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Nature & Importance of Entrepreneurs

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Presentation on theme: "Nature & Importance of Entrepreneurs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nature & Importance of Entrepreneurs

2 History of Entrepreneurship
Earliest Marco Polo Middle Ages Richard Cantinoon 18th Century 19th & 20th Century Carnegie Innovator

3 History of Entrepreneurship

4 Entrepreneurial Decision Process
Change from Present Lifestyle Work environment Disruption Desirability of New Venture Formation Cultural Subcultural Family Teachers Peers

5 Entrepreneurial Decision Process
Possibility of New Venture Formation Government Background Marketing Finance Role models

6 Types of Startups Lifestyle Firms Foundation Company
Modest growth Foundation Company Private investors High-potential Venture Public investors

7 Entrepreneurship & Economic Development
How does entrepreneurship help the economy? Product-evolution process Basic knowledge Iterative synthesis Degrees of uniqueness Ordinary innovation Technological innovation Breakthrough innovation

8 Entrepreneurship & Economic Development
Mechanisms for Commercialization Government Intrapreneurship Company systems Entrepreneurship Most common

9 Entrepreneurial Careers & Education
Life-cycle approach Education & Childhood work experience Childhood influences on personality, values, and interests Childhood family environment Employment history Adult development history

10 Entrepreneurial Careers & Education
Life-cycle approach Adult family/ nonwork history Current work station Individual’s Current Perspective Current family/ nonwork situation

11 Entrepreneurial Education
Colleges Major skill sets Technical Business Personal MBA?

12 Ethics & Social Responsibility
Entrepreneurs & Ethics International Considerations Future of Entrepreneurship Education Government Society Large companies

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