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Class project: Group Sample. Drugs are chemical substance that change how persons function, feels, thinks or react and can be harmful to the user and.

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Presentation on theme: "Class project: Group Sample. Drugs are chemical substance that change how persons function, feels, thinks or react and can be harmful to the user and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class project: Group Sample

2 Drugs are chemical substance that change how persons function, feels, thinks or react and can be harmful to the user and cause a certain degree of intoxication resulting in a change of character or behaviour.

3  Depressants – Alcohol  Stimulants – Cocaine  Hallucinogens- Marijuana  Over-the- counter medicine

4  Experiment with new things  Prove their independence  Overcome feelings of insecurity  Seek acceptance from peers  Influenced by friends  Deficiency of support structures  Norm in the community

5  Health (Medical)  Legal & Economic  Emotional & Social  Addiction

6 Dangers of Drug Abuse

7 Making an informed decision  Need to know the facts about the drug you choose, and understand the risks related to taking that drug.  Feeling confused about whether or not taking drugs is the right choice for you is not unusual.  Drugs can appear initially to have positive effects  However, they can also have negative impacts on your mental and physical health, your relationships, and your life in general.

8  Do you know what you are really taking? For example, most ecstasy is not actually MDMA.  What do you know about the person who's selling you the drug?  Are you taking anything else (alcohol, illicit drugs, over the counter or prescribed medication) that might interact with the drug?  How likely is it that you will have a positive experience?  How do you know that the next experience is also going to be a positive one?

9  Can you really afford it?  Do you know the safest method of use?  Are you in the right environment – is there someone to help if something goes wrong?  Do you know what the risks are, and what to do if something goes wrong?  It is your choice to decide whether or not the risk of taking the drug is worth it for you?  Do you know that you will be able to control your drug usage and that it will be safe?

10 Physical warning signs;  Bloodshot eyes or pupils that are larger or smaller than usual.  Changes in appetite or sleep patterns.  Sudden weight loss or weight gain.  Deterioration of physical appearance and personal grooming habits.  Unusual smells on breath, body, or clothing.  Tremors, slurred speech, or impaired coordination

11 Behavioral signs of drug abuse  Drop in attendance and performance at work or School.  Unexplained need for money or financial problems.  May borrow or steal to get it.  Engaging in secretive or suspicious behaviors.  Sudden change in friends, favorite hangouts, and hobbies.  Frequently getting into trouble (fights, accidents, illegal activities).

12  Psychological warning signs of drug abuse;  Unexplained change in personality or attitude.  Sudden mood swings, irritability, or angry outbursts.  Periods of unusual hyperactivity, agitation, or giddiness.  Lack of motivation; appears lethargic or “spaced out.”  Appears fearful, anxious, or paranoid, with no reason

13  Alcoholics Anonymous: 012 322 6047  Narcotics Anonymous: 088 130 0327  SADAG: 0800 121314 or SMS 32312

14  Parents  Family members  Teacher  School Councillor  Pastor  Friend

15 Substance Abuse: Detour

16 References  _addiction_signs_effects_treatment.htm _addiction_signs_effects_treatment.htm  260608.htm 260608.htm  g.nsf/content/campaign/$file/How%20drug%20use% 20can%20impact%20your%20life.pdf g.nsf/content/campaign/$file/How%20drug%20use% 20can%20impact%20your%20life.pdf   substance-abuse/ substance-abuse/

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