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MUSIC VIDEOS BY GABRIELLA ZAK. Andrew Goodwin has five key aspects of music videos. They are Synaesthesia - Seeing the sound, Narrative and Performance,

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Presentation on theme: "MUSIC VIDEOS BY GABRIELLA ZAK. Andrew Goodwin has five key aspects of music videos. They are Synaesthesia - Seeing the sound, Narrative and Performance,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Andrew Goodwin has five key aspects of music videos. They are Synaesthesia - Seeing the sound, Narrative and Performance, The Star Image, Relation of Visuals to Song and Technical Aspects of Music Video. When we are watching a music video we tend to form our own opinion on what we think the song is about. We do not tend to get bored when we are watching a music video; this is because the narrative and performance work well together. As an audience we need to believe that the artists are feeling these emotions and that the story is real. Andrew Goodwin

3 Star image is an important aspect of music videos; this is because when we watch a video we form a certain opinion of what the singer is like in real life. For example in Demi Lovatos music video Skyscraper, we believe that she went through a lot when she was younger and by writing about it, it has helped her become a stronger person. There are three different ways that the visuals in music videos respond to the music; Music videos tend to use sets of images to help illustrate the meaning of their song. The visual content of music videos add more meaning and importance to the video. Disjuncture is when the meaning of a song is not used in the video. Andrew Goodwin

4 Technical aspects help the music video to be made. For example the use of cameras, movement, angles, mise en scene, editing, sound and special effects. The use of lighting of colour helps to create different moods and feelings. They also help to pick out key points in the video by emphasizing them. Mise en scene helps to keep the setting of the video in the style of your chosen genre. All music videos cut on each beat to keep the video interesting, the average is 50 cuts per second. Andrew Goodwin says that the song can tell a narrative throughout which means that the singer could be the storyteller. He also said that the music video could help to make a second communication device as it is them telling the story visually with the audience listening/watching. Andrew Goodwin

5 In Hip Hop music videos they normally include cars, dancing, clubs, jewellery and alcohol. They do not tend to follow a particular storyline. Most of the people in the videos are wealthy as they always seem to be having fun with their friends and never doing any work. When male artists are singing they normally perform to the camera, this is because the low angle shots to show importance and the main focus is on them. Hip Hop

6 In Rock music videos they tend to use dark colours, and film at night time or on stage with screaming crowds. They use a variety of camera shots including tracking, crabbing and panning shots. The videos contain lots of movement with fast paced editing; this is to keep up with the beat of the music. Rock Music

7 Music videos are important because they help the artist to make more money and therefor have a higher income. It also helps the artist become more well- known and popular. If they make a video for their song more people are more likely to remember the song because they have watched the video. By watching a video for the song, the audience or viewers are more likely to understand what the song is about and the meaning behind it. Memorable music videos help some artists to be remembered years later for example most people remember Michael Jackson’s Thriller as it was an actual storyline and had some meaning behind it. Importance of music videos

8 We all have access to YouTube which has hundreds and hundreds of music videos and can watch them whenever we want. This exposes the artists more. If an independent artist uploads their own music videos to YouTube, viewers will then know what they look like and it will also help increase interest in their own music. For example Sam Tsui is an American musician who rose to fame by uploading cover songs to YouTube. He is best known for covering songs by Adele, Britney Spears, Demi Lovato, Justin Timberlake and many more, as well as for his original songs and mash ups. YouTube

9 The biggest success from YouTube was the video ‘Gangnam Style’ by PSY which was the first video ever to receive over 1 Billion views on YouTube. The video then won ‘Best Video’ at the MTV European Music Awards in 2012.

10 If music star releases a video which feature scenes from a movie it promotes the film and the artist, they also do it with different brands. For example in Lady Gaga’s music video Telephone she’s uses a coca cola bottle and when she is on her mobile phone it comes up with the Virgin Mobile Logo. Promoting

11 MTV is one of the biggest music channels in the world. They showcase every artist on their website by showing pictures, music videos, interviews and concerts. They also have a section on their website for people that want to become singers. You can upload a video and they can help you become a well-known singer and song writer. MTV help the singers to make more money as they are promoting them by showing all of the songs that they have done, old and new. MTV gives a lot more exposure to all the different artists’ because they constantly play their songs and make sure that people are listening and watching them. As MTV show all of these videos for one artist it really helps them to get more audience figures as more people will get to know them and listen to more of their songs. It is also now very easy to access these artists’ videos as they are all over the MTV website. MTV

12 Here you can click on any musician to find out information about them their music videos and how they started their career. This really helps the artist with their promotion as more people will know who they are and everything they have done in their career so far.

13 On Adele’s page you can view all of the concerts she has sang at, the different interviews she has had and all of the music videos that she has made. This helps to promote her because you can find out a lot of information about her; everything that she has done so far in her career.

14 On this page you can see that if you want to become a professional singer they will try and help you start your career as soon as possible.

15 Synergy is where two different areas of media are put together, for example if a singer brings out a new song the music video will feature scenes or pictures from a Hollywood movie. They do this as it helps to promote the film and also the singer because the more people that watch it will know who the singer is. Synergy

16 One example would be where somebody has made a video with clips from the movie ‘Bruce Almighty’ and put the song ‘What If’ by Kate Winslet with it. This is because no body really knows that Kate Winslet can sing so this helps her as the people that watch it will now know that she can thanks to the video. Also when people watch the video they might want to see the whole film as the video only shows a few clips so people are left wanting more. Bruce Almighty and Kate Winslet

17 The other example is where they have a scene from Toy Story with the song ‘When She was Mine’ which was sung by Sarah McLachlan. As Sarah McLachlan is not that well known, singing in the video clip for Toy Story really helps to promote her career, this is because Toy Story is a popular film and people will want to know who the singer is when they are watching this clip. Sarah McLachlan and Toy Story

18 Conclusion In conclusion music videos do have a purpose and do include meaning. The main purpose for most music videos are to help to sell the song and make the artist become more well known as we have seen them in the video singing the song. The music video can also help us understand more about the song as the artist may show this in the video.

19 Thanks for watching

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