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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756 - 1791. Mozart’s Life Was known as one of the most amazing child prodigies in history By the time he was 6, he could play.

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Presentation on theme: "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756 - 1791. Mozart’s Life Was known as one of the most amazing child prodigies in history By the time he was 6, he could play."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756 - 1791

2 Mozart’s Life Was known as one of the most amazing child prodigies in history By the time he was 6, he could play the harpsichord, violin, improvise fugues, write minuets, and read music perfectly By the age of 8, he wrote a symphony; at 11, an oratorio, at 12--- a FULL OPERA for public production By the age of 15, he had almost two times the musical productions of a composer twice his age

3 Mozart’s Father/ Family His father, Leopold, was a court musician and worked “one level” under the king – Leopold went to great lengths to show off his son – Between the ages of 6 and 15, he was on tour constantly in Europe and England – Many composers of the area were jealous of the way Mozart could use his father to gain fame – He was so spoiled that he was admired for his talent, but was considered very childish

4 Mozart’s musical skills In one instance in his life, Mozart went to hear the famous Sistine Chapel choir perform a introductory performance during Holy Week Anyone caught copying or performing the music at Holy Week was to be punished by banishment and prison Mozart heard the performance one time, and wrote it down note for note… sent it back to the court composers with suggestions to “make it better”

5 Mozart’s Second “Crime” While on tour in Europe, his co-director was to write a “march of welcome” to welcome Mozart back home The co-director (Salieri) wrote the march, taught the king to perform it just before Mozart’s arrival, and played it for him… Afterwards, the king did not believe in Mozart’s ability, asked him to play the piece if he already “had it memorized” and he did He played it perfectly, added a section to it, and discussed ways that he could “improve it” This, indeed, was the end of Mozart/Salieri’s “friendship”

6 Mozart was Childish!!! Several people did not like Mozart due to his childish behavior – At age 29, he found a girlfriend (Stanzie) who was 15 yrs old and was the king’s maid – They chased each other around the castle all the time, playing catch, tag, and acting very childish – Mozart would sometimes be playing around so much with her, that he would forget to show up to performances which he arranged and was supposed to direct! – HE HAD A VERY ANNOYING LAUGH!!! WAS KNOWN FOR THIS FROM EVERYONE… JUST WAIT TILL YOU HEAR A GREAT REPRESENTATION

7 Mozart vs. Salieri No one really knows how Mozart died…many said he worked himself to death Many feel that Salieri killed Mozart – Mozart was working so hard on composing and finding students that he had an emotional breakdown… he ended up losing students due to this and respect – He lost his wife and son during this breakdown… A mystery person showed up and offered him a LOT of money if he would write an opera by a certain deadline – Mozart was already working night and day on three pieces but wanted the money… try to get his family back

8 Salieri was always “second” to opera selections and performances to Mozart, but never “openly” complained Mozart went to a “party” where Salieri showed up… They were playing a drinking / piano game (like musical chairs except the loser must do a penalty based on what other people suggest)… Mozart was told to imitate Salieri… not realizing it was Salieri that was there After this, Salieri realized he was actually hated back by Mozart… but still never reacted to this hatred

9 Salieri seems to “help” Salieri meets with Mozart’s wife and offers help. His wife, not realizing he was a Mozart ‘competitor’ brought him some music he had not finished yet (original music; because Mozart never made copies) Saleri tried his best to have her keep them there…. The rest is history… no one really knows the ending

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