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Quality work at Statistics Denmark Lars Thygesen.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality work at Statistics Denmark Lars Thygesen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality work at Statistics Denmark Lars Thygesen

2  Quality is in everything we do  UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics  European Statistics Code of Practice  EU Quality Assurance Framework What is quality work? 2

3 The History  Quality not recognized as specific area  Everyone invents his own wheel  Methodology + the Human Factor  The Heritage  Methods Unit 1995-  International inspiration or theft?

4 Strategy 2015  High priority to quality in statistical products  More systematic approach  Not TQM, more statistical focus

5 Quality of processes: Statistical concepts Sources Contact with respondents/data owners Sampling Measurement process Data collection Editing Estimation Aggregation Publishing and dissemination Entering in StatBank Documentation Quality of contents: Relevant Accurate & reliable Timely & punctual Coherent & comparable Accessible & clear The quality concept

6 Quality of processes: Statistical concepts Sources Contact with respondents/data owners Sampling Measurement process Data collection Editing Estimation Aggregation Publishing and dissemination Entering in StatBank Documentation Quality of contents: Relevant Accurate & reliable Timely & punctual Coherent & comparable Accessible & clear Transferable Cost effective The quality concept

7 Quality of processes: Statistical concepts Sources Contact with respondents/data owners Sampling Measurement process Data collection Editing Estimation Aggregation Publishing and dissemination Entering in StatBank Documentation Quality = Fitness for use The quality concept Quality of contents: Relevant Accurate & reliable Timely & punctual Coherent & comparable Accessible & clear Transferable Cost effective

8 How strengthen the quality aspect in everyday work?  encourage and recognize good behaviour  Not only in Quality Projects  Establish small quality organisation  Guidelines  Oversee  Advise

9 How to ensure ownership ?  imposed from the top  visual and constant top management attention  Steering Committee  work-shops

10 Secure resources for quality work?  The daily struggle for resources  Immediate production problems win  Use external ”pilots”?  Ownership?  Doubtful experience

11 How to engage users in quality work?  Not one user  The users trust us too much  No easy solution

12 European Peer Reviews coming up 12

13  Consider every single indicator and measure in QAF  How are we doing  What should be done  By whom  When What are we doing now 13

14 14

15 The End!

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