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Power Point by: Dustin Pautsch

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1 Power Point by: Dustin Pautsch
Ch. 1 Studying Minnesota Text: Northern Lights, The Stories of Minnesota’s Past Revised Second Edition Author: Dave Kenney Power Point by: Dustin Pautsch

2 Learning Objectives Provoke discussion as to what Minnesota is.
Understand and identify shared history Understand the basic principles of social studies Construct a short essay explaining what your home state means to you. Upload a picture with a caption to Picasa with a caption that shares your interpretation of Minnesota.

3 What is Minnesota? Land of many lakes Mix of people Hot-dish
Hockey Pucks Great lakes Frozen Tundra Minnesota Nice This slide is meant to open the students imagination up to what Minnesota really is. This slide can spark conversation as to what Minnesota means to each individual student. There is no right or wrong answer to the question. Overall this slide is meant to get students thinking about what Minnesota means to them and create discussion and story telling amongst the class. Often times more learning takes place when there is active thought.

4 This slide is meant solely to offer a visual representation of the previous slide.

5 Different lives, shared history
What makes Minnesotans different from Iowans or Californians? No one is the same It’s the cultural stories and origins that make Minnesotans different. Culture binds people. Definition: SHARED HISTORY: The past events and stories that are common to everyone in a group. This slide is meant to give a general idea of what makes certain areas different. It is meant to convey the message that not everyone is the same, however everyone can share some of the same history.

6 Minnesota Studies What gives Minnesota its identity? - People
- Geography - Government - Economy Definition: Social Studies: The study of human society, including four main disciplines: history, geography, civics, and economics. This slide is an informational slide meant for study. It conveys information that could be testable and it is important that the information is understood. This slide also offers the opportunity for discussion as to how Minnesota fits into the categories of people, geography, government, economy, and how each relates to the make up of Minnesota.

7 Assignment When we think of Minnesota we think of certain characteristics. Find a picture that shares your vision of Minnesota. Upload the picture to Picasa with a caption of your choice. Compare other students interpretation's of Minnesota to help understand Minnesota culture in a broader sense. Write a short essay, 1 page that depicts your idea of Minnesota and its culture. Use the question, What is Minnesota to me?

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