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Observation Hypothesis Theory Scientific law zProcess of using your senses to gather information.

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2 Observation Hypothesis Theory Scientific law

3 zProcess of using your senses to gather information

4 Examples of Observation? zAristotle yHeavier objects fall faster than lighter objectsHeavier objects fall faster than lighter objects yTadpoles and frogs form from pond mudTadpoles and frogs form from pond mud yEarth is the center of the universeEarth is the center of the universe yMaggots spontaneously form from rotting meatMaggots spontaneously form from rotting meat

5 ““ Testable Prediction ” zAzA proposed solution to a problem HHow could we test the previous “ observations ” ?

6 Examples of a Hypothesis zHeavier objects fall faster than light objects? yIf two objects of different masses are dropped, then…? zTadpoles form from pond mud? yIf pond mud is given enough time, then…? zThe Earth is the center of the universe y??? zMaggots spontaneously form from rotting meat? yIf meat is left to rot, then…?

7 zExplanation based on many observations supported by experimental results  “ Tells Why ”

8 Examples of Theories  Theory of Plate Tectonics – 1960 ’ s  Big Bang Theory – 1930 ’ s  Theory of Relativity – 1900 ’ s

9  “ Rule of Nature ” zDescribes a Pattern zSays what will happen but does not need to tell why

10 Examples of Scientific Laws  Newton ’ s Laws of Motion – 1600 ’ s  Kepler ’ s Laws of Planetary Motion – 1600 ’ s  Boyle ’ s Law – 1700 ’ s  Charles ’ s Law – 1700 ’ s


12 Tadpoles and frogs in pond

13 Maggots on meat

14 Wheat + Shirt = Mice!

15 Where do horses come from?

16 Moving Stars!

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