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Multiplying and Dividing Integers

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Presentation on theme: "Multiplying and Dividing Integers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiplying and Dividing Integers
Math 7

2 Multiplying Integers Multiply like normal (ignoring signs)
Look at the signs: If the signs are the same (both + or both -), then the answer is positive If the signs are different (one of each), then the answer is negative

3 Examples of Multiplying Integers

4 More Multiplying Different ways to write multiplication: “dot”
-5 ∙ 7 With parenthesis…one set or two 4(-5) = -8(6) = (-9)(3) = (-12)(-4) =

5 Dividing Integers Divide like normal (ignoring signs)
Look at the signs. Signs same, answer positive; signs different, answer negative

6 Examples of Dividing Integers

7 HOMEWORK: Worksheet 9-6 evens Worksheet 9-7 evens
ANY QUESTIONS??? HOMEWORK: Worksheet 9-6 evens Worksheet 9-7 evens

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