Regulatory and Monitoring Corrections No clear progress on procedures on remuneration of NGOs – link between target, activities and achievement missing M&E visits scheduled – –Not clear what M&E visits do –Do they differ from what the Inspectors and Internal Auditors do? Budget constraints is running theme

12 12 Regulatory and Monitoring Development and Care M&E framework - M&E visits that are conducted seem to duplicate what Inspectorate and Internal Audit are doing – matter to be taken up with relevant Branches Branch participating well in social sector cluster but concern is raised around capacity Progress slow around improvements of stakeholder relations Red flag exists in relation to monitoring delivery against performance indicators

13 13 Regulatory and Monitoring Social Reintegration Model for monitoring Correctional Supervision and Parole Boards finalized No progress in some key areas of operational plan - no explanation provided re lack of progress, e.g. –Development of concept document on criminal record clearance –Victim Offender Mediation model and development of an electronic system to track ex-offenders

14 14 Regulatory and Monitoring Facilities Budgetary constraints appear to have had more impact on this programme than most Need for review of some strategies under facilities and to reprioritize Much of work appears to be delayed by inability to appoint consultants

15 15 Operations strategy Gauteng 7-day establishment implemented in entire Region - 15 out of 26 (58%) Correctional Centres on 2 x 12 hour approved shift system Target for escapes is 4,75 per 10 000 per Quarter - only one escape took place from the Public Hospital (Johannesburg Management Area) Personnel for Security Control Rooms at all centres appointed during this quarter Control room supervisors received training at Zonderwater The integrated Security System activated by National Office on 8 September 2009 at Zonderwater and Baviaanspoort Management Areas Reported assaults decreased from 398 in first quarter to 352 in second quarter

16 16 Operations strategy Gauteng Building of remaining Parole Boards offices at Pretoria, Johannesburg, Zonderwater and Baviaanspoort progressing World Health Organization [WHO] visited Country as part of National Health TB monitoring and evaluation programme and Pretoria Central Correctional Centre included in M&E visits - report from visit to be obtained Social Workers at Johannesburg Management Area successfully placed twenty nine (29) Babies under alternative care in line with departmental project “Imbeleko’’

17 17 Operations strategy Gauteng Skills development: - Engineering Studies, National Curriculum (Vocational), Computer skills, Entrepreneurial Skills, Vocational Skills and Occupational Skills Officials re- orientated in Skills Development procedure manuals Pretoria Local Correctional Centre identified and established as Remand Detention Facility Construction for video arraignment project completed but not yet operationalised All centres, with the exception of Pretoria Central and Johannesburg Medium A and B, fully comply with section 8(5) of act 111/98 (interval between meals)

18 18 Operations strategy Limpopo/Mpumalanga/North West Compliance Improvement Plan inspections - compliance level ranging between 75 % and 94% in Finance and 89% and 95% in Supply Chain Management - Tzaneen Correctional Centre achieved 100% compliance Vacancy rate for scarce skills at 35.87% 7 days establishment and OSD for Correctional Officials implemented successfully Deputy Minister of Correctional Services visited Modimolle Centre of Excellence as part of Corrections Week activities - facilitated the harvesting of 1015 kg vegetables which were handed to Dira-O-Direlwe Orphanage Centre for children affected/infected by HIV and AIDS

19 19 Operations strategy Limpopo/Mpumalanga/North West Three escapes and one erroneous release 1442 Offenders participated in Correctional Programmes against set target of 686 Structured day programme 100% implemented in all centres 690 Correctional Sentence Plans of 1215 (56%) newly admitted offenders serving 24 months and longer developed Overcrowding rate at 20% ATDs overcrowding reduced by 4.5% (158) and for sentenced offenders reduced by more than 6% (1564) Area Commissioners marketed alternative sentencing - reduction in offender population by 15%

20 20 Operations strategy Limpopo/Mpumalanga/North West Offenders 100% access to primary health care Memorandum of Understanding on partnership signed with University of Venda to embrace Development and Care functions Backlog regarding offenders eligible for consideration for parole who have not been considered by the HCC / CSPB reduced as follows: –Witbank: backlog reduced from 386 to 158 cases –Bethal has 51 new cases –Klerksdorp, Rooigrond, Rustenburg, Thohoyandou do not have backlog

21 21 Operations strategy Western Cape Improvement in administration of Fleet Management, management of financial losses, management of debts Rate of suspensions of officials vastly decreased compared to first quarter – better management of suspensions of officials Vacancy rate increased to 8.71% - moratorium Promoted 672 officials from salary level 3 to salary level 5 after completion of basic training Implemented 7 day week establishment at all Centres. Task team on 7 day establishment established Compliance Improvement plan inspections - 25% could not materialize - budgetary constraints

22 22 Operations strategy Western Cape No escapes - five attempts to escape which are investigated In comparison with same period last year - number of assaults decreased from 330 to 220 Unnatural deaths - 2 Incarceration rate - 150% - slightly higher than first quarter (148%) Unit management implemented 100% in all centres as per the 25 critical elements All offenders with sentences longer than 24 months, admitted at dedicated assessment centres of expertise, have correctional sentence plans

23 23 Operations strategy Western Cape Participation with external partners improved as demonstrated by intersectoral collaborations such as Substance abuse, Victim Empowerment and Child Justice Forums Salary upgrading of psychologists had significant positive impact - escalating number of applications received of psychologists who need permanent appointment - headhunting process also borne fruits as most of community psychologists shown interest in remaining within DCS after completion of their internship Western Cape Region implemented comprehensive Education and Training Curriculum in the ten (10) management areas

24 24 Operations strategy Western Cape Partnership with Industries Education and Training Institute and Services SETA facilitated section 28 Recognition of Prior Learning for both offenders and DCS officials in order to qualify them as artisans Region had 4133 offenders eligible for consideration by the CSPB/HoCC and total of 1870 was approved which constitutes 35% increase compared with the 1st quarter Day Parole approvals increased from 17 in 1st quarter 09/10 to 21 in 2nd quarter 09/10, increase of 20, 1%.

25 25 Operations strategy Western Cape Violations decreased from 27 951 (194,7%) in 1st quarter to 19 999(139,3%) in 2nd quarter Number of Absconders traced increased from 163 in 1st quarter to 233 in 2nd quarter due to special absconder tracing week

26 26 Operations strategy Free State/Northern Cape Important arbitration test case finalized in favour of DCS. Five applicants at Groenpunt challenged substantive and procedural fairness of DCS’ interim promotion policy and failed. Award now utilized by H/O as guide to defending similar cases in other regions In response to Circular 1 of 2009 - Determination of leave - action plan drafted and provided to all Management Areas for implementation to improve on leave. Crack teams activated to audit leave in all Management Areas Draft Service Level Agreement between Free State Department of Health and DCS compiled and is in process of being consulted

27 27 Operations strategy Free State/Northern Cape Established Regional Education Forum in partnership with Mangaung Correctional Centre (G4S) and Free State Department of Education Backlogs on Correctional Sentence Plans reduced from 785 in previous quarter to 293 in reporting quarter (reduction of 492) Reduced number of assaults from 263 in previous quarter to 171 in reporting quarter No escapes Backlogs of CSPB cases down management by 56% - From 1037 (1 st quarter) to 578 in reporting quarter

28 28 Operations strategy Eastern Cape Through monitoring visits at two Self Accounting Stores and Financial Control offices at St Albans and Kirkwood level of compliance high in respect of financial management - Compliance level stands at 97.74% for Kirkwood and 98.25% for St Albans - levels also high for supply chain management - 97% and 82 % respectively. Number of suspensions reduced to zero - number of disciplinary cases pending reduced from 306 to 140 - no appeals pending at Appeals Authority level 2281 Parolees and Probationers employed against target of 60 - total of 450 involved in community projects against the target of 80

29 29 Operations strategy Eastern Cape Region maintained record of zero escapes Correctional sentence plans for all newly admitted offenders sentenced to 24 months and longer developed Region successfully rolled out implementation of New Start VCT Project to four Management Areas Region successfully implemented Comprehensive HIV and AIDS treatment with total of 867 offenders on ARV treatment and only 85 (9%) offenders accessing ARV’s from public Health facilities

30 30 Operations strategy KwaZulu-Natal Budget re-distributed within Region to Centre Level with belt tightening exercise and Managers trained on spending plans and purpose of In-year-monitoring Emphasis placed on improvement of asset management and reduce losses – action plan crafted being implemented Limited training as result of belt-tightening measures Despite belt tightening and moratorium on filling of vacancies - vacancy rate not increased Biometric system implemented at all centres/units excluding Ixopo, Matatiele, Umzimkhulu and Ingwavuma

31 31 Operations strategy KwaZulu-Natal All officials in Units orientated / trained in structured day programme - Training in Unit Management continuous - name lists submitted to HRD by Pietermaritzburg, Kokstad and Glencoe - Ncome and Waterval revised structured day after implementation of 7 day establishment All centres fully complying with three meal system except Qalakabusha which complies in two units out of six Reduction of backlogs re correctional sentence plans up by 3% Overpopulation of centres reduced - 142% to 140%

32 32 Operations strategy KwaZulu-Natal Partnerships with community members, other role players and stakeholders in delivery of Social Work, Psychological Services and Spiritual Care - memorandum of understanding signed with Khulisa Offender labour increased by 5 % Violations of parole and supervision conditions decreased by 1%

33 33 Summary of Escapes / Assaults / Unnatural Deaths RegionEscapesAssaultsUnnatural Deaths Gauteng13523 (+ 3 under investigation) E/Cape073 KZN73554 LMN3171 FS/NC01710 W/Cape02202 Total11107213 (+ 3)

34 34 Challenges Budgetary constraints for current financial year necessitated some activities to be discontinued or coordinated, for example, meetings, events, work sessions BAS and LOGIS slow to operate (line capacity), severe virus infections experienced Implementation of 7 day establishment and OSD left administration offices battling with capacity - officials migrated to Centres Vacancy rate increased in may regions following the moratorium One of key challenges in relation to implementation of 7- day establishment is shortage of skills, particularly retention of scarce skills

35 35 Challenges The delay in the installation of the MIS software at high risk Centres such as Johannesburg, Pretoria, Boksburg and Leeuwkop to activate the system is a security threat. There is still a low allocation of Offenders labour in Agriculture and Production Workshops in many Management Areas While sentence plans are being developed in many Management Areas, the compilation of sentence plans is a challenge that requires attention The increase of maximum classified offenders is posing a security risk as maximum inmates are being detained in medium classified facilities The number of vehicles exceeding their lifespan is high and replacement almost impossible due to unavailability of funds.



38 38 COMMENTS ON NATIONAL STATE OF EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Final overall expenditure at 30 September 2009 at 47.27% against revised budget of 47.94% Actual spending of 50.12% against revised budget of 49.06% Over-spending under Programme Administration mainly due to OSD once off back payments and OSD salary adjustment payments made to correctional officials in line with implementation of General Public Service Sectoral Bargaining Council (GPSSBC) Resolution number 2 of 2009 signed on 24 June 2009

39 39 COMMENTS ON NATIONAL STATE OF EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME: 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Actual spending of 48.61% against revised budget of 45.91% Over-spending under Programme Security mainly due to OSD once off back payments and OSD salary adjustment payments made to correctional officials in line with implementation of General Public Service Sectoral Bargaining Council (GPSSBC) Resolution number 2 of 2009 signed on 24 June 2009

40 40 COMMENTS ON NATIONAL STATE OF EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME: 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Actual spending of 47.09% against revised budget of 46.61% Over-spending under Programme Corrections mainly due to OSD once off back payments and OSD salary adjustment payments made to correctional officials in line with implementation of General Public Service Sectoral Bargaining Council (GPSSBC) Resolution number 2 of 2009 signed on the 24 June 2009

41 41 COMMENTS ON NATIONAL STATE OF EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME: 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Actual spending of 43.45% against revised budget of 49.90% Under-spending under Programme Care broadly due to low spending of funds allocated for groceries and other stores items as result of slow clearance of internal charges in line with request and consumption of stores items Actual spending of 44.89% against revised budget of 54.03% Under-spending under Programme Development mainly due to low payments under item A&S/O/S: Personnel and Labour for the maintenance of TV Monitors

42 42 COMMENTS ON NATIONAL STATE OF EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME: 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Actual spending of 47.48% against revised budget of 44.49% Over-spending under Programme Social Reintegration mainly due to OSD once off back payments and OSD salary adjustment payments to correctional officials in line with implementation of General Public Service Sectoral Bargaining Council (GPSSBC) Resolution number 2 of 2009 signed on 24 June 2009 Actual spending of 41.61% against revised budget of 50.14% Under-spending under Programme Facilities mainly due to low spending of funds allocated for capital works projects due to low and late billing from Department of Public Works for capital works projects completed

43 43 COMMENTS ON NATIONAL STATE OF EXPENDITURE PER GFS CLASSIFICATION: 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Actual spending of 47.24% against revised budget of 45.87% Over-spending on Compensation of Employees mainly due to OSD once off back payments and OSD salary adjustment payments to correctional officials in line with implementation of General Public Service Sectoral Bargaining Council (GPSSBC) Resolution number 2 of 2009 signed on 24 June 2009

44 44 COMMENTS ON NATIONAL STATE OF EXPENDITURE PER GFS CLASSIFICATION: 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Actual spending of 48.69% against revised budget of 56.39% Under-spending on Transfers and Subsidies mainly due to projected Departmental agencies and accounts payment which still has to be paid Actual spending of 37.53% against revised budget of 53.32% Under-spending on Payments for Capital Assets mainly due to low spending of funds allocated for capital works projects due to low and late billing from Department of Public Works for capital works projects completed

45 45 COMMENTS ON NATIONAL STATE OF EXPENDITURE 2009/10 FINANCIAL YEAR Received R595,164 million from National Treasury to fund implementation of Occupations Specific dispensations and general salary inflation adjustment R813 thousand (33.33%) of total amount collected from hiring out of offender labour reallocated back to Department by National Treasury Adjustment made to budget of Department with total additional allocation of R595,977

46 46 COMMENTS ON NATIONAL STATE OF EXPENDITURE 2009/10 FINANCIAL YEAR 2009/10 Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure submitted to National Treasury still to be tabled in Parliament and Department would be in position to know results of requested shifting of funds as soon as 2009/10 Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure exercise is completed







53 53 Conclusion Mid-year review provides opportunity for branches and regions to review strategies and prioritise Activities such as M&E visits by head office to regions need to be revisited Performance Information to be signed-off and quality checked - required in Audit of Performance Information

54 54 Together doing more & better to break the cycle of crime

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