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Michigan’s Evolving State Context for Non-Motorized Transportation Advocacy MI Dept. of Community Health: Karen Petersmarck League of Michigan Bicyclists:

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Presentation on theme: "Michigan’s Evolving State Context for Non-Motorized Transportation Advocacy MI Dept. of Community Health: Karen Petersmarck League of Michigan Bicyclists:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Michigan’s Evolving State Context for Non-Motorized Transportation Advocacy MI Dept. of Community Health: Karen Petersmarck League of Michigan Bicyclists: Lucinda Means Trails and Greenways: Nancy Krupiarz Dept. of Transportation: Cynthia Krupp

2 In Michigan, advocacy for non- motorized transportation has a new look. The Lycra and Spandex image has been upgraded to “office casual.”

3 Our Goals for You Today: You will leave here with ideas for: –Getting INSIDE the system to promote biking and walking. –Some public-private approaches that could work in your state.

4 Getting Inside the World of Public Health MISSION: MDCH strives for a healthier Michigan. To that end, the department will: – – Take steps to prevent disease, promote wellness and improve quality of life.

5 What’s In It For Us? It’s our job to make it easier for people to be healthy! It’s our job to make it easier for people to be healthy! We are expected to work on “active communities.” We are expected to work on “active communities.” We didn’t learn how to do it in school!

6 Three Ways Bike and Ped Activists Have Gotten “Inside” Public Health 1. Active Communities Award 2. State plans 3. Health conferences

7 The Active Communities Award In Michigan, we start on the path to becoming an active community by applying for an award. Gov. Jennifer Granholm presenting Active Communities Award

8 The Beauty of an Award Each community  Assesses itself  Earns points for efforts toward walkability/bikability No one has to preach!

9 Promoting Active Communities Award Instant feedback Instant feedback Links to resources Links to resources Automated report Automated Now: Web-Based, Interactive Application

10 Previously, Paper and Pencil! You can do this in your state or province!

11 How the Award Works Points earned in six categories. Promoting Active Communities Award

12 Six categories of assessment 1.Policies & planning (most points) 2.Pedestrian & bicycle safety/ facilities 3.Community resources 4.Worksites 5.Schools 6.Public transportation

13 Section 1: Policies and Planning Examples: When roads and streets are built or repaired, bike facilities are always included when possible. New residential areas are required to have sidewalks. “Sidewalk furniture” (newspaper vending machines, advertising signs, flags, etc.) is required to be out of the path of walkers or wheelchair users.

14 Section 1: Policies and Planning More Examples: The governing body has adopted an official plan for improving non-motorized transportation, including a timetable and a budget. Transportation planning and funding address the following important safety concerns for bicyclists and pedestrians:  Making sewer grates bicycle friendly.  Creating well-marked crosswalks…  Performing regular maintenance…

15 Section 2: Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Facilities Examples: Abandoned railroad beds are being converted to walking/ bicycling trails. Shopping malls and strip malls have safe approaches for pedestrians and cyclists.

16 Section 3: Community Resources Examples: Walking incentive programs are available to residents. Sports leagues are available for adults and youth.

17 Section 4: Worksites Examples: Consider the four employers in the community with the largest work forces. Showers?Safe area to walk or exercise?Walking club?Bike racks?

18 Section 5: Schools Examples: Did elementary schools participate in National Walk Your Child to School Day last fall? How many days per week were children receiving physical education?

19 Section 6: Public Transportation Examples: The community has a system of public transportation. Park-and-drive lots are available so that bicyclists and auto drivers can conveniently park vehicles while using public transportation.

20 Five Levels of Awards Communities have: Level 1: Made a commitment… Level 2: Taken significant steps… Level 3: Achieved significant progress… Level 4: Documented outstanding achievements… Level 5: Are models of commitment… to healthy, active living. Promoting Active Communities Award

21 The Award Benefits Communities: 1.Raises awareness 2.Creates partnerships 3.Inspires change

22 Jackson Developed short-and long-range plans for safe walking and biking infrastructure improvements. Developed short-and long-range plans for safe walking and biking infrastructure improvements. Detroit—Southwest Measured walking routes around community parks and created signage to show distances (in English and Spanish) Promoting Active Communities Award Inspiring Change…

23 “Getting Inside the World of Public Health” State Plans –Cardiovascular Disease –Injuries –Obesity

24 “Getting Inside the World of Public Health” Conferences –“Designing Active Communities” –Cardiovascular Disease –Injuries –Obesity

25 Getting Inside Public Health: First Steps 1. Find out who is in charge: Chronic Disease Heart disease Heart disease Obesity Obesity Injury control Injury control Physical activity Physical activity 2. Offer to help 3. Make a friend

26 Pro Bike Pro Walk September 2004 League of Michigan Bicyclists Lansing, Michigan

27 Most decisions are made by those who… show up!

28 Moving from “Outsider” to “Insider” Tactics Start small Prove yourself Identify their priorities Pursue win-win projects “Carry the water” for their project or priority Say “yes” to work groups

29 LMB Partnerships Since 1997   MDOT   Metropolitan Planning Organizations   Michigan Dept. of Community Health   Office of Highway Safety Planning (State Police)   Dept. of Management and Budget   Dept. of Labor and Economic Growth   Travel Michigan

30 How We Got Started Michigan Dept. of Transportation Built on existing projects and relationships – – Regular meetings with Non-Motorized staffers – – LMB Poster Calendar – – Biking info in welcome centers at state borders – – Biking content for MDOT website and brochures

31 How We Got Started, continued… Metropolitan Planning Organizations Found champions in two MPOs Their mandate: improving public input in transportation and land use planning Viewed us as credible reps of stakeholders Helped plan regional traffic safety summit

32 Next Steps Michigan Department of Community Health Attended a public health conference to schmooze. Served on several multi-agency work groups. Demonstrated expertise and willingness to help Invited to help develop Active Community Award Invited to present at CVD conference Invited to develop state plan for cardiovascular health Safety education contracts

33 The Most Challenging Partner Office of Highway Safety Planning (State Police)   Critical agency   Federal Traffic Safety Money (402 funds)   Traffic Safety Planning for state   Toughest nut to crack   Had to rely on state agency partners for entré   Co-present at annual Traffic Safety Summit   Serving with MDCH, MDOT staffers on non-motorized action team

34 Rare Opportunity Dept. of Management and Budget  Cross-town freeway construction  Affected 10,000 state employees  Invited to deliver bike commuting classes for downtown state employees

35 A Neat Dovetail Dept. of Labor and Economic Growth   Awarded small grant for bike commuter manual for state employees   Ties in with “Cool Cities”

36 Tourism Travel Michigan   Invited to create biking section for state tourism website

37 Moving from “Outsider” to “Insider” Tactics Review: Start small Prove yourself Identify their priorities Pursue win-win projects “Carry the water” for their project or priority Say “yes” to work groups

38 Trails: Integral Projects for State Partnership Michigan Field Office PRO WALK PRO BIKE September 2004

39 TRAILS Land Use Transportation Health Transportation Summit Cool Cities Initiative Safe Routes to School MI Steps Up Healthy Communities Network Michigan Cardiovascular Health Task Force MI Land Use Leadership Council Designing Healthy Livable Communities Conference In Michigan, Trails have played a part in:

40 Trail projects by nature convene many stakeholder groups Land Use Planners Land Use Planners Transportation Planners Transportation Planners Parks and Rec Parks and Rec Engineers Engineers Landscape Architects Landscape Architects Downtown Development Authorities Downtown Development Authorities Outdoors activists Outdoors activists Environmental groups Environmental groups Elected Officials Elected Officials Chambers of Commerce Chambers of Commerce Health and Fitness groups Health and Fitness groups All fit into one state department or another!

41 Fulfilling a Unique Role

42 Trails and Greenways Legislative Day – May, 2004 Planning Committee of Diverse Interests: Planning Committee of Diverse Interests: Health, Transportation, Natural Resources,Bicycling, Environmental Advocacy Produced 3 key messages to be incorporated in all materials Produced 3 key messages to be incorporated in all materials Selected legislative focus from these messages. Selected legislative focus from these messages.

43 3 Key Messages Connected Communities are Healthy Communities – Trails Work!! Transportation Transportation Health Health Conservation Conservation Recreation Recreation

44 3 Key Messages Everyone Wins Economically with Trails and Greenways Economic Growth – Community Revitalization and business investment Economic Growth – Community Revitalization and business investment Save Health Care Costs Save Health Care Costs Retain Work Force through Quality of Life enhancements Retain Work Force through Quality of Life enhancements

45 3 Key Messages Trails and Greenways bring people and local governments together! Serve as Outdoor Meeting Places Serve as Outdoor Meeting Places Foster Community development and pride Foster Community development and pride Form Local Partnerships Form Local Partnerships

46 Constituent visits carried the messages as it related to their trail HIGHLIGHTS! Advocated legislation for trails but also non-motorized in general Formed a trails caucus in the Legislature Opened the door for future discussion on all non- motorized topics and their relation to health, transportation, land use, and the economy

47 Michigan’s Cool Cities Initiative “Michigan’s economic future lies in creating vibrant communities that are magnets for people, jobs and opportunity.” --Governor Granholm

48 Respondents Described “Cool City” Bikeable/walkable community Revitalized, energized downtown Sense of place Creative opportunities, diverse housing, wired for technology Historic preservation meets new world

49 Trails as “Cool Cities” Projects Some Cool Cities grants awarded to biking/walking facility developments “One-stop shopping” format of Cool Cities program opened doors to $$ > $100,000 Catalyst Grants, toolbox of applicable resources, and lots of technical assistance

50 Example: Eastern Market Redevelopment

51 Catalyst Grant Rebuild shed for selling local produce Tool Kit of Resources Applies To Expanded Project “Dequindre Cut” Rail- Trail Links Market To Detroit Riverwalk Expanded Project is a T-Shaped Downtown Redevelopment Zone

52 A trail’s involvement in Cool Cities High Visibility from a state/local multi- agency team = More $$, More action New Diverse Stakeholders for Strategizing Implementation For more info:

53 Safe Routes to School Rails-to-Trails Conservancy and League of MI Bicyclists were First to the Table with MDOT

54 RAILS-TO-TRAILS HIGHLIGHTS Achieved a spot at the table in statewide coalition Invited Trail Communities to apply for Pilot School Grants One school achieved a major trail link across private property to school

55 The Key is... Show you deserve a place at the Table through Show you deserve a place at the Table through --relationship building --initiate action to help Show up and contribute (whether it’s directly related to your topic or not --general expertise and leadership is helpful too) Show up and contribute (whether it’s directly related to your topic or not --general expertise and leadership is helpful too) Keep in contact and look for your entry Keep in contact and look for your entry

56 Michigan Field Office

57 Context Sensitive Solutions September 8, 2004 September 8, 2004 Getting Inside the World of Departments of Transportation

58 Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) Accomplishments Accomplishments Partnerships Partnerships work within the system work within the system

59 Context Sensitive Solutions According to the FHWA, CSS is “A collaborative, interdisciplinary approach that involves all stakeholders to develop a transportation facility that fits its physical setting and preserves scenic, aesthetic, historic, and environmental resources, while maintaining safety and mobility” I-94 Public Hearings

60 Context Sensitive Solutions Develop designs that meet the needs of specific sites rather than using standardized solutions Streetscape Downtown Saginaw M-22 Glen Arbor Bridge, Leelanau County

61 Context Sensitive Solutions Beulah Bridge, Benzie County (Local Input regarding “look” of new bridge)

62 Context Sensitive Solutions Context Sensitive Solutions Aesthetic concerns can be addressed by use of natural material to blend with the landscape Using architectural features to create a unique appearance

63 Context Sensitive Solutions CSS does not have to be expensive or complex

64 Context Sensitive Solutions Striping of existing roadway to channel traffic

65 Context Sensitive Solutions Since 1992, MDOT has awarded $200 million in Transportation Enhancement Program grants Landscaping along trunkline Bikepath Preservation of Depot

66 Context Sensitive Solutions Pedestrian Facilities along trunklines Non-motorized facilities as part of a trunkline Over the past 11 years, MDOT has contributed $6.5 million in match money through the Transportation Enhancement Program toward $32.7 million in nonmotorized projects which benefit pedestrians, bicyclists and other forms of non-highway transportation

67 Context Sensitive Solutions Public Involvement - How we listen 26 Transportation Service Centers located statewide TSC responsible for project scoping Day to day contact with citizens, local officials and stakeholders

68 Public Involvement MDOT’s public involvement process is to obtain as much public participation and comment as possible How we listen

69 Nonmotorized Partnerships Training Program Training Program Information and Distribution Information and Distribution Bicycle Facility Map Prototype Bicycle Facility Map Prototype Bike Summit Bike Summit

70 Cooperative Planning Kalamazoo Nonmotorized Plan Kalamazoo Nonmotorized Plan Southeast Michigan Greenways Study Southeast Michigan Greenways Study Southeast Michigan Green Ways Initiative Southeast Michigan Green Ways Initiative Macomb County Trail Acquisition and Dev. Macomb County Trail Acquisition and Dev. Pere Marquette Study Pere Marquette Study The Southwest Study The Southwest Study

71 Healthy Communities Initiatives Safe Routes to School Safe Routes to School Designing Healthy, Liviable Communities Designing Healthy, Liviable Communities Increased emphasis on pedestrian safety Increased emphasis on pedestrian safety Governor’s “Cool Cities” Governor’s “Cool Cities”

72 Nonmotorized Policy and CSD Nonmotorized Partnerships Nonmotorized Partnerships Cooperative Planning Cooperative Planning Healthy Communities Initiatives Healthy Communities Initiatives

73 Context Sensitive Solutions Public Involvement - How we listen Transportation Summit December 3,4 2003.

74 Summit Process CSS

75 Context Sensitive Solutions Continuous Improvement Interdisciplinary internal working group to examine balance issue Work with stakeholders to develop guidelines

76 Stakeholder Engagement Process

77 CSS Focus Groups Safety Safety Historic/Cultural/Community Historic/Cultural/Community Environmental Quality Environmental Quality Economic Development Economic Development Mobility Mobility Public and Agency Public and Agency Aesthetics Aesthetics

78 CSD Focus Group Worksheet Focus Area: (What?) Focus Area: (What?) Background: (Why?) Background: (Why?) Alternatives Discussed: (How?) Alternatives Discussed: (How?) Recommendations: (Specify if for CSD Policy, Guideline or Procedure) Recommendations: (Specify if for CSD Policy, Guideline or Procedure) Define Success: Define Success:

79 We Need Partnerships! Context Sensitive Solutions

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