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WIS Pilot Projects Steve Foreman Session Chair. 2 TECO WIS November 2006 - Pilot Projects (c) 2006 Why WIS? Greater access to WWW Use standard –software.

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Presentation on theme: "WIS Pilot Projects Steve Foreman Session Chair. 2 TECO WIS November 2006 - Pilot Projects (c) 2006 Why WIS? Greater access to WWW Use standard –software."— Presentation transcript:

1 WIS Pilot Projects Steve Foreman Session Chair

2 2 TECO WIS November 2006 - Pilot Projects (c) 2006 Why WIS? Greater access to WWW Use standard –software –protocols Greater access to other data WIS Biology Hydro Social Disaste r Weat her Econom y Ocean s Seismo Climate

3 3 TECO WIS November 2006 - Pilot Projects (c) 2006 Can we do it? Store data Share data Synchronise data

4 4 TECO WIS November 2006 - Pilot Projects (c) 2006 Agenda for this session 12h00  Introduction by session's chair S. Foreman (UK) 12h10  VGISC, including SIMDAT H. Knottenberg (Germany) 12h35 LUNCH BREAK (1h15) 13h50  E2EDM (JCOMM) N Mikhailov (Russia) 14h15  Develop uniform services, access products J. Seib (UNIDART) 14h40  DMAC subsystem of the IOOS S. Hankin (USA) 15h05  Earth System Grid (ESG) D. Middleton (USA) 15h30  SIMDAT, component of the GISC prototype B. Raoult (ECMWF)

5 5 TECO WIS November 2006 - Pilot Projects (c) 2006 VGISC & SIMDAT Share Synchronise Store

6 6 TECO WIS November 2006 - Pilot Projects (c) 2006 JCOMM E2EDM Share JCOMM/IODE E2EDM Prototype Scheme IFREMER, France, Tesac/Argo data MetOffice, UK Marine meteo data Integration Server (IODE Project Office /VLIZ) Monitoring, Administrating, Discovery, Interaction services End-user application Local Data Systems - operational and delay-mode - various marine disciplines - observation, climate, forecast, analysis - various data formats - various storage types Data Provider IODE/JCOMM Data Centres Data Exchange Protocol (responce/replay, transport data file) Data Provider VLIZ, Belgium WA2001 Ocean Data RIHMI-WDC, Russia GTS and Climate Data

7 7 TECO WIS November 2006 - Pilot Projects (c) 2006 Developing uniform services Users GISC portal Metadata-Database NCs or DCPCs UNIDART services Share

8 8 TECO WIS November 2006 - Pilot Projects (c) 2006 IOOS - oceanography Share Satellites Aircraft Fixed Platforms Ships Drifters & Floats AUVs Metadata standards Data discovery Data transport Online browse Data archival Safe & Efficient Maritime Operations Homeland Security Natural Hazards Climate Change Public Health Ecosystem Health Living Marine Resources Observing Subsystem DMAC Subsystem Modeling & Analysis Subsystem Societal Goals Integrated Ocean Observing System

9 9 TECO WIS November 2006 - Pilot Projects (c) 2006 Earth System Grid Share

10 10 TECO WIS November 2006 - Pilot Projects (c) 2006 SIMDAT demonstration Share Synchronise Store

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