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How to Assess and Compensate Psychiatric Injuries in the Workplace.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Assess and Compensate Psychiatric Injuries in the Workplace."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Assess and Compensate Psychiatric Injuries in the Workplace

2 Overview  Statistics of mental illness and work-related mental disorders  Methods of assessment of psychiatric/psychological injuries  Utilising expert medical witnesses

3 Mental illness in Australia  1 in 5 Australians experiences a mental illness each year  4% will experience a major depressive episode in a 12 month period  14% will be affected by an anxiety disorder in any 12 month period  Almost half the total population (45.5%) experiences a mental health disorder at some point in the lifetime

4 Most common mental disorders The most prevalent mental disorders experienced by Australians are depression and anxiety Depression alone is predicted to be one of the world’s largest health problems by 2020

5 Work-related mental disorders  Full extent of mental disorders suffered by workers is not known but likely greater than indicated by statistics  70% of workers who reported a work related mental injury did not apply for worker’s compensation

6 Work-related mental disorders  Generally associated with mental stress caused by excessive workloads, exposure to violence or traumatic events, and harassment or bullying  Prolonged exposure to mental stress can lead to post-traumatic stress disorders, adjustment disorders, and depression and anxiety

7 Assessment methods  The ICD-10 International Statistical Classification of Diseases and related Health Problems  The DSM-5 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

8 Utilising expert medical witnesses Which expert?  general psychiatrist  forensic psychiatrist  general psychologist  clinical psychologist  neuropsychologist  neurologist  neurosurgeon  job placement consultant  occupational medicine specialist

9 Utilising expert medical witnesses  Choose the right expert  Perfect letter of instruction  Understand the medical evidence  Effective cross examination  Obtain concessions rather than discredit

10 Do YOU understand your experts? Consider using a Shadow Expert

11 Conclusion  Diligence in assessing the case from the start  Familiarity with the methods of assessment  Understand diagnosis and medical evidence  Utilise expert medical witnesses effectively Grace Lawson 7 June 2015 ©Grace Lawson, 2015 Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation

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