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Training for Indiana Schools Participating in the FY 2009 USDA Team Nutrition Training Grant May 25, 2010 The USDA and the State of Indiana are equal opportunity.

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Presentation on theme: "Training for Indiana Schools Participating in the FY 2009 USDA Team Nutrition Training Grant May 25, 2010 The USDA and the State of Indiana are equal opportunity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training for Indiana Schools Participating in the FY 2009 USDA Team Nutrition Training Grant May 25, 2010 The USDA and the State of Indiana are equal opportunity providers and employers.

2 Welcome Grant team IDOE Staff Partners Representatives from the 30 elementary/middle schools participating in Game On! The Ultimate Wellness Challenge 2

3 USDA Team Nutrition The training and mini-grants are made possible through a USDA Team Nutrition Grant awarded to the Indiana Department of Education. Team Nutrition is an initiative of the USDA Food and Nutrition Service to support the Child Nutrition Programs through training and technical assistance for foodservice, nutrition education for children and their caregivers, and school and community support for healthy eating and physical activity. Visit Team Nutrition at or the IN team site at 3

4 About the grant 30 elementary/middle schools selected to receive mini-grants and implement Game On during the 2010/2011 school year Game On training Implement Game On –4 nutrition and 4 physical activity challenges Evaluation Wellness tracker Conference calls/technical assistance throughout the year ‘Best Practices’ publication 4

5 5 Action for Healthy Kids Vision All kids develop the lifelong habits necessary to promote health and learning. Mission To engage diverse organizations, leaders, and volunteers in actions that foster sound nutrition and good physical activity in children, youth, and schools.

6 6 AFHK Has Three Major Thrusts Improving children’s eating habits by increasing access to nutritious foods and integrating nutrition education into curriculum. Increasing children’s physical activity by adding or improving physical education courses, recess, after school programs, and co-curricular programs. Educating administrators, teachers, students, parents about how nutrition and physical activity impact health and academic performance.

7 7 Our Strength is Rooted in Dedication AFHK is a National Movement > 9,000 volunteers 52 Teams 60 National Partner Organizations & Government Agencies

8 8 Game On! The Ultimate Wellness Challenge Game On! The Ultimate Wellness Challenge is a year- long program that challenges America’s youth, their families and schools to incorporate healthy food choices and physical activity into their daily lives. Developed by Action for Healthy Kids in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

9 9 It’s fun, easy and flexible Fun for kids and the adults who support them Easy to implement Adaptable for use in elementary, middle and high schools Designed to span the entire school year – but useful even if your school only has time for one or two challenges Structured enough to put the right high- quality materials at your fingertips Flexible enough to fit your school’s calendar, resources and needs

10 10 Goals of the Tool Help students learn about and practice the habits of sound nutrition and physical activity Engage students in making better food choices – including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat and fat-free milk and milk products – at school Motivate students to make better food choices – including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat and fat-free milk and milk products – outside of school Engage students in getting more physical activity before, during, and after school Provide schools with a framework and access to free/low-cost tools to integrate health concepts and activities throughout the school day and school year Engage educators, school staff, families and members of the community in helping students to make better food choices and move more Support long-term school wellness policies by promoting sound nutrition and physical activity throughout the school campus

11 11 Assets of the Tool –Tips for planning and launching a successful program –A suggested calendar that provides for planning and pacing the 4 challenges –Tried-and-tested strategies to encourage students to take the challenge to make better food choices and move more –Ideas for hosting a Challenge Course –Promotional ideas and educational materials –Tracking tools, incentive ideas, evaluation strategies and more resources – Resources are free to very low cost!!

12 12 It’s On-line! to sign in and get started

13 13 Organized in Four Modules

14 14 Making Better Food Choices Challenges Each challenge highlights one of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans’ “Food Groups to Encourage” – fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and milk and milk products. Research shows that healthy food choices leads to healthy report cards. –Fruits and Vegetables –Whole Grains –Milk and Milk Products –My Pyramid Taste-testing – integral role in helping students make better food choices.

15 15 What are the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005? Cornerstone of federal nutrition policy, programs & education school meals, food stamp programs, WIC research, food labeling and nutrition promotion (mypyramid) Based on the best available scientific knowledge to promote health and to reduce the risk of major chronic diseases through diet and physical activity Released every 5 years since 1980

16 16 Food Groups to Encourage Dairy Foods –3 cups of low fat or fat free milk, cheese or yogurt Whole Grains –Half of all grains should be whole grain 3 (1oz equivalents) Fruits/Vegetables –2 cups fruits –2 ½ cups vegetables

17 17 FOR KIDS Tips for families in Spanish Materials Designed For Children 6-11 years Mypyramid Poster

18 18 Moving More Challenges Provides framework to help schools instill regular physical activity into the culture, attitudes and behaviors of their students, staff, families and local communities. –Move More Before School –Move More During School –Move More After School (ReCharge) –Goal Setting

19 ReCharge! ReCharge! was designed for after-school programs, but has been used by classroom teachers for recess, by PE and health education teachers for class, by summer/day camp providers. ReCharge! provides an opportunity for students in grades 2 to 6 to learn about and practice good nutrition and physical activity habits through fun, team-based after-school strategies. 1 free ReCharge kit will be sent to the GO leader at each school 19

20 20 Challenge Course One-day event that encourages students, their families and schools to make better food choices and move more. Can be used to kick off and/or conclude the year, or used midway through the year to add momentum to your program An all-inclusive, fun, non- competitive event that incorporates nutrition, physical activity and learning through 5 activity stations

21 21 Navigating the Website – Home Page Download full Toolkit Menu Bar Links to Modules

22 22 Getting Started with Your Program Sub-Menu

23 23 Get Started Start early – Begin organizing a semester in advance Identify your resources – what resources are in place to help with implementation Schedule your challenges at optimal times in the school year – keep holidays and vacations in mind Make a timeline and stick to it Launch and share the news Celebrate and recognize achievements Evaluate your program (IU will assist schools)

24 24 Assemble Your Team Identify a “champion” Activate your school health council Engage school faculty, administrators and staff Engage students! Engage parents and other caring adults Engage the community

25 25 Inside the Modules Core Messages In This Section Downloads Tools That Can Help

26 26 Organizing A Successful Challenge

27 27 Set the Challenge Announce the challenge –Free to low-cost posters –Example morning announcements Build student excitement –Free to low-cost activities for in-class teachers for groups K-12

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29 29 Experience the Challenge Taste-testing –Pizza made with whole grain crust and low-fat cheese –Whole grain crackers with low-fat cheese –Whole grain cereals –Oatmeal with fruit –Whole wheat bread bowl with soup Extending the experience: other things you can do –Bread Around the World –Seeing Whole Grains

30 30

31 Experience the Challenge Food Demos! 31

32 32 Take the Challenge Home Help educate families on the activities you are doing in school to reiterate health at home Materials to share with parents and other caring adults –Free to low-cost resources –Fact sheets –Recipes

33 33

34 34 Track the Challenge Help students understand if they are meeting healthy eating and physical activity goals Pre- and post-challenge surveys to assess consumption and activity levels Gain feedback on Taste-tests Gain feedback from volunteers

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36 36 Celebrate Success Help build excitement around the program with recognition awards –Certificate of Participation –Certificate of Appreciation –Sample Volunteer Thank-You Letter –Wrap-Up Announcement Template

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38 38 Tools that Can Help Link in “Downloads” section on left side of screen Find useful templates: –Planning Tools Planning Checklist and Worksheet –Communication Tools Flyers, Press Release, Announcements, Letters, Logos, Graphics, Fact Sheets, Permission Slips, Sample Donor Letters, Signs, Posters, and Name Tags –Tracking Tools –Recognition Tools –Additional Tools

39 Other Resources Cabot Cheese Indiana Dairy and Nutrition Council Purdue Extension 39

40 40 Cost of the Year-Long Challenge The toolkit is free to download (one in your binder) All materials and resources are free to low-cost Costs will be incurred for: –Food for taste-tests –Printing/Copying of free downloadable materials –Possible purchase of physical activity equipment Cost can be as little or as much as a school would like

41 41 Frequently Asked Questions

42 42 Take the Challenge! Help create a healthy environment for our children Work to implement your school’s wellness policy by implementing the easy to use Challenge Modules Take the ultimate wellness challenge by implementing all or certain modules of Game On! The Ultimate Wellness Challenge Involve school staff and community members Have fun!

43 Mini-Grant Administration Mid-term report and final report –Includes expense report Conference calls Submit calendar with challenge activities Submit any additional information requested for ‘Best Practices’ publication 43

44 44 Questions? Contact: Lisa Graves: Beth Foland: Heather Stinson: Indiana Department of Education: 317-232-0850 or 800-537-1142

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