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Rashit Radia, Samuel Ng, Victoria Veselova, Christopher Nazareth, Matthew Morris, Daniel Biles.

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Presentation on theme: "Rashit Radia, Samuel Ng, Victoria Veselova, Christopher Nazareth, Matthew Morris, Daniel Biles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rashit Radia, Samuel Ng, Victoria Veselova, Christopher Nazareth, Matthew Morris, Daniel Biles

2 Award Criteria Long Term Sustainability (Mine closure, environment/pollution) Support (Infrastructure: Schools, Hospitals) Employment (Local employment, training) Conflict Management (Violence, conflicts etc.) Compensation (Land, Health etc.)

3 Newmont Mining Corporation Support and sustainable development – HIV, healthcare, business projects, tourism and mine closures. – HIV treatment, renovation of health centres, clean water for 13 000 and fishing industry investment Employment of locals – 96% local rate in Ghana mines Non-profit corporate entities – Peru: ALAC Poorer record when looking at conflict resolution and compensation in terms of resettlement. – Public Eye’s ‘Hall of Shame’ in Ghana resettling 2009

4 Kinross Gold Sustainability and community support - Responsible post-mining reclamation -Providing food to abate starvation in areas of operation, -$12.5 million dedicated to infra-structure in Tasiast Conflict Management - Achieved conflict resolution, in dealing with Shuar tribe, through providing infrastructural support and fostering closer relationships. Employment of Locals - Average of 95 percent locals hired in 8 different countries.

5 IAMGOLD Mine closure policy in place which involves regular meetings with stakeholders to manage expectations. Community Investments are not only viewed as “strategic investments” but also “the right thing to do”. A strong policy is in place to hire from local and regional populations wherever possible. A partnership model with regards to community relations is in place to avoid conflicts. All sites have reclamation plans in place that are routinely updated.

6 Barrick Gold Corporation “Throughout the life cycle of a mining project, Barrick endeavors to identify and address potential social impacts on local communities.” Support. Grade- A. - $900,000 annual investment in Peru to implement and support educational programs aimed at improving math skills and reading comprehension for more than 45,000 elementary school children etc. - In Tanzania, sponsorship of an entrepreneurship course for villagers near the mine in 2006, that allowed some villagers to start their own businesses (e.g. Kiribo Construction Limited, 150 workers considerable amount of which are young locals)

7 Employment. Grade- C. “At the end of December 2010, we employed over 20,000 workers globally. Another 25,000 contractors worked at our sites, including over 9,000 construction workers at our Pueblo Viejo and Pascua-Lama projects.“ BUT... Half of the Tanzanian population earns less than $2 a day. An explosion at Barrick's operation resulted in the poisoning and hospitalization of more than 400 workers. Failure to comply with Health & Safety Regulations Conflict Management. Grade- C 130 permanent houses burnt down, while villagers were beaten, harassed, and detained. Following the spill in May, 203 people became ill, 43 people died, and 1358 livestock died Compensation. Grade- C. 10,000 families have been displaced by the mine’s growth since 1997 in Tazania The families were compensated only for their buildings and crops; they never received the full market value of their homes

8 And the winner is…

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