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Published byMaurice Ball Modified over 9 years ago
Liberal Arts Payroll Process Graduate Student/Limited-term Lecturer
CLA Payroll Center Marit Best - 43654 Account Clerk BRNG 1131 Administration CLA IT Development Engagement Student Services Interdisciplinary Studies Afro-American Studies American Studies Comparative Literature Linguistics Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Communication History Languages and Cultures Roann Riggins-Keller - 43650 Account Clerk BRNG 1129 Anthropology English/MFS Philosophy Political Science Sociology Theatre Visual and Performing Arts Sandy Kellogg - 43656 Account Assistant BRNG 1274A
Graduate Student Information Individuals appointed to a graduate staff classification or a graduate fellowship must be formally admitted to a degree-seeking program or teacher license program. Graduate students must be registered for a minimum of three course or research hours at 50000 or 60000 level. Fellows must be registered as a full-time student (8 hours fall and spring and 6 hours summer session). If student is registered for less than 4 credit hours they will not be exempt from having social security and medicare taxes being withheld. Students not admitted or registered must register immediately or be removed from grad appointment or fellowship. International students limited to.50 FTE when classes are in session. During summer session international students may hold appointment over.50 FTE as long as they aren’t registered in the session they are receiving payment.
Liberal Arts Graduate Step Scales ACADEMIC YEAR STEP SCALE FISCAL YEAR STEP SCALE 2014/15 Graduate Steps Steps25%50%75%100%Full TimeSteps25%50%75%100%Full Time Univ Minimum $ 751.22 $ 1,502.44 $ 2,253.67 $ 3,004.89 Annual Univ Minimum $ 676.17 $ 1,352.25 $ 2,028.42 $ 2,704.50 Annual Step 1 $ 766.78 $ 1,533.56 $ 2,300.44 $ 3,067.22 $ 27,605 Step 1 $ 690.08 $ 1,380.17 $ 2,070.33 $ 2,760.42 $ 33,125 $ 6,901 $ 13,802 $ 20,704 $ 27,605 $ 8,281 $ 16,562 $ 24,844 $ 33,125 Step 2 $ 785.44 $ 1,570.89 $ 2,356.22 $ 3,141.67 $ 28,275 Step 2 $ 706.75 $ 1,413.50 $ 2,120.33 $ 2,827.08 $ 33,925 $ 7,069 $ 14,138 $ 21,206 $ 28,275 $ 8,481 $ 16,962 $ 25,444 $ 33,925 Univ Minimum $ 824.89 $ 1,650.00 $ 2,474.78 $ 3,299.78 Full Time Annual Univ Minimum $ 742.50 $ 1,484.92 $ 2,227.42 $ 2,969.83 Full Time Annual Grad Lecturer $ 824.89 $ 1,650.00 $ 2,474.78 $ 3,299.78 $ 29,698 Grad Lecturer $ 742.50 $ 1,484.92 $ 2,227.42 $ 2,969.83 $ 35,638 $ 7,424 $ 14,850 $ 22,273 $ 29,698 $ 8,910 $ 17,819 $ 26,729 $ 35,638 Criteria for Step Level Step 1 -- Years 1 and 2 Step 2 -- Years 3 and above Grad Lecturer -- must have passed preliminary exam and classified as doctoral candidate
Graduate Appointment Spreadsheets GRADUATE TEACHING ASSIGNMENTS Graduate Teaching Assistants and Graduate Lecturers ONLY Department: Disneyworld Date prepared:6/11/14 2:43 PM STEP LEVEL: 1AY or 1FY - 1st year grad; 2AY or 2FY - 2nd year grad; 3AY or 3FY - 3rd year grad and beyond GLAY or GLFY- graduate lecturer (student must have passed preliminary exam and be classified as doctoral candidate to be appointed as a grad lecturer) Department Schedule Deputy/ Grad Secretary Completes Business Office Completes Only If Account Charged Isn't 21010000 4017xxx000 LEGAL NAME (lname, fname) PLEASE SORT ALPHABETICALLY PUID NUMBER xxxxx-xxxxxSTEP LEVELFTE FULL TIME RATE MONTHLY RATEADDITIONAL APPOINTMENTSFUND COST CENTER ORDER NUMBERCOMMENTS Duck, Donald00123-456781AY0.253067.22766.78 DSNY 200 Mouse, Mickey00987-65432GLAY0.503299.781650.00 DSNY 450 OTHER GRADUATE ASSIGNMENTS Graduate Research Assistants and Graduate Administrative/Professional Department: Disneyworld Date prepared:6/11/14 3:00 PM POSITION: Research Assistant; A/P (Administrative/Professional) Department Schedule Deputy/ Grad Secretary CompletesBusiness Office Completes LEGAL NAME (lname, fname) PLEASE SORT ALPHABETICALLY PUID NUMBER xxxxx-xxxxx AY or FYPOSITIONFTE MONTHLY RATESUPERVISOR ADDITIONAL APPOINTMENTSFUND COST CENTER ORDER NUMBERCOMMENTS Duck, Daisy00924-37521AYRESEARCH0.50Step 2John Smith Mouse, Minnie00542-37513AYA/P0.501,510.00Jane Jones
Graduate Teaching Assignment Spreadsheet Graduate students with instructional related duties only. Add student’s LEGAL name and PUID only for students being paid by your department. From drop down box select appropriate number of years teaching: 1AY or 1FY – first year grad. 2AY or 2FY – second year grad (have taught 2 complete academic year semesters). Academic year semester DOES NOT included summer session. 3AY or 3FY – third year and above (have taught 4 complete academic year semesters). GLAY or GLFY – student must have passed preliminary exam and be classified as a doctoral candidate teaching beyond 10000-level courses. Student has been a Graduate Teaching Assistant for at least four academic sessions. From drop down box select FTE. Spreadsheet will calculate Full Time Rate and Monthly Rate. In Comments column add course number student is teaching and any additional comments. Save and e-mail spreadsheet to department business office. Department business will review for fund/cost center and teaching allocation limit. Department business office will forward to CLA Payroll Center.
Other Graduate Assignment Spreadsheet Graduate research and graduate administrative/professional appointments are for non-instructional related duties. Add student’s LEGAL name and PUID for only students being paid by your department. From drop down box select AY (academic year – 9 month appointment) or FY (fiscal year – 12 month appointment). From drop down box select type of position. From drop down box select FTE. Add monthly rate, supervisor name, and any additional comments. Department MUST include monthly rate but if paid on CLA Step Scale you can list step level (e.g. Step 2). Save and e-mail spreadsheet to department business office. Department business office will add fund/cost center. Department business office will forward to CLA Payroll Center.
Grad Student Process After Cut-Off Once the deadline for submitting spreadsheets has passed please submit changes in the following manner: Cut and paste the lines you want to change into a blank spreadsheet. Make necessary corrections. Please do not resend complete list. Save and e-mail spreadsheet to department business office. Department business office will review for fund/cost center and teaching allocation limit. Department business office will forward to CLA Payroll Center.
Limited-term Lecturer Information Department will prepare and e-mail limited-term lecturer offer letter to the CLA Payroll Center along with a copy of their vita (new limited-term lecturers only or if there are significant changes) for Dean’s prior approval. The CLA Payroll Center will prepare contract and route for Dean’s approval. Approved letter and contract will be returned to department so both can be printed and routed for signatures. Offer letter template is located at Limited-term lecturer appointments are limited to one semester at a time. However, international offer letters may be prepared for entire academic year but will require a separate contract for the fall and spring semester. Limited-term lecturers may not be employed (in all University limited-term lecturer appointments) for more than six continuous academic-year semesters at.50 FTE or greater without prior Provost approval. If currently a grad student offer letter must include contingency if student does not graduate at end of current semester or must include a copy of Thesis Deposit Receipt from Graduate School or proof of graduation (diploma or transcript).
Liberal Arts Limited-term Lecturer Scale CLA 2014-15 Limited Term Lecturer Payscale Semester Gross Pay 13/14 RatePer courseLevels25%33%50%58%67%75%88%91%100% $3,260$3,310Level 1 $ 3,310 $ 4,369 $ 6,620 $ 7,679 $ 8,871 $ 9,930 $11,651 $12,048 $13,240 $3,285$3,335Level 2 $ 3,335 $ 4,402 $ 6,670 $ 7,737 $ 8,938 $10,005 $11,739 $12,139 $13,340 $3,315$3,365Level 3 $ 3,365 $ 4,441 $ 6,730 $ 7,806 $ 9,018 $10,095 $11,844 $12,248 $13,460 $3,365$3,415Level 4 $ 3,415 $ 4,507 $ 6,830 $ 7,922 $ 9,152 $10,245 $12,020 $12,430 $13,660 $3,415$3,465Level 5 $ 3,465 $ 4,574 $ 6,930 $ 8,039 $ 9,285 $10,395 $12,197 $12,612 $13,860 $3,490$3,540Level 6 $ 3,540 $ 4,672 $ 7,080 $ 8,212 $ 9,487 $10,620 $12,460 $12,885 $14,160 $3,540$3,595Level 7 $ 3,595 $ 4,745 $ 7,190 $ 8,340 $ 9,635 $10,785 $12,654 $13,086 $14,380 $3,595$3,650Level 8 $ 3,650 $ 4,818 $ 7,300 $ 8,468 $ 9,782 $10,950 $12,848 $13,286 $14,600 $3,630$3,685Level 9 $ 3,685 $ 4,863 $ 7,370 $ 8,548 $ 9,876 $11,055 $12,970 $13,413 $14,740 $3,650$3,705Level 10 $ 3,705 $ 4,891 $ 7,410 $ 8,596 $ 9,929 $11,115 $13,042 $13,486 $14,820 $3,690$3,745Level 11 $ 3,745 $ 4,943 $ 7,490 $ 8,688 $10,036 $11,235 $13,182 $13,631 $14,980 $3,710$3,765Level 12 $ 3,765 $ 4,969 $ 7,530 $ 8,734 $10,090 $11,295 $13,252 $13,704 $15,060 $3,730$3,785Level 13 $ 3,785 $ 4,995 $ 7,570 $ 8,780 $10,144 $11,355 $13,322 $13,777 $15,140 $3,750$3,805Level 14 $ 3,805 $ 5,023 $ 7,610 $ 8,828 $10,197 $11,415 $13,394 $13,850 $15,220 $3,790$3,845Level 15 $ 3,845 $ 5,075 $ 7,690 $ 8,920 $10,305 $11,535 $13,534 $13,996 $15,380 $3,810$3,865Level 16 $ 3,865 $ 5,102 $ 7,730 $ 8,967 $10,358 $11,595 $13,605 $14,069 $15,460 $3,855$3,910Level 17 $ 3,910 $ 5,161 $ 7,820 $ 9,071 $10,479 $11,730 $13,763 $14,232 $15,640 $3,875$3,935Level 18 $ 3,935 $ 5,194 $ 7,870 $ 9,129 $10,546 $11,805 $13,851 $14,323 $15,740 $3,935$3,995Level 19 $ 3,995 $ 5,273 $ 7,990 $ 9,268 $10,707 $11,985 $14,062 $14,542 $15,980 $4,280$4,345Level 20 $ 4,345 $ 5,735 $ 8,690 $10,080 $11,645 $13,035 $15,294 $15,816 $17,380
Limited-term Lecturer Spreadsheet LIMITED-TERM LECTURERS Department: Disneyworld Date prepared:10/20/14 2:16 PM Department Schedule Deputy / Secretary Completes Business Office Completes Only If Account Charged Isn't 21010000 4017xxx000 LEGAL NAME (lname, fname) PLEASE SORT ALPHABETICALLY PUID NUMBER xxxxx-xxxxxAPPOINTMENT CITIZENSHIP FOR NEW LTLs ONLY OFFER LETTER AND CONTRACT OVERLOAD MEMOFTECASH PAY ADDITIONAL APPOINTMENTSFUND COST CENTER ORDER NUMBERComments Pooh, Winnie56789-12345Reappointment Routing for signatures 0.507,410.00 DSNY 525 Pan, Peter02468-13579NewInternational Routing for prior approval 0.253,310.00 DSNY 500 White, Snow34789-12563 Approved 3,000.00 DSNY 300
Limited-term Lecturer (LTL) Spreadsheet Add LEGAL name and PUID (if known) for LTLs being paid by your department. From drop down box select type of appointment. From drop down box select citizenship for NEW LTLs only. From drop down box select status of offer letter and contract. IF appointment will be paid as an OVERLOAD from drop down box select status of overload memo. Add FTE, cash pay, course number, and any additional comments. Save and e-mail spreadsheet to department business office. Department business office will review for fund/cost center and teaching allocation limit. Department business office will forward to CLA Payroll Center.
Limited-term Lecturer Process After Cut-Off Once the deadline for submitting spreadsheets has passed please submit changes in the following manner: Cut and paste the lines you want to change into a blank spreadsheet. Make necessary corrections. Please do not resend complete list. Save and e-mail spreadsheet to department business office. Department business office will review for fund/cost center and teaching allocation limit. Department business office will e-mail approval back to department contact. Department contact will attach spreadsheet and e-mail approval from department business office to e-mail including offer letter and vita (if applicable).
Request and Leave Action for Sabbatical, Research/Instructional/Engagement Travel, Outside Activity Leave or Change in Duty Station If graduate student or limited-term lecturer lives outside of the Lafayette, Indiana area and WILL NOT work on the West Lafayette campus they MUST complete a Request and Leave Action for Sabbatical, Research/Instructional/Engagement Travel, Outside Activity Leave or Change in Duty Station Form. Form located at PDF version - Excel version -
Helpful Links CLA Business Office Website is located at CLA Payroll Center information located at Graduate Staff Employment Manual is located at Graduate School Fellowship Manual is located at
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