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Interactive Whiteboard Presentation. Which is the odd one out?

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive Whiteboard Presentation. Which is the odd one out?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive Whiteboard Presentation

2 Which is the odd one out?

3 Newsround Great for current news stories. Updated every day. Could use in tutor or for topical issue discussions.

4 Testbase Available for English, Maths and Science. Shows levelled questions from past exam papers. Useful for starters, plenaries in lessons. Great for making class assessments or used as AFL tasks.

5 Interactive Teaching Programs (ITPs) - Maths A useful aid to help children visualise different maths topics. Some are very versatile and have many uses. Can be downloaded at: http://nationalstrategies.standards.d av:49909http://nationalstrategies.standards.d av:49909

6 Maths Tools Online protractor etc. Soon to have Promethean boards and software which will have all maths tools like this one built into the program.

7 English Software Ideal to get lower school children or those with SEN to improve their sentences and start thinking about Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation (VCOP). Fun for starters and plenaries.

8 Free display stuff! Mainly aimed at Primary School age, but you might find something useful to brighten up your walls!

9 Countdown Timers There are many websites with different versions of these. Very useful to help pupils pace their own work. Good ones at:

10 Clips for all subjects KS3 & KS4 (and SEN/KS2) Video clips to assist in key concepts Short and memorable ips/ ips/ Reliable source – BBC.

11 Clips and lesson starters Reliable source – Teachers TV Can search for all Key stages Can search for particular topics ssroom ssroom

12 ‘How to’ clips Video Jug – video presentations Search for a ‘How to’ on almost anything! Can use for instructional writing and lots more…

13 All types of resources for all subjects. TES resources online resources/ resources/ You will need to sign up – it is free. Then just search for whatever you need or check their suggestions for the day.

14 Brainpop Amazing motivational cartoons Is by subscription but is very very useful – especially for revision in Y10/11 I have a subscription see me for my password and sign on to try it out. (LW)

15 Multi resources Go to ‘subjects’ for your need. There are many local authority websites but this is one of the best Many PPT’s and games to show on your white board.

16 Film Education May be more useful to English/media dept but can be used to other humanities. Many many film clips and associated resources to show on whiteboard.

17 Games http://www.teachers- (excellent revision quizzes for exams)http://www.teachers- html html Get the class moving! They come up to the board and use it to play the game in teams, or groups.

18 Please share your useful websites! If you find anything useful for others during the session, please write them up on the board. We will collate a hand out with them all on after the session.

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