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Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker HPTFCRYOGENICS.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker HPTFCRYOGENICS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker HPTFCRYOGENICS

2 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker HPTF CRYOGENICS  Design scope  Heat load and capacity requirements  Cryogenics at Meson Detector Building (MDB)  Cryogenics at New Muon Lab (NML)  Schedule  Conclusions

3 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker DESIGN SCOPE  Source of refrigeration  Distribution system  Cryogenics controls

4 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker HEAT LOAD & CAPACITY

5 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker DESIGN SOLUTIONS

6 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker CRYOGENICS AT MDB  Meson Cryogenic Test Facility (CTF) cryogenic plant ↔ ↔  Meson tunnel transfer line ↔ ↔  Vacuum pump ↔ ↔  Helium recovery and purification system ↔ ↔

7 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker CRYOGENICS AT NML  Temporary Cryogenic System Option 1 - Dewar Based System ↔ Option 1 - Dewar Based System ↔↔ Option 2 - TeV Satellite ↔ Option 2 - TeV Satellite ↔↔  New Cryogenic System Option 1 - Modified SSC plant Option 1 - Modified SSC plant Option 2 - New Hybrid Type Plant Option 2 - New Hybrid Type Plant

8 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker SCHEDULE  MDB Cap Cav II 4K Operation - October '05 Cap Cav II 4K Operation - October '05 Cap Cav II 2K Operation - December '05 Cap Cav II 2K Operation - December '05 8 cavity 1.3 GHz ILC CM - Spring '07 8 cavity 1.3 GHz ILC CM - Spring '07 PD Test Area - Fall '07 PD Test Area - Fall '07  NML Decision on Phase I option - June '05 Decision on Phase I option - June '05 Decision on Phase II option - August '05 Decision on Phase II option - August '05

9 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker CONCLUSIONS  Phased approach is taken to construct HPTF cryogenic systems  Test area cryogenic distribution systems are user specific  New cryogenic plant is the critical path


11 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker DEWARS BASED SYSTEM

12 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker TeV SATELLITE SATELLITE REFRIGERATOR

13 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker CTF

14 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker CTF UPGRADE  Refurbish gas storage Refurbish gas storage Refurbish gas storage  Move oil removal vessels outside CTF Move oil removal vessels outside CTF Move oil removal vessels outside CTF  Add PS - 1 Mycom compressor and its controls Add PS - 1 Mycom compressor and its controls Add PS - 1 Mycom compressor and its controls  Upgrade refrigerator controls Upgrade refrigerator controls Upgrade refrigerator controls  Modify compressor piping Modify compressor piping Modify compressor piping  Install tunnel side bayonet can w/ LN 2 subcooler Install tunnel side bayonet can w/ LN 2 subcooler Install tunnel side bayonet can w/ LN 2 subcooler

15 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker TUNNEL TRANSFER LINE

16 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker TUNNEL TRANSFER LINE  Isolate unused header and transfer line (TL) branches Isolate unused header and transfer line (TL) branches Isolate unused header and transfer line (TL) branches  Fix existing expansion box @ 1000' West Fix existing expansion box @ 1000' West Fix existing expansion box @ 1000' West  Transition to Pbar/Muon style TL Transition to Pbar/Muon style TL Transition to Pbar/Muon style TL  Reuse muon expansion box Reuse muon expansion box Reuse muon expansion box  Install 350' TL and headers Install 350' TL and headers Install 350' TL and headers  Refurbish existing instrumentation Refurbish existing instrumentation Refurbish existing instrumentation  New bayonet can with He and N 2 subcoolers New bayonet can with He and N 2 subcoolers New bayonet can with He and N 2 subcoolers

17 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker TUNNEL TRANSFER LINE

18 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker TUNNEL TRANSFER LINE

19 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker VACUUM PUMP  Manufactured by Tuthill Kinney Manufactured by Tuthill Kinney Manufactured by Tuthill Kinney  Roots Blower - Model KMBD 10000 Roots Blower - Model KMBD 10000 Roots Blower - Model KMBD 10000  Liquid Ring - Model KLRC 2100 Liquid Ring - Model KLRC 2100 Liquid Ring - Model KLRC 2100  Skid was assembled by JLab Skid was assembled by JLab Skid was assembled by JLab  Capacity is ~ 10 g/sec at 12 torr Capacity is ~ 10 g/sec at 12 torr Capacity is ~ 10 g/sec at 12 torr  Being modified at PAB for He service Being modified at PAB for He service Being modified at PAB for He service

20 Engineering and Design Group Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Cryogenic Department AAC Review, May 10 -12, 2005 Jay Theilacker HELIUM RECOVERY  PS - 1 compressor is used to recover helium from the MDB PS - 1 compressor is used to recover helium from the MDB PS - 1 compressor is used to recover helium from the MDB  Full flow inline purifier Full flow inline purifier Full flow inline purifier  Connections to mobile purifier Connections to mobile purifier Connections to mobile purifier

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