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Combustion Equation D. Crowley, 2008. Combustion To know the equation for combustion, and how to test for its products Friday, August 21, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Combustion Equation D. Crowley, 2008. Combustion To know the equation for combustion, and how to test for its products Friday, August 21, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Combustion Equation D. Crowley, 2008

2 Combustion To know the equation for combustion, and how to test for its products Friday, August 21, 2015

3 Riddle Take away oxygen and I no longer live Heat and light is what I so often give I have so much energy that I just have to release Hydrocarbons make a lovely feast! Get in my way and you’ll have a fright I will certainly hurt, although I do not bite. What a peculiar riddle I hear you cry But tell me this, just who am I?

4 Fire

5 Combustion What is combustion? Combustion is the scientific name for burning – a chemical reaction Combustion is the reaction when a substance burns and reacts with oxygen to produce heat and light energy

6 Candle Why does the candle in experiment 1 go out and why does the candle in experiment 2 rise? As the candle burns, oxygen is used up (eventually causing the candle to go out). As the oxygen is used up there is a pressure change, causing the water to be sucked up from the bowl

7 Combustion What is made during combustion – what does the limewater and cobalt chloride test for? Limewater test for carbon dioxide (cloudy) and the cobalt chloride paper shows that water was also produced

8 Combustion Combustion results in the formation of both carbon dioxide & water When substances burn, reacting with oxygen, the new products formed are called oxides Carbon + Oxygen → Carbon Dioxide Hydrogen + Oxygen → Water Methane (CH 4 ) is often used in cooking (it contains both carbon & hydrogen) When it is burnt in oxygen it produces the following products: - Methane + Oxygen → Carbon Dioxide + Water

9 Carbon Dioxide Combustion produces carbon dioxide – why can this be a problem? Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas – it traps heat which can lead to global warming…

10 Global Warming Your task is to produce a poster as a group which shows us why combustion (via factories & cars) can be a really bad thing (thinking about CO 2 production leading to global warming) Think about why we should cut down on the amount of fossil fuels we burn & consider what alternatives we could use…

11 Carbon Footprint You can work out your carbon footprint: - Carbon Footprint

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